Life is just about back to normal for people living around West Montrose this week after a double-punched freak storm wreaked havoc in the area last Wednesday evening. There was little heavy gamage as about 5% inches of rain fell between 6 and 9 p.m., causing a flash flood. The Irvine River at West Montrose rose about nine feet above its normal level. according to Grand River Conservation Authority man- ager of water resources engineering Charles Stevens. The West Montrose Trail- er Camp was flooded in Page 14 _ Waterloo Chronicle, Wednesday, July 7, 1976 . The river level started rising about 9:30 p.m. and crested at about 1 a.m. in West Montrose. MUDDY MESS -â€" Jim Manson points to muddied floor of his trailer at West Montrose trailer park that was covered with debris washed out of cupboards during flood, r""""iT"r"rdr""'-1 PREBAST CONCRETE STEPS SAVE MESS, FllSS ' “ME Damage light as flood washes through area - Add to the beauty, safety and value ot you: home Reinforced concrete Umt Steps can be 'nstailed Quuckly wnhout pales of sand and cement on paths and lawns The one p1ece construction avmds frost heave damage Btolt In safety treads protect your famuly 10tt sues m stock Patio Slabs new 13") also 24" A 24" -- 24")! 30" UNIJ STEP or KITCHENER 1255 Victoria N. 702-553q Open trtr. Sat 8-12 about three feet of water between 11 pm. anda am. according to owner Clarence Reid. More than a dozen trailers had to be moved to higher ground but many more unattended ones took the full brunt of the flooding. Owners faced a mammoth cleaning job over the next few days to remove mud and debris. Mr. Reid said he estimat- ed damages to the park- grounds at between $3,000 and M,000. Between 30 to 40 picnic tables were lost as well as four outdoor toilets. However, he said it is im- possible to estimate his loss in business. as he was forced to cancel reservations. "It's just too muddy. I'm turning them away today lleglimml news and ‘ views Four points of access to township 'roads 50 and 60, near West Montrose were closed for a few hours Thurs- day morning. Mr. Bone said there was po estimate of how deep water was on the roads, but still." he said Friday. He expects the camp to be back to normal this week though. According to Woolwich Township roads superintend- ent George Bone, two town- ship roads were temporarily closed Thursday because of washouts. said i serious. Application of a couple of loads of gravel was com- pleted before noon and the roads reopened. he said. Besides the flooding in West Montrose. a small _ SAVE For Patios - Pool Decks . Walks . Driveways Several 5mm and colours square- vdget In strength Regular slabs 45 '"l it grvy 1)ruveway slab: 581 sq It Grcy PAVING SUBS it was "nothing 648-2102 UNIT CONCREIE SlAB CO Bresiau Pool uhs tornado swept through the area about 6 p.m.. causing extensive damage to at least one home. A sun porch roof and television antenna were ripped from a home owned by Gordon Schweit- zer. West Montrose. In the hamlet of Conestogo. thtConestogo River flooded its banks causing 815.000 to $18,000 damage tou.. the grounds of the Conestoga Golf and Tennis Club. According to greenskeeper Walter Hach. a couple of foot bridges. were washed out and two fairways were completely covered with mud. Other parts of the golf course were water covered, and some newly seeded greens were washed out. Mr. Hach said he expected five or six holes to be opened by Friday as cleanup con- tinues this week and next. There were no other re- ports of flooding in Cones- toga or elsewhere in Wool- wich Township or Waterloo Region. However. areas of Elora - SUPERIOR MEMORIALS FOR SUMMER INSTALLATION YOUR MEMORIAL SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW and Salem. further upstream in the Grand River water- shed suffered flood damage estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars, ‘ac- cordingtoOPP. Choosé a shawl to complement your evening ensemble. Make your 'selection from a large assortment of handmade wraps There IS sure to be the right one for you. - Id .hnd thereadin gispasy 'taG-ttes-r......-....-,-..-. 2.: ttgtEaTTKatttrttmiEgtetCetremtt....'.........--%, ttATE-tta-OH-mt................."., IT‘SEAGAIIMMVoLa)...............1.I ttttmatUrrEATtert8tt.oodyAF................0ll othteettt"hd-Sethoo+eituMttttttttetary Watch this space for future announcements of auctions SCBIBE [800K STOBE WESTMOIINT WEAVERY o Weaving oEmbroidery oCrocheting oNeedlepoint .8149 Hooking Open Daily 9:30 to tr, Thursday a Friday to 9:30 Newman! Place Shopping Cantu, WW - 576-5470 For ybur THEATRE EVENING Watchman! Place, Wabtloo - 576-7290 Market Square, Kitchener - 576-8270 Summertime KEN GARVEY Licensed Auctioneer About 75 per cent of homes and businesses in Elora underwent basement flood- ing. Much of this was due to the inability of storm drains to handle the runoff. \,............:.u ,........... a.†A...........- '...ies. lupin.