Boats must carry two paddles or oars. tie up line, a first-aid kit as well as personal floatatimt devices. The Canada Safety Council draws attention to the law requiring that every pies sure boat five metieé (16 feet) long. or under. power- Arbitration Board Chair- man Howard D. Brown ruled that he was not bound to apply the federal government Anti-inflation guidelines on the grounds that the arbitration board takes its jurisdiction from the Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act which makes no reference to the federal legislation. each person in the boat. Lifejackets are intended for constant wear and pro- vide varying degrees of as- sistance in the water de- pendant on body size and type and although they in- crease the chances of sur- vival, they do not guarantee it. All lifejackets must carry an approved label from the Ministry of Transport. His award, to which dissents were filed by both the union and mana'gement nominees, provides a two-stage pay increase with 320 a week, across-the- board, effective October l, 1975, and an additional six per cent effective April I, 1976. _ The 3,500 Ontario civil servants in the Scientific and Professional Category have been granted in- creases averaging 13.3 per cent in an arbitration award. The increases are fully retroactive for only those employees who were in the bargaining unit as of ll By Dave Johnston Gt with an outboard motor July 1-7 I: “than! water or mtttetetr totalling " horse- safety weehand fora1tthose 90"" or more. carry ' 'htoNantoasemttereraft, plate issued by the Minis- the National Safety Council try of Ttamaport Mating advisesthekeytofmttoat- the maximum W and unsafe boating, horsepower reconstructed Never cast off the tie lines for it. without checking your Ires- Applications for these set. A personal noatatimt plates are obtainable from device is mandatory for any Customs Office, Steam- Increase for civil servants FA PR This offer expires August 28. 1976 Fresh Roasted Cashews, Peanuts and Mixed Nuts Light Sweet Chinese Walnuts Glace Fruit and Lexia Raisins STORE HOURS: Mon. to Sat. 9 am. to 5 pm. Friday 9 am. to 9 p.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult Annual Food & Cake Decorating Show Tillsonburg Community Centre Sept, " & 15th 7 pm, Films & Displays Free Admission & Draw Prizes Boaters urged to sifésg ' safety while a ftmit Coyle’s Factory Outlet AT COYLE LANE. Tiiisonhurg BLANéiIED mums ONLY 3 1 lar. Per Family When You Present This Ad Personally At _ r [lrt.tittl)ttai,ailriIt,, 'atijttdlrirteatrir w 's- ' 260Tillson Ave The Ontario Public Service Employees Union. which represents the Ontario government empl- oyees, has demanded full and immediate implemen- tation of the arbitration award by the government. ship Inspection Office. of from the Ministry of Trans- port, Ottawa. ‘. Refuelling procedures for small motor vessels are simple but must be under- stood by theowner and crew. All craft must' be securely moored ‘at the fuel dock. All open names must be October I,, 1975 and who were still in the bargaining unit at the date the award was released. Union nominee Peter Warrian objected ' to the loss of retroactivity to those who were not in the government employ for the full period between October l, 1975 and June 14. 1976 and he opposed the .splitting up of the wage increase into two stages. Civil Servants "in the Scientific and Professional Category include nurses and other health care professionals, . research scientists, education offuxers and agricultural specialists. The previous average ‘salary was On cruisers, "euddy cabin" outboard craft and sai1etatt, close all hatches and doors. Do not smoke within thirty feet of the boat or pumps. Have a fire extinguisher close by, on the dock, for emergency use. When filling tanks. hold nozzle firmly 8289.?9. R] all W ism: mammalianâ€. gnu-ding able if amt tttKD-to-ttti. any spill. ma dim: and hatches to thoroughly ven~ mate the beat. him on a never be filled in the boat. Take the tanks ashore for fillingrand wipe off any spil~ clay before starting BEGIIIERS mun-cums Offered tor: Macrame; Tatting; Counted Emhroidetry; Crochet; Smocking Starting August 3rd and Ath Phone for further infatuation . o'leaving oEmtrmidertt oChrthetirtg oNdedkroint drug My OttmtDa6Ft0to8kThxaesdrtraFetdaytrteStt WllS1tlllt00iil'r “EVERY tttr-trr-ttA-She-ttret-at-ttto-s-t L533 MORTGAGES Private and institutional - 1st. 2nd or 3rd. All types of propemes. Short. Long term. Interim Amortized. interest-only. or no monthly payments We also.truy existing mortgages and Vendor-Take-Backs. (we can also Invest your cash In private mortgages) 35 King St. N. Waterloo 24 Hour Lane (519) 886-1000 Call Fred Hatter today for assistance in arranging your difficult financing. l Canadians I. Meadow REGISTER NOW. . . REALTY & MMAGE 'rfiF.ui occupmts in small water- craft. Another no drowned by mm larger can: and over no people drown- To combat the high rate of water deaths, Water Safety Week, is designed to. edu- cate all people that will use water for any purpose. Even if you don't consider your- self a hoater. you should be aware of the safet§ pre- mas-l-tu-e million leisure can 1mm eamtestosoftihttautotarge y?ettttt.httrN,oeeramseso. Q V _. N . ' _. . _ l F, ' . _ / " ' _ ' l _ t, ' :éj' Tr" - q tIttiitta'ee'etsetgtter._,t!repjkyrrt.ctiti,.' ", ertiorttrismthhttrthet- of water. NeverWalone.Newt sfreryraftermem11tr arterirrttdttirtginatmhtttie ham'ltyouanmta stmettrtmimmer,sta.rm'ttt- inreaehttfn"stntitntaryotr- ject, "doubly the dock before leaving shit for any voyage. Always check the latest weather/ report and don’t leave snore if the weather is unstable. Do not overload theme Don’t stand In) in a boat. Sy-et-tP-Mit-tOri-tFat-ttters-er' 1ey1e1e1etef'_r"-rti-*r"-tt-- WAC Be aware of the standard s " --aN-tN--etu-inr. vi..." in†:an-ï¬umdmï¬ildmhw maw-munuunuquo-m. Ev.- 'rtrrr$M-r_" .0 Ha, Mm tm'mnuuvuzmhwm-Iu 4" Minnie-mm. .-rt-es.--Fiii'i"a'%- _ "t-MAemmt_ttgtqItatA-gaggrt Frtrttmh.rtt6to-tetme-ct mmmummmwhmw *rm't."rWt-eredhtd.tri--rs'rtSt.-emir' 'tere-MIB-trt-met-ttere-or."."--- mum“... Rummelhart AuCtiOn SglesCO. 744.9679 _ - - 578-0 "sAtt-k,ttrt-rte. "a'll.Waeto'.'ll"g* July 2. 3. ll 4. 1976 at noon Home: Village . Kitchener Fad Sonic. “MWâ€. KEN GARVEY Cimmsedaoetimt- CoormwtdtrR-irtrtsDt_ Gram"FrCoet-hrtetA-tr. Auocm- In. em. M. Ono-no W (51!) tm-rm, --"_a'mem*tr-t"mirte0ma. --emrr--lB-6t- Nemreqtemteamotorves. selnears‘wimmemnon‘t . way: have a wide but. Mammal-mutually other mud. Above all. ' tmatyo-etqrititrete pact. it coddtill you. nova-ham IrSeet-tn. â€masks-l.) 74561:â€. ANrhtteamtmFTtsq IAmost*tttrahtr-ttr- mBtXNt"NBamrA2erdu3m tmtNrutNorrPtmaaaagt " tg-tat-mg/mo.