Teachers sponsor wage, price talk. 'urtsatthétmiversitru WateriootttistatthtweirF suns. Thiswatstttermdisti fmmatestgiven tft800ot them; 41 per emit were foundtoneedheip. UW has undertaken to provide the help, It has egtablished a "writing pro- ficiency program" which includes both lectures and writing workshops. Eight tutors are involved as part- On October M. the sec- ondary school teachers of Waterloo County will spon- sor a public information forum on the federal gov- ermnent's anti-inftation measures. The forum. caiied'Wage and Price Controls 1976".' will be held in the auditor- ium of the Kitchener Pub- lie Library at 7:15 p.m. and will feature a panel of speakers to be followed by a general question period. While the teaching pro- fession generally has ex- pressed- strong opposition to the anti-inflation mea-" sures imposed by the fed- eral government. the sec- ondary teachers in Water- loo County have become concerned particularly with the divisive natu§e ot the controls. As one o the segments of society con- cerned with education. the Trevor Thomas. Execu- tive Director of mental health/Waterloo has an- nounced that Ms. Margaret Motz has been hired to fill the position of Coordinator of Volunteers. Ms. Motz. who comes to this position with ten years experience in the social service field. will be re- sponsible for further de- veloping the volunteer com- ponent of CM.H.Afs three direct service grograms: HELP. Friends and One- ttFone. Coordinator is appointed The initial objectives of the new co-ordinator are to establish a recruitment campaign for prospective volunteers and to develop a training program for vol- unteers who will be work- ing in a befriending rela- tionship. Ms. Motz mvxtes anyone wishing more information about the volunteer posst- bihtles with mental health waterloo to contact her at 744-7645. Is one that believes God has spoken in and through the Bibleonly. Fellowship With Us at the I,l,ygl,f,. tf,,,,), , W - art: students need ci!,,?,!'?,?,,:!?,!,, he]? Prestorttambridge 10:30 am. Every Sunday OLD LIBRARY BLDG REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Duke & Argyle Streets The win. also a 'tore-tr of Elan and medal: usrar,tsiqteinirrugramsr. -time teachers in he pro- peise.Asimtiartestogiven rtrstrear-ttsatttte University of Album in. dicatedtspercesttnieded help: the University ot British Columbia also -ttpwittta06perceett this information forum in an attempt to create an awareness and wider-stand- ing of the current unrest which finds society divided into groups openly suspic- ious and hostile to one an- other. They hope that this forum will foster a deeper knowledge of the controls program and a greater in- sight into how it is affect- ing all areas of society. Panelists" include Don Sykes. chairman of the board for Electrohome: Dave Shakcleton. manager of Bongard Leslie and Co.: John Pattison. a teacher at Galt Collegiate; John Weir, chairman of the de- partment of economics at Wilfrid Laurier University and Paul McRae. chairman of the Liberal part/s policy committee. The chairman of the pre gram will be William Dew- arCpresident of the Water- loo County District of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. Ten new members were recently inducted into Mutual Lilo at Canada's Long Service Out? which comprises employees a! the head office in Waterloo and in 79 branch offices across Canada with 25ormore yearsolservice. Theetadditiortsttringthetotal membership to 320, including l52 "honorary" members who had served the company for at least 25 years before their retire- ment. Mutual Life Honours Long-Service Employees The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada is proud of these employees and of the contribution they have made through the years to providing a high standard of service tor the company's policyholders across Canada. 'atiertttearttereamti- "gttesgtttttetatsietirat -siiiuveseeoreraut. parts:titatagrimsterrhb _teastestptgraMenar..rew who“ ieeit inorkpartdiet ,.eliintheother. maybeveryttrigtttaitay be doing very well in their courses. They may be able to read like dam. It's Just that they need extra help with basic writing skills." He expects most will "profit significantly" from who didit do well are not what you'd call “merit; by ficiency program. A few will require a second ses- sion at it. Attendance at the proficimey program is not compulsory In fact it wasn't even compulsory to write the exam turning]! it GarrGfsiiiiii and 'eiiiiifiuristrudtors licensed by the Ministry of Transports- tion and Communications. 0 Patient and Courteous Instructors for all ages . Modern Dual Control Cars _ oFree Pick-up " " ___ oSame car available for Driving Test Egg} oSpecial care for nervous beginners * CANADA DRIVING SCHOOL "NtrttorEss-NtnitltAiG out“ oHN9a.m.ttttt6P.M. . etedamt m BMtomm' -tMtesttaq.btrtthatt" MJWMBM â€ambition an“ â€that! ever tboielsbr-t"rt-t..tt 'rtthrtaetthatttterdMift has“. all can. the an... an to an. â€In! DnMuysIbm- mu. [A Bra-ht. www.w- "ttya'yehtp'imt". 'si,erteeeetet. =a tttere-ti-ai-tr tdersteeltrf' Dr Wet an the “inhuman†timesirtttepastirsttte UegtedtitagesaMtttere ammunheeoa» "Nrp-eistitivittgttte testwastotiVtittttere reaitrisawritistgproMem, "ttt-tegtsiveitir."he says. “Now that we have onelhelieveweateohlio gatedtodosmnetttiagabnrt it.eittterinthetnsMieor ttigtoehoolrorirereatthe Kerars-attttsestas- detttsaMrodidttadtr- they-ttadm-riots' indieatimrotwrititrgpmtr 'ems:ottserssaidttterttad "*eareieerrisatqttt oermttsttgsmr- Amoetttthohaoomc-mme-httetouretttrtthtdyoar's astnustdinnorm-tingtaorer0rfttorightygametsFacatr.Jamets ucev.gottnMitchAAtsnNartmMsrygamr8imooorttantt mchardThorucious.whot-cmFd25yoarswtththo comet-hoe-od-ware-tFt-twht-o-r" veartroesorvitzttiretcottrtizodirttooocistprat-ttatittetmnde' byPresidetrttJ.H.Nr-r. -rdattmttb,t$hthtstfrr"eardt. 13, 3704.1 pnmmunm an: an with; to he WIW’ - _ st-sis in I'm? " _storiesatsmrtttrettvesoteuvate1aer6tsirrtttm- Arai-tstr-ere-tse-te-trt"'" iiisAretieeoemmiitraade-tteirrrrutitre"r "/._titteo-ittttstrautsqs.hardeover>rt-, WATERLOO SQUARE SPECIAL IITMNIUOIW OFFER ‘5... Rooms! Price “.95 ores ‘rm to My " ml. ‘52†p... STORIES FROM PANGNIRTUNG " YOUNG “REST em, WATERLOO, ONTARIO YOUR CHOICE 0 you 0 In“ â€amt o amalgam not“: q was: " You: _ m nee II on: i."t, tltEAtmFN new _!"l)est.s,,,b't'G'r'a'Gk' um mu.1,A.W â€1:33â€qu 'rtttbetaettitattiee