People who come to the centre make use of the cen- tre and contribute to the centre at the same time. People come to help keep the centre's research in shape. Teachers. librarians. principals and students Volunteers in the Kitchen- er-Waterloo area who like talking to people would be given a chance to do so at either the Global Commu- nity Centre or the Commu- nity Information Centre. The Global Community Centre is a centre which attempts to make informa- tion available and is basical- ly an education program so Canadians can learn about people and situations in the Third Worlds and how these have meaning to Canadians. Be a volunteer! One or- ganization that needs your help in the Waterloo Region is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is run completely by volun- teers except for two paid staff members who do the co-ordinating. The K-W Planned Parent- hood organization is a vol- untary information, educa- tion and community referral centre. What should a volunteer be? Jean Forden. co-ordina- tor of the Planned Parent- hood organization says a volunteer should either be knowledgeable or willing to learn about family planning. They should be sensitive and compassionate with various kinds of people, willing to be a good listener. and will- ing to respect confidential- ity. ’ They should be highly mo- tivated to work in family we want you to call for"' What is Consumer Information? It is a service developed by Union Gas to provide consumers with information on a variety of topics: What is Consumer Information? " is information for the whole family! Just phone your local Consumer Ser- vr\;es Representative at Union Gas. She is ready to help you with household and consumer problems. Toll free - 1 -800-265-8808 886-3790 Volunteers needed appliance purchasing metritrcotwersiot, menu planning laundry problems Local information centres need help [liEiTrmEifiE "People open up to basic political a'ndxmoral ques- tions that they never thought of before," says John Van Mossel, co-ordinator M the Global Community Centre. "People seem to be will- ing to want to take.on a task All counselling informa- tion of the organizations is strictly confidential. The organization provides coun- selling 'on birth control, information in the areas of fertility and genetic prob- lems, and makes arrange- ments for pregnancy test- ing. They also refer people to physicians, clinics and come to the Global Commu- nity Centre to see what the centre can do for them. The training period for volunteers goes on for about three months and is designed to give basic skills and in- formation. The centre might be able to conduct seminars fer teachers on Professional Activities days or help a librarian find some informa- tion. N Planned Parenthood would like to see their volunteers working with the education director in workshops and speaking to various groups. The organization is starting a newsletter that they need someone to work on and they need people to give their ideas. - Students might come in to the centre to look for ma- terial to help them write an essay. Church groups might come in because they are increasing their education programs. planning, and willing to get agencies in their own com- involved in a variety of munity. things. Planned Parenthood also Remand news and views that might seem~mundane now just so that they can go there finding out what's go- ing . on in international agencies," Mr. Mossel said. A lot of young people come into the centre who are will- ing to look up information and the organization re- ceives a lot of support. _ The goals of the Global Community Centre are to “increase global social awareness, political-econo- mic understanding, cross- cultural understanding, ap- propriate changes of attitude and promote responsible action through our commu- nity education programs. '* The Community Informa- tion Centre in Kitchener The role of the Community Information Centre is to keep up man services avail- able, whether for financial service or for someone wanting to take a yoga course. “We sort it out with the person and refer them to the prpper service," Mr. Baker said. The centre had 6000 volun- teers last year and is expect- ing to have 8,000 this year. Volunteers respond to in- quiries to just about any- thing you can name. was formed because as Ken Baker coordinator of the centre says, "people can't possibly be aware of all the services that are available to them and sometimes try- ing to find the most appro- priatecan be time-consum- mg." . According to Ken Baker, mambo Chronicle, Wednesday, October 20.71976 - Pop 23 mitment to that person so These two centres can you can make sure the per- help you and you can help son gets; what they require. them so why not Show them The centre wants people your support by participat- who care about other people, ing. SAVE MESS, Mt t “ME the centre looks for volun- teers who are able to use a system. The moat important aspect of a volunteer is being able to listen and feeling responsible to the other person on the line. A volunteer must have a com- mitment to that person so you can make sure the per- son getd what they require. Addtothe beauty. “(an emblem. of your home Reinforced concrete Unit Steps can be installed quickly-without piles of sand and cement on paths and lawns. The one-piece construction avoids "frost heave" damage. Built-in safety treads protect your family. 108 sizes in stock. and pebble who are aware of their own values, Mr. Baker said. The basic philosophy of the centre is that “the peo- ple have a right to 11.33qu- hon which they are eligible to utilize," Mr. Baker said.