NO t DOWN - NO PAY- MENT TILL (“THREE on extended term plan King Street. St. Jacobs 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SER- ( VICE (includes nursery t 10:00 am. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- dren. te e n s. adults. couples. A friendly country church close to North Waterloo and t" Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. SIM. a residentof Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Residence 885-0725. SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP - 10:45 A.M. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE To submit short news notic- es of upcoming events to The Chronicle, (free of charger For details Call: 10A ROOMS FOR RENT COMPONENTS Make 12 monthly payments of til 00 No Interest and a beautiful AM-FM 8-Track Stereo Wllh. turntable Ix Vours Cull Barrv . Page 12 - Waterloo Chrorticle, Wednesday, July 7, 1976 ATTRACTIVE BEDSIT- TING Room in basement. private home, central Waterloo. parking. gentle- man preferred, 886-4534 - 128) 579-4140 DAILY 212 KING ST F. 10-10 KITmmm Or mail them to our office located on the Second Floor Waterloo Squa re. , CALVARY UNITED CHURCH All Clubs, Churches, Schools and Organizations in Waterloo Farmer Jack's 1 COMING EVENTS8: ANNOUNCEMENTS For Further Information Phone 884-2875. Public School Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) CHURCH SERVICES - STEREO CHURCH SERVICES N. A. Maeliiachern ARE INVITED You Are Invited To Attend The Services of the WATERLOO CHRONICLE 886-2830 Minimum 15 Words $125 Each Additional Word 5e DID YOU KNOW? Church of Christ First, $150,000-M% Second $75,000 - 15% Second $i00,000 - 15% Second $20,000 - 16% Third $10,000 - 18% Third $16,000 - 17% Third $4.000 - 18% These are new and existing mortgages. New have ne- gotiable terms and condi- tions. existing have negoti- able yields. Please call in reference to any of these and ask about our unlisted mortgages. INVEST. your savings today in good private mortgages. Call Fred Flutter 886- 1 ooo tit HOUR LINE) 35 King St. North Waterloo WATERLOO REALTY and MORTGAGE IXCHANGE 65 Westmount Road North, Waterloo Your luxury apartment home styled for discriminating adults Two bedroom suites _ Features Include Ecolored automatic range and frost free refrigerator -automatic dishwasher -private, fully screened balcony --underground parking -convenient location. close to both universities. West- mount Place Shopping Centre. eltv parkland and Westmount golf club downtown Kitchener and Waterloo are close at hand and vou have easy access to University Avenue. the Conestoga Parkway and lhghwav 401 MODELS NOW OPEN FOR Y0 OR PERSONAL INSPECT IO N by appointment call 8851420 Managed by Major Holdings and Developments Lumted Call 578-8120 Members of Urban Development Institute Need a mortgage? Have a mortgage for sale? List it on the Exchange today. 2 FINANCIAL SERVICES APTS. FOR RENT Westmount Towers Two MORTGAGES FOR SALE: WAT ERLUO MORTGAGE EXCHANGE Minimum 15 Words $150 Each Additional Word .06e 579-4140 DAILY 212 KING ST. E. mo KITCHENER NO ' DOWN - NO PAY- MENTS TILL OCTOBER on extended term plan. TWO GIRLS' Three-speed bicycles, $30.00 egeh, also medium sized tricycle $15.00. Phone 884-3453. (28) SWAN BABY Buggy, three- way convertible. Hanks- craft automatic baby bottle sterilizer with ' bottles, Ten-inch black/ white portable television AC/DC. 884-4904, (28) BABY'S CHAIR And clothes. kitchen ta6le and chairs. old music. every- day dishes, kitchen ware, clothes - ladies and mens, picturesT' frames. paint- ings, toys, books. maga- zines, step ladders. Phone 742-5662 l28) DOUBLE-RIDER Stroller with canopy top. excellent condition, $27.00. Phone 885Ai804, (28) PIONEER QUADRA- PHONIC Sound system with decoder. separate pre-amp and power amp. Heathkit tuner d four home made spoilers. 80 watts R M S . excellent system 745-4002 (28t FIVE LIGHT Crystal chand- elier in A-l condition. Phone 884-7002 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:30p.m..after 1:30, 884-4459. (28) FRENCH DOOR Lites. GEORGIAN BAY - Three bedroom lakefront cot- tage available to July 16th. also August 15-22. after September 6th. Phone 743- 6214. (28) " ARTICLES FOR SALE. " inch color TV. 100"; solid state. Full to the floor ' console ... $47 7 12 COTTAGES FOR RENT Farmer Jack's TWO GIRLS' Bicycles _ One small and one medium SIZE Phone 884-1075 (28) WOLF HEAVY Duty P-inch circular saw, l07 amp rating, $30 00 10 by 23-foot porch awning complete with hardware $2.'r00 Round walnut Deilcrait table $45 00 885-5543 (28) ox SPRING 39-lnch with six legs and white head- board, asking $l0.00. Phone 884-0165. ( 28) COLOR TV chipped with plain out- line stripe and centre dia- monds: 15-8 by 12%Anches; 14-5% by 12%-inches. 128 solid vinyl 12 by 12-inch cream terrazzo pattern floor tiles and many part tiles and pieces. the lot $15.00. 885-5829. (28) Iiiflji) GARAGE SALE - 245 Lester Street, Waterloo. Satur- ‘day. July toth, 10:00 am. - 5:00 p.m. Furniture. toys, dishes, books, puzzles, many other articles, mov- ing from house to- apart- ment. (28) " ARTICLES FOR SALE SWIMMING POOL SAC- RIFICE: Leading Manu- facturer and distributor has above ground alumi- num pools left over from 1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Missis- sauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. WOODEN CRIB With mat- tress $20.00. Play pen $12.00. Apply 41 Columbia Street West, Waterloo. (28) CCM PERSUIT Ten bicycle, 19-inch frame $50.00. Vik- ing floor polisher 825.00. Phone 884-7734 after six. (28) GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks, 272 Wool- wich Street North, Kitch- ener (Bridgeport). 743- 3291. (th Trade your comics and Paperbacks for the cottage or buy hardcovers for 19 cards. paperbacks three for a quarter. mystery. west- ern and romance 28 Regma St North. Waterloo Open darly 9 oo - 9 00 Sat & Sun trll 6 00 FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS. Call 742-2438. ttit NEW AND USED Office furniture and machines, filing cabinets, desks, chairs, typewriters. add- ing machines; reasonable prices. Lockhart Office Supply, 31 Weber North, 885-3460. (tit PIANO. RECENTLY Tun- ed, large upright. old but good tone; best offer 884- 2596. (29) LEADING POOL Manu- LEADING SWIMMING Pool manufacturer. must dispose of brand new l975 above ground aluminum pools made to sell for $1890 00 Willing to close- out for $1188 00 Full war- ranties in effect Call collect anytime t-416-667- I302 ttft facturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half-price. Call collect anytime I416) 667-1302. at» BOOK EXCHANGE BOX NUMBERS $1.00 Extra an " ARTICLES FOR SALE ROAD RUNNER St? - Sale of used clothing an house- NO ' DOWN - NO PAY- MENTS TILL OCTOBER on extended term plan. --includes four piece bed- room suite. two boudoir lamps, five piece kitchen suite with extension. large three seater sofa and matching chair, two end tables, one coffee table. two living room lamps, $549 AOUA MARINE SWIMMING poor CHEMICAL SPECIAL - 90% Chlorine Tablets. 20 lbs, $43.95 ' - Tablex Chlorine Tablets. 20Ibs. $43.95 - Granular Chlorine Stabil- Izer. 20lbs “I 95 - Aqua Brome Sticks. 25 lbs. $68.40 - Muriatic Acid, one gal- lon.82.25 . Vinyl Cleaner. one quart. $1.85 . Lowest prices in Twm Cities! - We accept Master Charge Aqua Marine. 300 West- mount East. Kitchener 578-1152, (30) 579-4140 DAILY 212 KING ST. E, mo KITCHENER SWIMMING POOL Deluxe. Re'dwood. above ground pool 16 x 24 l yr old Repossessed by bank. sacrifice '2 price Call Mr Harvey, collect, days or evenings. q16-6254t819. (39) - We sell COBRA. COUR- IER. HY-GAIN. JOHN- SON. - Antennas and accessories - Automatic Radios, Tape Players, Speakers and Accessories. - Service to all makes of C.B.'s, Auto Radios and Tape Players. - Installations, Sales, Leas- es and Rentals. - Authorized factory ser- vice for JOHNSON radios Farmer Jack's hold articles. Free pickup of unwanted items. 569 Lancaster West, Kitchen- er, 743-0071. Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 pan., Saturday 10:00 - 5:00. (If) lECTRON RADIO COMMUNICATIONS THREE ROOMS OF LUXURIUUS FURNITURE Citizen Band - Business Band 450 Weber St. North. Unit 8 Waterloo 885-0410 ‘ HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9-5 1 , :00 a.m. TUESDAY (24) TO RENT Or Buy Grand River Cable TWS "Little Brown Box", call area representative D. Schic- del, 8844354 for fast per- sonalized service. ttf) ANTIQUES. Almost any- thing. Call to-day . you may be surprised. Fair prices. 744-0103, (28) " ARTICLES FOR SALE " ARTICLES WANTED MOVING? _ CLEANING OUT? I buy almost any- thing forty years or older. Phone 743-6223. ttf) PAINTING -INTERIOR and Beat inflation, service to Canada and USA, in all aspects from footings to chimneys, plus Special attention regarding govern- ment plans. estates and pensioners Free advice and estimates. Phone “The Men with the Know How" (tfi 1973 PONTIAC LUXURY Lemans, power steering and bfakes. radial tires, excellent condition, $2,950.00. Call 669-0365 or 884-6022. . (28) " CARS FOR SALE "fFgEhi'/ii%t- - complete service - reserve now for preferred summer and fall time ZENAS BUEHLER ROUTE 1. ELMIRA. COMPLETE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS & AUGRATIONS Installation of Appliances and Extra Outlets. exterior work. Reason- able rates. 7% discount for Senior Citizens. Free estimates. guaranteed workmanship, raga-[emu supplied. Call 745- . it!) 1hlrllTE1hlASHlhlt. REITZEl BROS. OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER IS 742-2081 DU RACLEAN UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE. Phone BOB AND HARV For Free Estimates CAll 576-3385 BRUADLOOM Your Valuable 669-5759 744-8292 (if) and ITF) (ti)