Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Jul 1976, p. 1

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I waterloo' chronicle I , The theory at biorhythms has been popular In Europe. Japan and the ywundinavian countru's tor mum" yaIrs The concept ot hiorhvthms wax IIrsl tormulatvd In the late 1800 s by two V'Ivnnvsv pro- tts.ssors. Through tthr studies they dcterminvd that the hody has three rhythmic cycles that be- gIn at birth and continue repeating throughout lIlv The phbu'al uric Is 23 tinvs. the emotional ('\'(‘|(‘ IS 18 dun and thv Intvllu-Iual cycle' Pi Tl davs By Mary Stupart " you‘ve ever had a day when nothing seems to go right and you wish you were back In bed. may- be that '5 where you should be Sccoriimg to blurhuhms. a study oi the body's phx?ucal. vmottonui and inteller1ual "vclvs. Vour pht sical (1110 may he at a low or critical pom! That means you are more susceptible to urndvms. mistakes and physical weakness than usual IS :8 I1itCsitm1ittv1nusnPcuLitt'yr'it' Pi as Haw Thv three blurhythmlr t'vclcr; um charted on a graph lim- thal dvhnvates pusnn'o and negative atttplrtudcs When nm- or all at the graph hst In- whorl the [cm lme the individual IS mud to have a critical day On critical days, Indn'lduals are hkvlv to be umlublv take murr chances and he mun' gnu-Mom pmm' .u'vurdlng lo the btorhvthrmr thvurv l'.|nadl.ms‘ are Just ht'glnnlng to hornmo Inter- (Nod In hiorhithms. avrnrdmg to Matthew ”and. a Irvvar-old high school student trom Cambridge Mullhvw and three ol his Irwnds trum Prcston high school hmv rrouvvd a $4.43" Expvrlonrv 76 grant {rum thc Mimrtrv an Edmumun this mm mm to minrm thc nuhlu- "bout the thcorv of hm thins studv um prc-vont industrial accidents Mutt saw smcntlsls have proved that hmrhyth- mic cvclcs do must but the unanswered (luvs- tton IN "why or what (‘illlSPS thcm No one real» ly knows why blurhythms t'xi.st but they arr there 'itudics In Japan IMH- shown that plulhnu thv luturv hmrhx'Ilmm' (hurts ot mdustrial vmplmm‘s (um cttt art'ulom ruin In .I\ much as 30 pmu‘m Matthew Baird and Cathy Hardy are two Cambridge students who are studying as a summer project the rote of biorhythms. Matt holds a biolator, a mini-calculator used to figure out bio- rhythmic cycles. and Cathy displays a book written about biorhythms. Biorhythms Show you how to predict your bad days Waterloo Historical Society Museum co Kitchener Public Library, Queen Street North, KITCHENER. Ont. comp. Wednesday, July 7, 1976 “It lhe blorhylhmit- chart shows the employee will have a critical day. he Is told to be extra care- lul V . Swiss Air woit let Its pilots fly on critical dass. _ said Matt This procedure was adopted utter a study ot air planc accidents In Switzerland turned up the tsvitivrtce that 7" percent ot pilot-error accidents occurred when the pilots were havmg crmcal blurhvlhnm' days ithlettc coaches In Switzerland have also used thc tuorhvthmw theory to detefrmne when ath- letes wall he at the peak at their physical powers lhw Swrss gymnastic coach picks team members tor moms alter studying 1hmr hurrhythrntc chart for the das oi the moot . l'mtod States college louthull teams also use It thw umwrsnty team used n and went undeicated tor a whole war The m'xt smwn. the theory mam t used and the team lost hall of us games.' sand Matt Matthew and his three irtends. Cathy Harding. Jan Wood and Ivan Thurman twcamc Interested In hmrhuhms when Cathy and Matt did a prayer! un the subject ior the regional smom'v tau last spring at Seagram Stadium In Waterloo This summer their project ts operating under the nmm- at Cvclanalysrs The \‘tudents hope lo wt up Inturmalmn booths on bnurhythms m urea shop- ping plums and chart the biorhvthmw cycles ot shoppers To assist In this task. the students have purchascd htolators mmrculrulatnrs With a spcrual option that (‘hurtx hmrhvthmu' (-u'los Ihorhythm ('w-h-x' um also bc (hurled bv counting the dan hunt \‘mw birth and tlwuhng bx the k-ngth ot the mtvlh-vtual vmntmn and phwlcnl cvt'lcy, Howcvcr, that "wthod IN wall) Innnrnnsunr mg and hazardous because II 5 easy to make a mus- takt' and Mall l'nmpulvrllvd math charts In hooks "hout blnrhvlhms aw aim usvd tn the stu- (Contunued on page 21 Waterloo, Ontario Waterloo UK’s _ agreement for city square ‘ redevelopment The city agreed Mon- day to trade three parcels of land. with an estimated value of $500.000 'to Ox- ford in return for a block of property stretching along Erb. St. W. he- tween the Bank of Mont- real and a vacant gas station. This property, which lies 130 feet west of the bank and 88 feet east of the Waterloo Square driveway. will be con- verted to a parking area by the city. In return for the Erb St. property, the city traded Oxford a parcel of land at the east end of Waterloo Square cur- Waterloo council of- ficially approved Mon- day an agreement with Oxford Shopping Cen- tre Limited to provide for the redevelopment of Waterloo Square. The redevelopment scheme, which has been under consideration for the past two years. will include an 80.000 square feet addition of retail space and malls to the present shopping area. An application by Kitchen- er and Waterloo to jointly host the I977 Ontario Sum- mer Games received Wa- terloo council support Mom day. According to Mr Pflug. the $15.000 estimated cost of hosting the games would be split by Kitchener and Council agreed to bid for the games after commun- Ity servmes director Ken Pflug said the city's chanc- es of being awarded the games were verv good Waterloo applies to host Ontario Summer Games Waterloo council agreed Monday to hire Paul Diet, rich. a senior planner with the city of Kitchen- or. as Waterloo/s planning director Mr Dietrich. 27, grand uated with hts Bachelor of Environmental Stu- duos In Urban and Reg- mnal Planning In l972 from the Umversity of Waterloo He Is pre- City hires new planning director "ir19 311' It In another part of the deal, the city agreed to sell the Caroline St. parking lot next to Alex- andra St. to Oxford for 8125.000. The purchase and sale of this land is independent of the land exchange. rently occupied by the Waterloo Chamber of Commerce office and property lying between the shopping mall and the railway tracks north of the mall. This land has an estimated value of Under the development agreement, Oxford must pay-$25,000 towards the construction of new sani- tary sewers. The city‘s agreement with Oxford must be ap- proved by the Ontario Municipal Board before construction begins be- cause it binds future coun- cils. Waterloo. In return. the Twin-Cities would receive provincial grants to- up- grade existing athletic facili- ties. Crhe development agree- ment binds Oxford to commence construction of the Waterloo Square ad- dition by December M, MT. . Some of the sports that could be included in the games are archery. baseball. canoeing. cricket, cycling. golf. field hockey, diving. tennis, netball. parachut- ing. rowing, sailing. shoot- ing. soccer, track and field. softball. water - skiing. wrestling and horseshoe pitching, sently a senior planner In Kitchener/s department of planning and develop- ment. Mr Dietrich wnll as- sume his post August 9 Waterloo has been with, out amt}; planning director Since June 18 when Rr chard Danznger resigned the post to assume a job In private planning prac- tice . CANKDA . CANKDA

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