The Guelph Dam and Reservoir is the Grand Riv- er Conservation Authority's new' 890 acre lake _ located to the north-east of Guelph. In future years, its primary purposes of water supply, low flow augmentation and flood control will be joined by the recreational bene- fits of the conservation lands surrounding it. Two lumeh‘appointéd to UW gA'i'i'i'iii'i'i";i';i'?' 'iii'fi"i'ii'i The appointment of John Henderson Moore. of Lon- don. and Robert Neil Fash- burn. of Missiasauga,-as members of the Board of Governors of the University of Waterloo were announc° ed by Premier William Davis. Already, the lake has be- come a haven for sail boats, canoes and swimmers on hot. sunny weekends. Many of these visitors to the area are requesting more detail- ed information as to the pur- pose of the project and plans for its future. . GRCA opens centre at, Guelph reservoir The appointments. ef- fective immediately. are to fill the completed second In this regard, the Con- servation Authority has es-" tablished an Information Centre, located in the first house east of the dam on the south side of Guelph Twp. Rd. No. 6. a The Centre. staffed by G.R.C.A. summer personnel, BATHING suns a siaie " 36 u.VSG] p_ttStoat.60. ALLONSALEFGI .. Mamba-ow "moutsBmtrtmrPtnesnmttaaaim, o! 'fyreorf.fruiotrrtNt.Reg. $13Io $35.NOWGONGFOR Bathifiiii%its) A-tmtt%sh.tsioort-ceratmttaemi mi 86103 100020 MTCH HILL FASHIONs a A!!! 5558;ch I NEW STORE HOURS: " to Fri, " tit)i9tl at sis yo'ott Canadian-Made 220 KING ST. NORTH a... 0mm) 884-7002 5 I/2 Prim:6 In New!" Dry Cleaning Bhtg., Waterloo provides maps of the area for you to view as well as information brochures an.d taming to the objectives of the Conservation Att- thority in the Guelph area will be answered in respect to the master plan which is Fellowing his service with the Royal Canadian Air Force. 15th Field Regiment. terms of Peter J. lyey. of Lemon. and J.P.R. Wads- worth, of Toronto and are torthreeyeam. A native of London. John Moore was eduéated at Rid- ley College. St. Catharina. and Royal Military College. Kingston. Tenders will be received from qualified Elec- trical- Contractors until " noon. July T. 1976 for the changeover of approximately 3,000 electric water-heaters from fiat rate to meter- The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The contract may be split be-. tween two or more bidders. _' Specifications may be acquired by contacting: Mr. G.E. Knorr - Waterloo Hydro 200 Weber St. N. . - Waterloo. Ontario Phone - 885-6840 ATTENTION ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS FAsnloN SALE: _ I currently being developed. If the Guelph Dam has aroused your curiosity, be sure to pay us a visit. The Information Centre is open Wednesday through Sunday each week during the sum- mer. the board, John Latiatt Lat: director, Allied Breweries Ltd., Landau. England, also Bell Canada: B.P. Canada :!] Mr. Moore has two sons and three dttugttters'aad rettidesietLmdmt. _ v ' (190) Ltd.: Cadillac De- ployed by Bell Telephone velopment Corporation Ltd:: in 1907 and and the com- Canadian Pacific Ltd. gnd my in Hamiltoet,.hdtterr, theCanadian Imperial Bank In“. and Toronto. no] of Commerce. subsequently became a Mr. Moore has two sons 8min! tieerpretiet; vice horn in Chippewa, Ont., and undertook his education at McMaster University. Fol- lowing a four year leave for service with the Royal Canadian Navy. he returned to graduate with a Bachelor 1947. Mr. Washburn. was em- , A 31 t, Ea EEEL 2tr'/i,s, 5 to tr'/a Arts in economics in HELEN T tttiii-_-iii-tiii"?" HELEN ANNE SHOP all Sales final no exchanges or refunds during sale " King St. N. Waterloo " King St. N. Waterloo" 886-1 560 of all brand. name spring and summer wear $500 to $1 500 Values to 65.00 Dresses and Sportswear BARGAIN RACK president of staff aqd mar- keting and administration and this year he became vice-president of the south- western are: for the com- pany. Active in community' at- tairs..Mr. Washburn is dir- ector and vice-president of the Ontario Safety Lea- gue: director of the Don- wood Institute (alcohol re- habilitation); director of opposite Waterloo theatre off HOURS OPEN Tums-Wed. 9-6. Sat, 95:30 Thurs. I Fri, S-S, Closed Monday "if PARKING ll WAIEIIOO Cloud July 1st 886- 1 560 ttteTttemttoBoardot'rtata aItttttterarusdiartctttitmtter In Wage: O Weed Control . Gm]; Control 0 Fertilizing . Gov’t License†8844498 WATERLOO- "FANSON _ LAWN w