In 1920, he left Ames, Holden and McCready in Montreal to join the Ham- burg Felt Boot Co. in New Hamburg. He became presi- dent in 1937 and retired in 1959. He had served on the executive committee of the Shoe Manufacturers Assoc. of Canada for IS years. He was born in Sebring- ville, Ont. and was a mem- ber of Zion United Church, New Hamburg; New Do. minion Lodge number 205, AF' and AM; former presi- dent and life member. of the New Hamburg Lawn Bowling Club; member of Kitchener Lawn Bowling Club and past president of District 7. Former vice- president of the Orlando Bowling Club, Florida, Mr. Merner was a charter mem- ber of the Waterloo County Sports Hall of Fame and on the board of governors. Director of the North Wa- terloo Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society and cam- paign chairman of the Wil- mot Branch for over 25 years. He was active with the Regional Unit of the Red Cross, Also a member of the New Hamburg Board of Trade. North, Waterloo and tdr- merly of New Hamburg. died at St. Mary's Hospital Kitchener, on Saturday, Ang.7, 1976. ' CiiiTi:Tiiijii0rEiEelIjiirii? MERNER. Donovan He was a son of the late Donovan (Don) A. Memer Emmanuel Memer and no, of 25 Westmount Wi. 1.uar.ra1tn. Kgsmer. Surviv- North, Waterloo and for- we 13 his Wife. the former r " " Ci', - T , 47x a till \‘4 Wife of Clarence Brown of St. Patrick Street, Fer- gus; dear mother of Clar- ence Jr. of Kitchener, Mary (Mrs. Murray Black) of Kitchener; sister of Thomas of Route 3, Markdale, Vin- cent of Route I, Holstein, Eileen (Mrs. Alex Straus) Evelyn Brown, 63, died in Egremont Township on Saturday, Aug. 7, 1976. She was the former Evelyn Marie Gordon. Dorothy Willson _ whom he married May 22, 1926. He was ,the last surviving mem- ber of his family. Also sur- viving are two sons. John of Willowdale, George of Tor- onto; two daughters Mrs. C. Douglas (Dorm) Reed of Is- lington and Mrs. W.S. (Mar- jorie) Mutart of Ottawa. Eight grandchildren also survive. He was predeceas- ed by one sister and two brothers. Funeral service was held on Wednesday. Aug. 11, at 3 p.m. at the Zion United Church, New Hamburg, with Rev. T.E. Dahms and Rev. BE. Fletch officiating. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. BROWN. Evelyn BUSINESS DIRECTORY Surviving are his wife, the former Melinda Maecker, and three daughters; Marg- uerite (Mrs. Paul Eydtl and Mrs. Ruth Morrison. both of Kitchener, and Lil- lian (Mrs. Noah Kessel- ring) of Waterloo and by three grandchildren, Hope (Mrs. W. Stanton) and Lynn and Cameron Morrison, all of Kitchener. Four great- grandchildren also survive. Mr. Ruchty was born in New Hamburg, a son of the late Joseph Ruchty and the former Mary Schmidt and had been employed at the Baetz Furniture Co. for many years. A member of Reformation Lutheran Church; formerly a mem- ber of St. Peter's Lutheran Church and the church choir of St. Peter's for many years. Mr. Ruchty hadheen active in sports circles and particularly excelled in bowling and horseshoe. - dren. family. He was predeceased A funeral mass was held brasoet,Elmeramtttytttree in St. Peter's and St. Paul's brothers, Edward, Alex and Roman Catholic Church, Charles. Durham, at li am. on Tues- Funeral service was held day, Aug. 10. Interment was at ' pm. on Wednesday, made in the church ceme- Aug. 11, at the Reformation tery. Lutheran Church, Kitchener with Rev. Paul Eydt officia- RUCHTY. Victor E. ting. Interment was made in Virtnr Rmmannpl Rut-Inn Memory Gardens. Victor Emmanuel Ruchty 93, of 247 Franklin Ave., Kitchener, died on Sunday Aug. 8, 1976, following a brief illness. 7 of Route I, St. Agatha; also survived by five grandchil- Donations to the Organ Fund of Reformation u- theran Church may be made as expressions of sympathy. Mrs. Eli Bender, 85, died on Saturday, Aug. T, 1976. The former Magdaline Zehr. she had resided in Tavi- stock and Baden for the Funeral service was held on Monday. Aug. 9. at l p.m. at lhe Steinmann Mennonite Church with Rev. Elmer Schwartzentruber officiat- She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alvin (Vernal Jutzi of Baden: a brother, Amos Zehr of Tavi- stock; two sisters. Mrs. Jacob tChristine) Erb and Mrs. Omar (Olivia) Schle- gel, both of 'Tavistock:. also by two grandsons, Bruce of Ottawa and Douglas of Tor- onto. She was a daughter of the late Joseph Zehr and Cath- erine Roth and was a mem- ber of Steinmann Menno- nite Church. BENDER. Mrs. Eli New Hamburg ind-tder" JUN, August ttt. 1978 - Pop " Funeral service was held at 2 pm. on Saturday, Aug, M, at the Francis Funeral Home, 77 Woodstock St. North. Tavistock. Interment was' made in St. Andrew's BELL Ron PP"fff'tr' mower than.“ Clayton “tuner. p, a! inShahespearemtThtsmdar RR 2, My“: died at Aug. 12,1976. St. [guy's Ge-mt 1ori- AamtottheiateMr.amt tlctiltT"'"""'"' yrsP.tttnfr?eillrttatt iCiG haw lived tn North Easthope _ ttttm any)! . . Township a sun of the late Townslup before movmgto R - . and the Shakespeare a few mm; m, cut?' “It?†-. " " Jian (Mrs. Harry Miller) of Shakespeare. and one niece, Margaret (Mrs. Stewart Hilderley) of Plattsville. ing. 1nterme-madein My "trt Ntteth Elnat- theetmrdteemetery. htqtemt"mahir. Survived by one sister. to halt further construction of boom on Marvin Street until a reappraisal of his situation has been made: Mr. Klassen said. "We have a very sub- stantial capital investment in our Hamil- ton Road plant and I am tired of this being played with indiscriminately by councils that don't care." He also urged mu frustrated in our operations." She said. "'Neoetiyreasm weareinthistnwnis we were born here. Why would any in- dustry continue to build here if council will not support them." (continued from page H Sararas said, "This municil has been called dances, spineless and untruthful- I resent this kind of attack." Mrs. Klassen was then heard by council. She said, "We are new at our third 1oea- Ktassenmttymotm by three sisters, M13. Ger- trude Benet. Mrs. Ida Gascho and Mrs. Alice Bender.allof NiiHamtmm damn: in infancy. also hy a brother. Herbert Clam “timer. 22, a! RR 2, Peanut-g. died at St. Harri Ge-mt Bttqti- tai, Kitchener. a: Friday. former Wine Schwart- her of the St, Agatha Men- mtqtiteChtmft. Survived by his wife the