"The Happy Science" by Dr, Ralph Chalmers of Bathurst. New Bruns- wick, is the first book pub- lished by The United Church Observer. The magazine undertook the venture this year in CO- operation with the Ecu- menical Council of Canada. The winning poster will be used to promote the fact that Canada Manpower Centres for Students can meet the needs of both stu- dents looking for work and employers looking for stu- dents. Only secondary or post- secondary students are eligible - work from pro- fessional artists will not be accepted. The winner must be willing to prepare the poster to meet printing specifications. The winning entry will become the pro- perty of the Department of Manpower & Immigration. No submissions will be re- turned. Designs submitted must meet the following criteria: l. Posters must encour- age employers to hire students during the sum- mer period. 2. The entries must be rectangular - no irregular shapes will be accepted and it must be 20 inches wide by 30 inches high. 3. An unlimited number of colours can be used. 4. The poster must be on rigid artboard and must be adequately covered to pro- tect it from damage. 5. Space should be provid- ed for local Canada Man- power Centres for Students to place their addresses and telephone numbers on the poster. The depart- mental logo will be added later. The winner will be se- lected by a board of federal government officials and professional graphic art- ists. A cheque for $1,000 will be presented by the Minister of Manpower and Immigration. Robert An- dras. The federaLDepartment of Manpower & Immigration is sponsoring a national contest to design the best poster, in either English or French on the theme of student employment. Students! Are you artis- tically inclined? Could you possibly use $1.000? Then we have a contest you will beinteregted in. Student art contest offers 81,000 prize HAVE YOU DELAYED PURCHASING A MEMORIAL? 528 Victoria at N . Kitchener (Beside men W) Tq5-tM36 After hours 578r7l54 PHONE OR COME IN TODAY WE CAN ASSIST YOU, SUPERIOR MEMORIALS 1arTrarmdoorShowrotan" "itaitatttts GALORE COMING UP... WATERLOO MUSIC 6.0riginal artwork must be submitted - no photo- graphs of the design will beaccepted. 7. The poster may be in either French or English and should be adaptable to the other official lan- guage. 8. Members of the depart- ment and their immedi- ate families are not eligi- ble to participate. Watch this space for future announcements of auctions Come and Look Over Our Special Selections. 08min! onion oSchoot, IN8hre. Social Station." WALLY KOSTER JR., Tagus representative. wull answer questions Try Tagus. you'll hear the thfference your audience wants You owe It to yourself to TRY TAGUS FIRST. SCBIBE BO0KS'I‘0IIE Rummelhart Auction Sales Co. 744-9679 578-0060 COME - MUSICIANS YOUV’VE MT THREE DAYS Wootmount Place Shopping Contra, Iltmtqtetttet - 576-5470 'r-tttgosh-u-Mtch-tgo-dt-ttttOtt-ttttteng Open Dalty 9:30 to 5:30; Thursday I. Friday to 9 WESTMWNT WEAVERY FLOOR SPECIALS Foil All. AMPLIFIERS new masvucx SERIES AI ammo 40% sums lltElitMtllNillits t, REPRINTS KNITTING 8: CROCHET YARNS RUG WOOLS a. SMALL KITS Tomorrow. Friday till 9 pm. Saturday till 5 pm. to benefit from the SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER on the new. Westmount Place, Wanda) - 578-7290 We! Square, Kitchens! - 576-8270 25% OFF All Stock Guitars, Gases D2315 Resin-all news and views 3 Regina N. - 886-4990 KEN GARVEY Soooorsahrgteeosoo Licensed Auctioneer PUBLISHERS 9. The decision of the judges will be final. All entries must be sub- mitted to the Canada Man- power Centre (29 Duke Street East! or to the Man- power Student Centre tin St. Andrew's Church. Queen and Weber St.) by October 22, 1976. An announcement of the winning entry will be made later in the year. lupin-p _ _ . luring For Patios - Pool Decks . Walks O Driveways. i Several sizes and colours, square edges. hi strengths Regular slabs 45 sq. ft. - grey. Driveway slabs 58t sq. ft. Grey. ’ mum suns 648-21 02 UNIT CONCRETE SLAB CO. Bteslau SAVE r" Waterloo Gimmick. Wednesday: AmingJB - Page " PRECASI WIRE SEPS Jilm tEB, Mt ' TIME ANtothotsoootv. safety “value ofroorhomo Rosamund concrete Unit §tops can be installed quicW---tttnthout poles of sand and cement on paths and lawns. The one.-piece coostruCtion avoids "frost heave" damage. Built-in safety needs pmtocl your family. 108 sizes in stock. patio Slabs 118"): 13": also 24" x 24" - 24" x 30" UNIT STEP or Klfcusuen 1255 Victoria N. 7425531 Opens-6:801. 8-12