Dr. Toombs' talk is titl- ed Byzantine Market Place at Caesarea. Dr. Toombs has just returned from the ancient site of Caesarea Maritima in Israel where he was senior archaeolo- gist at an international dig. His talk will be illustrat- ed with slides he took at the site of the ancient city, the large community Archaeology talk tonight at WLU Page a - Wmloo Chrooieter, Wm, September 29, um the central teaching build- A new series of tree, public lectures on arch- aeology will begin Sept. 29 at Wilfrid Laurier Uni- versity when Dr. Law- rence Toombs lectures at o 197§ Olympic Team a Pan-Am Gama Champ (2 Tim) . Canadian Champ " Times) 0 CHE International Champ (1915) TOUR JUDO INSTRUCTOR Wayne Erdman [ERIE at Watertoo Square 885-1940. 886-2400 ESTABLISHED " was. JNWUl MARTIAL ARTS Dundurn Castle in Hamilton Nearby points of tourist interest HAMILTON'S Dundurn Castle is Canada'" largest restored mansion of the 19th century. It was the home of Sir Allan MacNab --- Prime Minister of the Province of Upper Canada from 1854 to 1856. Before entering politics, MacNab had a distinguished military career. extending from the war of 1812 through UrCblonel of the Gore Regiment in 1837, in his political life, he did much to promote Upper Canada's early railways. The Castle overlooks Hamilton harbor and is open daily to tours. Dundum Castle. resplendent in furnishings of the era. is a must for visitors in the area, fhhreiter-fbatdtrodt FUNERAL HOME Wt Benton Street. Kitchener, Ontario. Phone Tast-qat" JUDOMIWW)TmIThun: JR. .1000 (boy. I oil.) Thu... S:30, Sat KARATEWAFtm*to-oet.at.o Jn.meE(boyuaum)s¢ " "UEMt tovqryoool Sat., 3 mm Juno-AKIN A new course this year. Methods and Principles in Archaeology, was intended as a basic introductory course for majors but more than 70 students em rolled. cent years at the WLU campus, said Dr. Duane W. Roller, coordinator of the archaeology degree program. This year the program has 50 students taking archaeology as a major, about double the number of last year. which covered I!) acres and had nearly a million inhabitants. . Interest in archaeology built by Herod the Great. It. " noori 3pm. ' writ. 0 Inn growing in re- F.30 am. 9:30 mm The Black Walnut Ballet Society Incorporated an- nounces the auditions for d; Black Walnut ballet auditions are planned 'reis i', . CC] TGTLU _2,!i!ii_tii(:l:i:iiiriisiiiili ' Ills) Ls'"' ttd e" hrgisiiiiitrg%il= lrsliiiiilt (iitttlt41B1t , i " i l irri [iii) . I I I k I 'llilzIllUUlihag! - Jik,il,uli3lllillll8t 771' I", may? 'llllllilllilllilE H mum Ee2tit22il te is i, ki , 8lilCir -- , I u © A iii a , '~ f , iiii2lit l 5" 3 , Mai i, I ' 24:3" Eiiiiigl6lllrefel= D; 3, al (il 'd , ' k ITU" " d p, 51‘. their ballet company on Sunday, October 3 begin-, ning at 1 pm. Dance stu- dents 12 years of age and at the dance studio in the older are eligibletotryout. physical education build- The auditions will beheld ing at the University of -"""'"-"'""'"""'"""-"A Waterloo. The registration fee is ti. Wnodoo 171 King St, s 74578446 Funeral Home I td thwart! B. FAMIUES APPRECIAIE OUR FRIEND“ AND COURTEOUS SERVICE 4i5oott