h a Tavistock woman has MCC assignment A Tavistoct woman is omrot24adttitsrtottetrive_ assignments by the Met- nite Central Committee (MCC ) during an orientation session held on Aug. 3 to 12 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mary Jane Brenneman of Tavistock will be teaching for two years at Poplar River, Manitoba, in her MCC assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Roth of New Hamburg are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Ruth to Bruce Steinmann son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steinmann of Wellesley. The marriage will take place on Seotember li, 1976 at 4 p.m. at Crosshill Mennonite Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ray lutzi of RR 2, Baden. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter. Kathleen Ittt- zi, to John Musselman. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mus- selman of RR I, St. Agatha. The marriage will take place at 3 pm. on Sept. II. 1976, at Steinman's Mennonite Church in Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Da- vidson. Lisa and Shawn have returned from a two week vacation with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gingerich. Andrew and ton and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Lamont accompanied a bus load of Senior Citizens from Princeton to Oshawa on'l‘uesday. Roy Mabel enjoyed a bus trip_ with Senior Citizens from Kitchener to Black Creek Pioneer Village and Ontario Place on Tuesday. He was accompanied by his sister Mrs. Wallace Tbili- ideau of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Voisin of St. Jacobs. Ann Luykin and Mignon Dobson spent a week with Ann's aunt. Mrs. David Gray and Mr. Gray in Bar- rte. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Mc- Farlane of Essex were re- cent visitors with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. William Lemczyk of New Hamburg. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Theresa Helen, to Patrick James Heslin. a son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Heslin of Orillia. The marriage will be held at 3 pm. on Sept. 18. 1976, at Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in New Hamburg. RiG5TiiKriTiiiriTriiimiEt? She is a daughter of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Park- PLATTSVILLE M usselman-I utzi Hetiiin-Leniczyk Waterloo-Oxford Auditorium Tickets at door: Adults $1.00 Students $.50 THE WATERLOO-OXFORD GLEE CLUB R oth-Steininan Thursday August 26 8:15 p.m. sponsored by sehna>emeenartartttisa 13 Americans and 11 Cana- dians. Fourteen have as- signments in Canada while eight will be working in the United States and two in West Germany. Michael in Regina, Sash. lierrarents,Mr.andhhs, Roy Mabel and with Bill Scott of Wield. They also visited with Mr. VLF. ScottwhoisapatientatSt. Mary's Hospital. Mis.ScIittremainedfor theseekwithherparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Har- mer ot Gait visited on Sun- day with her sisters. Mrs. Wm. Guthrie and Mrs. Roy Main. RR 1, Plattsville. Greg Scott, enroute home from a month‘s vacation with friends in Nova Scotia will join his mother for the Craig enjoyed a vacation trip to Algonquin Park and Bancroft. On their way home, they visited with Mr., and Mrs. Reg Haskell. Mr. and Mrs. Waldie and of New Alberta. "s Prizes were given and Mrs Albert Pauli and Herbert Wettlaufer were high win- ners for euchre; Mrs. Mae Schwartzentruber and Con- rad Berg were winners for The playing of progres- sive gauges was the feature for 32 of the members of the "39 Plus" Club at their picnic held at the New Ham- burg Bowling Greens. _ An announcement was re- layed from the New Ham- burg Recreational Swim- ming Pool Committee that members of the Club could participate in weekly group swimming commencing Thursday, Oct. 9, at 2:30 solo; Mrs. Helen Fulcher had a Birthday, and a jar of candy holding 202 pieces was won and divided by Mrs. Mae Schwartzentruber Anyone interested please notify Edward N. Klinkman. The cost will be approxi- mately 75 cents'each u " ' †" I" I t. ‘1’... Mary Jane Brennernen is now on neigmnent with the Mennonite Central " Committee and will be teaching for two years at Poplar River in Manitoba. THE 39 PLUS CLUB. Dial 6624292 715w} 70m " bout sowice if toquirod shot 6 pm Appointments on Request hon- For Weddings and all Special Occasions it's - DAY /,iP,!allir(, y. (W dlikt A ï¬fnmmfl%@_ 50¢ OFF 25 LB. BAG DOLLAR DAYS PRICE 34-55 50LB.BAG PERCASEOFMCANS 50LB.BAG DOLLAR DAYS PR|CE DOLLAR DAYS PRICE DOLLAR DAYS PRICE 'l.00 OFF 'l.00 OFF ’1.00 OFF $850 'r-ri/_' Blood donor clinic P i ".' , planned for Aug. 25 WATERLOO COUNTY COOPERATIVES "-thr'thtmittm'-itt-th-tesar.Auwst ttt. 19N~Plp " 1oe=8uMTEDCxH2PERArWESOF0MMt0 Arpinimtmtgoaiof 1tittunitsMbIoodhasbeegt set for a Mood donor clinic to be held at Forest Glen Public School in New Hamburg on Mon- day", Aug. 23. The clinic wilitteopenfrmn2p.tn. to4:30pan. andfrom 6:30pan. to9pan. _ 'l'hesummermonthsarethehardestforarea blood banksasmanydonorsareawayonvaca- tion and are unable to donate blood plus the This particular clinic is a replacement for a regularly scheduled clinic which was can- celied on short notice. This clinic and those previously held in New Hamburg area are tut- der the sponsorship and have the generous sup- port bt the Mennonite Disaster Service. number of injuries requiring fresh blood "ut- BADEN BRANCH 634- 5401 LIMITED _' Home - Business - Auto " Huron St. New Hamburg 662-17“! ZEHR INSURANCE 50¢ OFF 25 LB. BAG DOLLAR DAYS PRICE use