Mostly in Clover. the out- standing success of the 1975 Blyth Summer Festival. is playing again for tour per- formanoes only July 17. July 22, July 30, and August 7 iii Blyth Memorial Hall at 8:30 PM. ' Luther College in, Re- gina will be the site of a July 29 meeting of the Board ‘of Directors of Lutheran Life Insurance Society of Canada. That same day the 16 directors of the fraternal benefit society will meet with local Lutheran church leaders. educators, civic officials and society field and local branch repre- sentatives during an in- formal luncheon at the Hotel Saskatchewan m downtown Regina. The Apps' Mill Nature Centre. located just four miles south of Paris off Rest Acres Rd., is an excellent place to take the family this summer. Society of Canada. Mr. Dietrich isa native of That same day the 16 Regina ind a former city directors of the fraternal alderman, He is one of the benefit society will meet foundingdirectortrof Luther- with local Lutheran church an Life and served as Board leaders. educators, civic chairman during the So- officials and society field ciety's first year of oper- and local branch repre- ations. A lawyer. Mr. Die- sentatives during an in- trich disposed of his Re- formal luncheon at the gina law practice in 1973 and Hotel Saskatchewan m moved to Waterloo to be- downtown Regina. come Lutheran Life's Lutheran Life president executive vice-president. Harold A. Dietrich said it He was named president in is the board's policy to 1974, He visits Regina hold one meeting a year frequently and continues to away from the Society's serve as chairman of the head office in Waterloo. Board of Regents of Luther This gives Directors a College. _ chance to learn more about There are two resident The property is unique in the area, both for its pictur- esque natural setting and the historic value of the old App's Flour and Grist Mill which graces the property. The mill itself will be open Sundays free of charge. ll a.m. till 7 pm.. and will be T R. Latimer. spokesman " lhe two Waterloo t 'ongre- gallons at Jehovah's Wil- nt-ssos. revealed comple- tum ol plans for a four-day district convention oi the religious group In Toronto. Julv 22-2G l grant of $22.000 has been awarded to the Grand River Conservation Au- thnrlly " the acqunsmon ot HaldimarurNorfolk val- lev lands In the Caledonia Conservation Area. 'Na- tural Rvsourves Minister Leo Bermcr announced Juiv 15 Mr Latimer Silld over HUM)" dclegatvs are untim- pated to attend the annual convention planned lor the meiblnv Race Truck A Located along the Grand "Iver. the property Is Lutheran. Life plan's board meeting July 29 Mostly In Clover, which is Jehovah's Witnesses _..cppyttnti.pp, GRCA gets $22,000 grant . -Mostll,y in Clover is pdrforriiii1jii Btjiiri, l Apps' Mill Centre is fun based on Harry J. Boyle's hilarious and warm recoi- lections of growing up in Huron County during the de- pression. kept audiences rolling in the aisles last year. Reviewers termed Mostly In Clover "a joy". and .said "Ws a bouncing. rollicking the people in the five provinces served by the Society. Last year's sum- mer meeting was held in Ed- monton. Alta. manned by two Conservation Authority personnel. Barb McKean of Cam- bridge. a second year geo- graphy student at McMaster University. is in charge of leading tours through the mill and around the grounds. Assisting her will be Judy Thompson. a high school student from Brantford Col- legiate. . Families are welcome to come and learn the history of the mill which was con- total of 220 persons will represent Waterloo at the seminar Mr, Latimer sand the theme ot the conlerence IS "Sacred Service" and he added that the program will address otsvlf to Improv- Ing Into spiritually vulhm the lumlly circle prone to flooding, The policy of the Authority IS to acquire floodplain land when available "There will he specim- In formation for husbands wives and young people. Surrounded on three sides by the Caledonia Conserva- tion Area. the half-acre of property Includes a house and lot Total estimated cost of the land IS $44.000. production which drew raves from all who saw it." The play is adapted by Steven Thome and James Roy from Mr. Boyle's Mostly " Clover. Homebuw and Patches. and With A Pinch of Sin. " It was purchased by William and Charles Apps in 1858 and run by the Apps family until 1956. The mill was acquired for preserva- ltion by the Conservation Authority in 1970. Saskatchewan Directors on Lutheran Life's Board: Herbert H. Schienbein of Regina and Dr. William Hordern of Saskatoon. Mr. Schienbein is president of Merit Agencies Ltd.. a Re- gina real estate firm. and Dr. Hordern is president of The Lutheran Theological Seminary. Lutheran Life offers life and health insurance pro- tection to Lutherans in British Columbia. Alberta. Saskatchewan. Manitoba and Ontario, and works to assist Lutheran churches and institutions. The fra- ternal concerns of Lutheran Life are expressed through the service activities of members in local branches and through special grant and scholarship programs. structed on Whiteman's Creek in 1841 by a Mr. Fraser. Latlmer said. “designed to examine the problems com fronting society today and suggesting concrete solu- tions to overcome them. .. Much of the original ma- chinery is still intact and a guided tour through the structure is a fascinating way to spend a Sunday after- noon. Mr Latimer added that the program will feature Bible lectures. symposnums. discussion periods and four Bible dramas to be present- ed In full costume. A baptismal service will be one of the highlights in the meeting on Friday. Julv23, The principal speaker of the convention ts DN Mills of Toronto. who will discuss the question. "Will Serving God Solve Your Problems" It IS scheduled for Sunday. July 25, at 2 pm This year's production L 14 Princess St, V165! 886-2900 or 886-2370 LANES CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS AND RESURFACING WATERLOO BOWLING lANES BOWLING , RE-OPENING Monday, July 26th for information call again features Angela Gei, Ron Barry, Jim Sender. and Mark Battye. New Fes- tival performers Sharon Noble and Alfred Humphreys will Join mean. and new music has n added tn the production, so that while the show is basically unchanged. If the day is sunny. a 'picnic on the spacious grounds may be in order. as well as a hike around the self-guiding nature trail system. Now in its fourth year of operation. the Society has 4.500 members and 21 branches in Saskatchewan. The Society's Saskatchewan field force is directed by Regional Manager Kelly J. Werschler of Regjna. Since 1973. rhore than $24.000 in fraternal funds has been awarded to indi- viduals and institutions in Saskatchewan. Recent grants in the province were Campus Scholarship Funds awarded to three Lutheran schools to assist Lutheran young people. Luther College received an $1.800 Campus Scholarship Fund. The Lutheran Theo- logical Seminary received $2.000. and The Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute in Outlook received $500. This trail takes you through the 266 acre conser- vation area. Bird watching is a special treat in the marsh. maple. beech and floodplain habitats. Feature films will be run throughout the summer on numerous nature and con- servation topics. Titles will include "North of Superior" and "To The Wild Country" series. Also available at the Mill are information pamphlets dealing with the G.R.C.A.'s water management projects and other conservation areas. The Apps' Mill Centre will be open on Sundays through- out the summer for family hikes and picnics. If your group wishes an organized tour through the week, these can be arranged through the G.R.C.A. offices in Cam- bridge at 621-2761, or from the Apps' Mill Nature Cen- tre at 752-0665 in Brantford. Groups are asked to reserve enough in advance to allow us to prepare for their visit. My In Clove: is even bigger and better than be- fore. the production is again directed by James Roy. Harry J. Boyle writes that he hopes to attend a perform- ance of his play this season. Mr." Boyle grew up in the town of Auburn. about six miles from Blyth. and the mythical town of Clover represents Auburn. Blyth and Wingham. Mr. Boyle, who is chairman of the C.R.T.C.. has just won the Stephen Leacock Award for Humourlor his new novel, The Luck of the Irish. . EXPERT PAINTING INSTRUCTION FOR ALL AGES . WATER BABIES (4 months-2 years) a PRESCHOOL CHILDREN 0 Bors 0 GIRLS o IDIIL'I'S "'gt,"g'eur' tlbtsrtoe"lhroetie8rrthhttn1t_sdir,Atiy 21,_mo - P... " Wishes to Announce the Opening of His Office for the Practice of Optometry at (ifiEIrEfEEEESSfE 'totgetermtw_trrtterg: PM SWIG.“ * WE IVE. SMALL ti.lWErmrtt INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION AND STROKE CORRECTION. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE KITCHENER PHON E 742-2834 Not More Than 5 Children Per Class KW. Family Medical Centre, 824 King Street West, Suite 305, h Kitchener, Ontario. Telephone 742-2531 . BILL WOOLNER Optometrist Caulking Specialists ' Eavestroughs Replaced. Mostly In Clover is the third show to open in this year's Blyth Summer Festi- val and will be "running in repertory with The Blood ls Stung try Lister Sinclair and 'tttw l Met My Husband by Alice Munro. Both of these shows are proving pop- ular with our audiences and attendance is even better than" last year. The fourth show, Shape, a Country and Western musical about the Olympics will open on July ations write Box 291. Blyth. or call 519-523-4452. For information or reserv- OPENING 800tt 745-0591