Many activities are planned this weekend . Bike tour of Coii/estoga, Elam was success On Saturday in Cam- bridge. you'll have a tough time choosing be- tween two very different cultural events. The St. Autrmon und Weaning will be the topic oi the next mm-tmg at tho Lu Let-ho 830,000 received by GRCA A pleasant, Saturday is in store for you at Port Dover where their summer festival will be taking place in the Powell Park area. Among the many featured events will be an arts and crafts sale, antique auctions andadance. ll yo'ur weekends have not been as exciting as you would like them. it's not the fault of Festival Country where there is always something going on. Take this weekend for ex- ample. ' The riders proceeded at their own pace and toured the villages of St. Jacobs. The bicycle tour was the first in a series of historic cultural tours in areas of high interest in Ontario. It was organized by the On- tario Cycling Association in co-operation with the Kitchener Recreation De- partment. A grant of $30.000 has been awarded to the Grand River Conservation Author- ity tor a river flow fore- casting operation. Natural Resources Minister Leo Bemier announced August 6. Beg your pardon In the story on Edna Stat-blur In the August ll cdittort ot the Chronicle It was stated that her book. Sauerkraut and Enterprise was the project of the Penn- svlvamu Dutch Crait Shop and It was published by thvm The story should have read that the book was the project of the University anen's Club of Kitchener- 10terloo It was also putr hshed try thrs group Sixty-eight people partici- pated in a 50 mile bicycle tour along the scenic back- roads of Waterloo and wel- lington counties. on Sunday. August 15. . Patient and ( nunvnm Instruums for an ages o Modern Dual ( ontrol Cars o I rm- Pn k up - o'samv car available for Dawns: lest f18 q Spet tal I are for m-rvnus hvglnnen QtTiMGfNiiild and Ferinale instructors licensed by the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications. La Leche League meets illir CANADA DRIVING SCHOOL FOR PROFESSIONAl DRIVER IRAINING CAll 886-4640 OPEN 9 a.m. till 10 RM. Phradale. Conestoga. Rick Antaya one of the Winterboume, Elora and organizers atthe Breithaupt West Montrose. A black- Centre expressed pleasure smith snap in St. Jacobs. in the successoftheevent. Mennonite arms, the Elora "We only expected about Gorge and the covered 25 people to show up and on bridge in West Montrose Friday we already had 68 were just a few of the his- people registered." he torical points of interest. said. The event began at 10 am. and the tour lasted for six hours. The starting and finishing point wias the Breithaupt Community Centre on Margaret Avenue in Kitchener. The first group of riders returned around2p.m. Stephens Annual cele- bridge. bration is held at the And dotft forget the Hungarian-Canadian. Club Peach festival in Winona and features an interde- this Saturday. Aside from nominational religious the peaches, there will be service and outdoor pro- a parade, midway, bou- cessional in the morning. tiques anda horse Show. Then Join in with the singing, dancing and per; It's easy to see that forming groups . in the there are a wide variety of afternoon. followed by a activities taking place this supper and dance at night. weekend as there are every On the Pip"? day. you weekend in Festival Coun- may prefer" listening to the try. For more information haunting melodies of the on events taking place bagpipes. or watching the throughout the year. order highland dancing and tug- your free booklet of of-war competitions. "Things to See and Do" in There is all of this and Festival Country from usat more taking niace at the (“in 639-7031 or write to us The La IAeche 'Lay-char' , _ League IS a non-profit or- oncer ganization dedicated to the art of good mothering Three concerts remain through breast leedmg in the Olympic Celebration Nursds. pregnant women. Concert series at the Strat- mothers and babies are wel- ford Festival Ensemble, come to attend meetings The next concert in the free of charge The League series. which is sponsored also has a loan library of by a grant from the Minis- books about breast feed "LV of Culture and Recrea- mg on}. will ho hold tonight League. August 24 at 50 Dalegrove Dr. Kitchener. The meeting starts at 8 p. m On the \same day. you may prefer" listening to the haunting melodies of the bagpipes. or watching the highland dancing and tug- of-war competitions. There is all OT this and more taking place at the Waterloo Regional Police Associatiog) recreational centre on Saturday in Cam- The authority plans to hire an engineering tech- nologist to analyze the river. and a programmer to estimate flow heights, and velocity. The result will be an improved .river flow The public IS welcome to call a La Leche League leader at anv time for In- Iormalmn abodt breast feeding, help with a non- medical nursmg problem or Lll.f “3 This was a pilot tour and the provincial recreational cycling committee attended the event to answer any' questions. TheOntarie Cy- cling Association is a vol- unteer non profit Assoeia- tion and is the provincial sports governing body for cycling. "We only expected about 25 people to show up and on Friday we already had 68 people registered." he said. to chat with another breast feeding mother. The num- her Is 744-9630. at Festival Country. 440 Elizabeth St., Burlington. Ontario L7R 2M1. The next concert in the adults and 50 cents for sen- series. which is sponsored iors and students. Lunch is by a grant from the Minis- also available for " try of Culture and Recrea- The final concert in the hon. will be held tonight. series is August 25 at 8 Fm. at 8 pm. at the Kitchener in the library auditorium Public Library, Admission Tickets for these concerts is $2 for adults and $1 for are available at the Kitch- students and senior citizens. ener Public Library. the forecasting' operation im- proved operation of water control structures and ad- ministration of fill regula- tions. Total estimated cost of the project is 340000. Concerts are planned ST. MARKS LUTHERAN CHURCH 825 King St. W.. Kitchener Monday August 23 to Friday August 27 9: 1 5 to 11 :30 each morning VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL 3 yrs. oid to Grade 6 Registration 100 per child 2.00 per family for children Florence and Harold Moore of Cambridge rode their bicycles through the covered bridge at West Montrose as they headed to the Breithaupt Com- munity Centre in Kitchener. The .couple were participating in the historic cultural 50 mile bicycle tour of Waterloo and Wellington Counties which vies held on Sunday, August 15. On August 23 at l2 noon. the ensemble_will present a woodwind quintet at the library. Tickets are tl for adults and 50 cents for sen- iors and students. Lunch is also available for " Woo Chronicle, WM, August 18, 1976 - Pay. " K-W Symphony Office at 56 King St. North. Waterloo. and Sam the Record Man. 9 A.M. to II A.M. Cat"86-tlt80 All children, aged 4 to 12 are invited to M'Nllll CHURCH SCHMIL ery “5": St. John's Lutheran Church, 22 Willow St. Waterloo August 23rd to Sept. 2nd tt. per child " per family