than 20 - Wink» Chronicle, wedrt-sw.1unimtrts. 1976 " mucus Eon at! " “WINS t _ 11 t New - Demos ' One of tt kinds ID" was " 295. 20" I†ss. SSS. as" low-Boy 545. - No ' Down - No Payments till Nouoption plan. juries ROOMS or NEW LUXURIUUS FURNITURE --lrtcludes four piece bedroom suite. two boudon lamps. [we wece kitchen sune wuh evens-on, large three seater sofa and matching chat two end tables one coffee table. two livnng room on extended term plan. i'i',',i','s"""" $549 NO t DOWN - NO PAY- MENT TILL NOVEMBER LEADING POOL Manu- " ARTICLES WANTED OLD DOLLS Wanted over 40-years: also CB radio and two keyboard organ. _ Phone 884-3695. (90) MOVING? CLEANING OUT? I buy almost any- thing forty years or older. Phone 743-6223. ttft 16 CARS FOR SALE' 1972 MAZDA I200 Sports Coupe. in excellent con- dition. best offer. Phone 884-7720, i 38 n 1969 ENVOY EPIC, in good condition. as is. Phone 576-3307 t.38, WANTED. Mesh Play Pen, Wooden high chair in good condition. Phone 884-469%Calt after 530. I970 (IURTINA GT 1600. "ne owner. Halogen head- lights. as IS. best offer Phone 885-2079 after 6:00 p m, Huh I969 AUSTIN AMERICA ior parts only. including l974 Gran TORINO “Elitcâ€. air conditioning. many mum features. very clean. 32000 miles Phone 885- 0397 .38) "rio VOLVO Station Wagon reconditioned motor. new exhaust system, sell- mg as IN. best offer Phone 885M416 i'38r facturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half-price. Call collect anytime c416: 667-1302. (ll: 18 CAMPER-TRAILERS LEISURELAND Recreational Vehicles. llwv 24.,1 mile south of 401, Cambridge. Galt. 62l 7670 Brand name produ 15 from Yitarcraft. Bollmuo. Sun Kamper, Trillium. Hor or Vega. " Tl Sales. Ser- woo. Parts and Accessories from people who care about you' Our method of fair prlrlng saves you money! Used ha rdtop campers Farmer Jacks 579-4140 DAILY 212ng St. E. six good ttres, Phone 884- 3462 aiter 6 00 I38! Farmer Jacks 579-4140 212 King. E. Kit. ItNi0 Daily 10-10 _ Kitchener COLOR TM: Walls. floors. .windows, oven. basements. etc. Gar- dening. painting, rubbish removal. Special rates for senior citizens. - Residential l - Commercial - Industtial CEMENT HMSHING - Phone 744-7894. "HANDYMAN" 7 LIGHT Roof and chimney repairs - driveways repaired and sealed. Free estimates. Cec 578-2270, (38) Walls sealed with fantastic CHEMICAL WATER - PROOFING process. Also cellar floors and walls refin- ished. like new. Rockfacing 10% Off for Senior Citizens, STUMP REMOVAL THINKING OF Beautify- ing your home? Increase its value: for less than you think. we'll paint it professionally inside or out. 744-7942. uh Firyy-Eqitpped Free Estimates Fully Insured PHONE 653-5848 UEEN’S CONSTRUC- TION - All types of root- ing, chimneys. remodel- QUEEN‘S CONSTRUC- TION - All types of car- pentry and remodelling. commercial buildings. porches. complete reno- vations and recreation rooms IO"; off for Senior Citizens 743-4601 uh ings, eavestmughing. concrete work. water- peoofing, carpentry, brick work. siding. 10% off for Senior gitizens. 7434601. _ m) LEAKING. DAMP MUSTY BASEMENTS? ALI. TYPES Of home ro- pairs, cement work. car- penny, chimneys, roof- mg. carports. garages. recreation rooms. plaster mg _ fancy or plain, Roa- sonable rates Phone 57% 4091 after 4:00 pm 1th MOFEATT TREE of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone 1-416-692-442t .THE - CEMENT MAN CLEANING PHONE 745-1293 PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL 328 Margaret Street PHONE 745-7790uh or Kitchener 579-3820 and - ODD JOBS SERVICE Licence No. 54C76 build- tA-tf ) ltr) (tfr " tttttttnee' ODD JOBS - Cleaning - base- ments - attics - baekyardi- garbage removal. One man or ten men. No job too big or too small. 140) BRANT TREE Service. - Removal, trimming; by hour or job. 24-Hour ser- vice. Free estimates. 576- 4752. (t!) NOT SATISFIED With your present cleaners? Try a husband- and wife team for cleaning. as cleaning is our full time business. References. Fully insured. Phone Mor- ley or Shirley 576-8214. (39) PLUMBING AND Gas Ap- pliance installations. ' Eavestroughing and gener- al repairs. Free estimates Phone 884-2978 or 622- 1833. V (38) HOCH ROOFING - Repairs and re-roofing. All work guaranteed. For free estimates Phone Ross Hoch 742-8586 after 5:00 am. , - (tf I DRIVEWAY REPAIR Service: Asphalt sealing to preserve and protect your asphalt, also hot asphalt repairs. q42-2051. (18) EAVES’I‘ROUGHING - COLORED Aluminum or galvanized. New instal- lations and repairs. Free estimates. guaranteed work. reasonable price. "Eavestroughing As my business, not a sideline". Jtairibow Eavestroughing Company. Call Hans Schol- ten 576-8143. (ti) QUEENS CONSTRUC- TION - All types of sid- ing. windows. doors plus chimney repairs and roof- ing: brick work and wa- terproofing. wr; off for Senior Citizens. All work fully guaranteed. 743- 4601 it!) Residential-Commercial Free Estimates RECAMA ENTERPRISES 884 8757 (tft EXPERT PAINTING And decorating. special rates for Senior Citizens Free cstimaWs, Call now 742- 2834 ttit REMODELING NEW ADDITIONS iiECREATION ROOMS PAINTING ‘HANDYMAN ." GENILEMAN CALI. mm. TO . m P.~M.. mcwoms. WEEKENDS. cm 578-0210. ASKFOR FRANK on Al. DU RACLEAN UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE. BOB AND HARV For Free Estimates BROADLOOM and Your Valuable 744-8292 Uh Phone [)lllfiIlSifriItrliij. BLUEVALE TOWER Is 'deally moated m a park his: wwng on four acres of prrrtesstooally landscanpd land wahm easy walk-m; duvanrp of Glam-age- Shnnpmq Contra and tho rrty hos $5"va rlose to Sr hoots rhn-r hes and "" oianor, ceotrprt - Outstandmg features Inctude pnvate balcony. two washrooms m two bedroom sums. storage space m each unut. Individual thermostat for your heating comfort. exerctse rooms, saunas tor mandqupen: [rabbi rdom," cGed circuit TV s/stem (oncluaes from tobby security camera), colored setMetrost refngerator and manning stove. outdoor tennis court, card room, ample ositor naming, two tugh-speed elevators, no snow shovelling or grass cutting: underground partung BLUFVALE VOW?" offers so murh "11379 mm? ((Ivn'nrt mom VP'IIP'H e and A Int mnvo omnvahlo way ot Mr NOW REGISTERED MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Sat, 3. Sun. 1-5 pm, Weekdays 4:00-9:00 pm, For more information call 886-0151 "ICC', E. L. HOPPE AGENCIES LTD, Realtor I bedroom suites $23.100 Worth waiting for! Condominium towne homes from $34,950. Down Payments from $1,752. By Vintage Homes, . . ."' . Keats Way, Waterloo (Beechwood South). Come and see for yourself. . Model Home open foryour inspection, Tuesday-Friday 2-8 p.m., _ . Saturday and Sunday 1-5 p.m. or'call Harry Moore 885-0828. Wiebe Realty Ltd., Exclusive Sales Agents. 50 Westmount Rd. N., lNaterloo. 744-6311 ECONOMICAL CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT HOMES Come See A Whole New Way of Life . . . . "PLUS 8100 net Mor - Down paymerils 10% - WIN!“ TBWER 2 bedroom suites $29.500 225 Harvard Place, Waterloo (In Hi l I J L