Lw'éz This important safety mes- sage is brought to you by the following community spir- ited firms: RR. 3 Waterloo . . . . . . . 884-2330 Maple Lane Dairies Limited North Waterloo Farmers Mutual Insmance Company Automatnc Telephone Dual Alarm For Fue~8urg|at th Industnal a. Plan! Supervnsaon Servmg the K W area 37 Lancaster St W . Kitchener 743-1453 Waterloo 8864530 ENASCO LTD. Mutual life m Canada "u! Waterloo rioo I Your fire fighters are on the alert around the clock waiting for your emer- gency call-but they want to help prevent a fire from ever occuring at your home. With your support. they can. 'vï¬kï¬ï¬ï¬;#¢£fl‘ArAAé$§éééé ' 'W'.), y , ", 'l',i"f'U:.rr x’ ir:W", *“é:.;-'.;‘:~. , 'r rf' a.“ 'u,' Tr'1,.,s' â€a; . . .. . . - .. r _ . P" v . r - . t V L We need - 1il0tllli? sunnort! Today, as never before, firefighters need your help. Approximately 7,000 homes burn every year in Canada. Every year. almost 250 people die as a result of fire. Most of these fires could be prevented. Most of the lives lost to fire could be spared. But to prevent the tragic loss of lives and property. your fire department needs your support. The fire fighter of today is better equipped. better trained. more profession- al and dedicated than ever before. But he needs your help. The prevention' of fire is not just the responsibility of firemen-it is the duty of every person in the com- munity. Fire prevention is your responsibility. You can help. How? Start by eliminating fire hazards in your home and by pre- paring your family for a fire emergency. Know how to get out of a burning home quickly and safely. Know how to call your fire department. Visit your local fire station. Your firemen will gladly help you devise a fire pre- vention plan for your home. They'll help you look for, and eliminate, home fire hazards. Get to know the men whose profession is protecting your family from the danger of fire. You'll sleep better each night with the knowledge that you have taken all possible measures to eliminate the danger of fire in your home. And if fire should strike -and you know what to do-you may spare your family the tragedy too often experienced by others as a result of fire.