King Street, St. Jacobs 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SER- VICE (includes nursery I 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- dren, te e n s. adults, couples. A friendly country church close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. . PASTQR: REV, GEO. A. SIM. a resident of Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Residence 885-0725. 1 COMING EVENTS 8L ANNOUNCEMENTS ALMA COLLEGE Alumnae - Rummage Sale, Water- loo Legion Hall, Thurs- day, October 21st at 100 am, (43) 4 PROPERTY FOR ffh5 CALVABY UNITED CHURCH DUPLEX - Main floor' two bedrooms, bath, living room, large kitchen. Up- per floor' bedroom, bath. living mom, kitchen. Completely carpeted. Large treed lot. Has to be seen to be appreciated. 843.900 or best offer. Phone 5794091 or 744-7234. (42) SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP - 10:45 Add. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist Quality older home in Kit- chener. Spacious living- room. diningroom, and kitchen. Two washrooms. This home is totally im- maculate with no repairs required exterior or in- terior. “5.000. Phone 886A504. Private sale, (I!) Public School Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) CHURCH SERVICES - For Further Information Phone 884-2875. _ Church of Christ N. A. MacEachem at 5-00p.m. (repeat on Wednesday. October?! at TOO pm. l, and will be seen every second week at the same times. CHURCH SEmnCEs . 2 FINANCIAL SERVICES Craft and Bake Sale Westmount Plaza Community Square Oct. 15 and 16142) You Are Invited To Attend The Services of the TV BIBLE CLUB 0n Channel 12 Tuesday, October 19, PHONE 886-2830 HOUSEHOLDERS RATE Minimum 15 Words $1.25 Each Additional Word tie - Waurtoo Chmniclc, Wm, octoba 13, 1976 (42) First. $7.500 - 121290 First. $27.000 - 11 1,270 First. $35.000 - 13% First. $100,000 - 11w; Second. $75.000 - 1692‘? Second. $40.000 - 16% Second. $55.000 - .141/2‘} SeCond. $70.000 - 14% Second. $100.000 - 13' I Need a mortgage? Have a mortgage forsale? List it on the exchange to- day INVEST your savings today in good second mortgages. All types of properties fin- anced. short or long term. Amortized. interest only or no monthly .payment mortgages. We also have Promissory Na tes for sale. In Increments of $1,000 at 14% for a one-year term 9 APTS. FOR RENT Canada's Private Mortgage Centre Call Fred H utter 886- 1 ooo -, (24 HOUR LINE) 35 King St. North Waterloo 65 Westmount Road North, Waterloo Spacious Two Bedroom Apartment Homes Situated in Convenient " Location The-Exchange requires reprepentatives for branch offices throughout Ontario. Please call if interested close to universities the Westmount Place Shopping Centre. parkland and the Westmount golf Club MODELS OPEN FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION MORTGAGES FOR SALE: Managed by Major Holdings and Developments Limited Call 578At120 Members of Urban Development Institute Call 885-1420 Westmount- Towers Two by appointment Minimum 15 Words $1.50 Each Additional Word .06e " ARTICLES FOR SALE GRACE . MILLINERY. - Bridal accessories. cus- tom made and stock hats. 50 Roslin South. Waterloo. l Mrs. John Crag. (t!) ttA HOUSES WANTED . TO RENT TRAILER m Private park on ocean in Ftorida Keys, includes swimming pool, etc. 3.100.†weekly. Phone 742-5745. ' (ti) RESPONSIBLE YOUNG Couple with one child and show dog require house in country or suburbs, $200.00 - $300.00 monthly. Phone H416) 937-0002, 14416) 529-3560. (42) 9A APARTMENTS WANTED RESPONSIBLE Non-smok- ing wor.king girl requiring one bedroom or bachelar apartment, reasonable. 578-0076 after five. (42) FOAM MATTRESSES And Box bases. quality construction. fire retard- ent. new singles $140.00 set. legs included. tre- gularly $180.00). Custom made mattresses and bases to fit any size bed. Beam Mattress 743-3219. GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks. 272 Wool- wich Street North. Kitch- ener (Bridgeport). 743- 3291. ttf) Government Inspected. Order the best now, while price is low. Cut to your satisfaction. " FLORIDA RENTALS " ARTICLES FOR SALE# " ARTICLES FOR SALE - Includes four piece bed- room suite. two boudoir lamps. five piece kitchen suite with extension, large three seater sofa and match- ing chair. two end tables. one coffee table, two living room lamps. S549 Open A Farmer Jack 1 Budget Account No s Down - No Payments Tull Jarr-77 - Option Plan PHONE 634-8651 FARMER JACKS 579-4140 212 King St. E. Kit. 10 - 10 Daily THREE ROOMS 0F LUXURIOUS NEW FURNITURE BEEF FOR YOUR FREEZER Iljil) (42) (M) LEADING SWIMMING" Pool manufacturer. must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluminum pools made to sell for $1890.00. Willing to close- out for 8118800. Full war- ranties in effect. Call collect anytime 14164567- l302. ttft ROAD RUNNER Sto - Sale of used clothing 'l1'ltdllt hold articles. Free pickup of unwanted items. 569 Lancaster West. Kitchen- er. 743-6971. Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 pm.. Saturday 10:00 - 5:00. ttft FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCT S. Call 7423438. itft LEADING POOL Manu- facturer has 1975 above gropnd redwood type ttEgirOEM0'8-gSE0 ONE ONLYS-BUARANIEEE 20" Color Port. TV $198. 3-Way Entertainment Centre B & “[5123. 20" 100% SS. , Sharp Color Picture $355. 26" Color T.V. Low-Boy Console 8545. 3-Way Stereo Component Systems as Low as $129. Scratch & Dent Speakers All Kinds - All Sizes $20. up LowBoy Stereo Consoles $128. up NURSERY TREES At tree farm prices. Austrian. Scotch and White Pine. also Spruce, Cedar and Maples. 742-5745. an BOOK EXCHANGE LEATHER PATCHES Sewn on jeans. snowsuits; ornamental. never wear out. Zippers replaced. Phone 885-2031. (42) 579-4140 212 King St. E. Kit. 10 - 10 Daily OPEN A FARMER JACK BUDGEI ACCOUNT - N0 ' DOWN - NO PAYMENTS Tlll JAN-77 OPTION PLAN pools available. Willing to sacrifice at_half-price. Call collect anytime mm 667-1302. 1th FARMER JACK'S OVER 200 COLOR T.V. &‘STEREO SYSTEMS IN STOCK FOR INSTANT DELIVERY Any Pocket Novel 25¢ Western. Mystery, Harlequin 3/25e Comics 10¢ Open Daily 9 a.m. - 9p.m Sat. &Sun. 9-6 COLOR T.V.s STEREOS 28 Regina St. North Waterloo BOX NUMBERS $1 .00 Emu (th HALLOWEEN COSTUMES MASH BARREL $20.00. Leather jacket size M, $N.00. Lounge exerciser $10.00. Brown westem hat, size 2-3/8, $15.00. 576- 0638before6:00p.rtt. (42) WL SPRAY For rust pm tection. ti2.00 per car, 10:00 am. - 5:00 p.m. $15.00 per car, 5:013:00 p.m.and Saturday. rive Ciiriiiii," Street West to- ward St. Agatha and look for signs. 744-4839 for in- formation. A44) NEW AND USED Office G.1. JOE Dolls plus PfSts- sories. and two walkie- talkies. Phone 885-6747. (42) GI RL GUIDE Uniform, Winter fur-trimmed coats with hoods. Light brown, size 12, wine, size M. t185- 3187. (42) Fabric swag-lanips. Hand- PORTABLE TELEVISION 19-inch black/white with stand. Chrome table ex- tends to Winches. Semi- sheer white curtain 75- inches wide by 45 long. Cream colored brocaded lined drapes 96-inches wide by 63 long. 884-7914. (42) CEDAR PrCKETS. Posts and poles. Cedar, pine and spruce lumber. Bring us your plans and we will pre-cut. Let us quote you a price on chain link fenc- ing. Farm For Enterprises mm. (52) Bamboard. seven and eight foot lengths. 884-7914. (42) OLD JEWELLERY. Pocket watches. postcards. old comic books; old pottery from Waterloo County. " ARTICLES WANTED DONATION OF Used Books for book sale. being held October 22-23. Waterloo Square, Phone 744-9319 or 8lki-4224, (42: For sate, ladies' and men's. Phone must 344) furniture and machines. filing cabinets, desks chairs, typewriters. add- ing machines; reasonable prices. bockhart Office Supply. 31 Weber North, 8trr-M60. (tf) size 10 - 12, worn one year, $13.00. Phone 743-4936. (42) we roll-away cots. Steel frames with slat springs, spring-filled mattreises. $25 each. 885-4987. (42) made. Ideal gifts. m-and up. 884-8995. (tf) 743-6223 HOURS: MONDAY. - FRIDAY 9-5 1 1 :00 a.m. TUESDAY uh " CARS FOR SALE For Sale - 26000 miles, 1973 (our Cylinder Audi Fox. Standard four door with [mm wheel drive. Red with white vinyl roof. new 1972 OLDSMOBILE "98, four-door hardtop, loaded with extras, excgllent condition. Silver grey, with black vinyl top. 745- 9957 after 4:00pan. (42) Alfa Romeo 1972, 2000 Ber- Recreational Vehicles, Hwy. M, 1 mile south of 401, Cambridge, Galt, 623- 7670. Brand name products from Starcraft. Bellevue. Sun Kamper, Trillium, Bol- er, Vega. H.T.I. Sales, Ser- vice. Parts and Accessories from people who care about you! Our method of_tair pricing saves you money! Used hardtop campers. " SERVICES EXPERT PAINTING And decorating. special rates for Senior Citizens. Free estimates. Call now 742- 2834. (ti) " CAMPER-TRAI LE RS CHEMICAL WATER - PROOF'ING process. Also cellar floors and walls relin- ished. like new. Rockfacing 10% Off for Senior Citizens. Walls sealed with fantastic - Roofing, all types - Blown Insulation - Tuck Pointing - Ceramic Tile - Bathrooms remodeled _ Recreation Rooms Built All work guaranteed. - Complete Service - Reserve now for preferred fall times. lina [outdoor sedan, one owner, in showroom con- dition with very low mile- age. 884-2931. (42) certified at $3500.00. Phone 576-2575. [EAKINE DAMP MUSTY BASEMENIS? WHITEWASHING SANDBLASTING Prompt Service ZENAS BUEHLER R. & R. CONSTRUCTION BEITZEL BROS. PHONE 745-7790un RR No. 1. Elmira PHONE 669-5759 PHONE 745-0940 LEISURELAND Free Estimates PAINTING 886-3130 at) [AIL tf) (ti)