r.'" Iran- RAWulltGit PRO. D0CN.CttiNtaM.itn a: an museum! tt PICNIC TABLE, 6 feet GIANT GARAGE Sale, at Waterloo Village on the Green. 121 Madly East, up to 100' house- holds participating: b'ak- ing, household goods, sport equipment, t available. Saturday June 19, IO a.m. to 3p.m. Rain day Sunday. (25) " ARTICLES WANTED chin. typoniters. a“ " machines; recon-IUD prices. [behind We Sunny. 31 Weber North, mam. (tft MOVING? CLEANING OUT? I buy almost any- thing forty years or older. Phone 743-6223. (tf) 15 PETS & SUPPLIES GOOD HOMES Wanted for five beautiful kittens. Phone 742-3868. (25) 16 CARS FOR SALE " MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1973 VOLVO 164E. five speed sun roof, air conditioning, power steering and brakes, leather seats. 41.000 high- way miles, excellent con- dition, 34.90000. 743-7846 PAINTING ~INJ‘ERIOR and exterior work. Reason- able rates. 7% discount for Senior Citizens. Free estimates. guaranteed workmanship. references supplied. Call 745-2000. (ti) 1974 KAWASAKI 175, PF Enduro. will safety. good condition. 45 Cardin Cres- cent. 884-2641. (25) 19 SERVICES WEEKEND EXPRESS - Household goods. ma- terials. etc. hauled to and from K-W area, Point Clarke, north to Sauble Beach: plus other points. Also local moving. Phone 745-1565. (27) Like new Hedi Rack, 4- feet by 8 feet by 6-feet tall with five adjustable shelves, $375.00. 15 KV Spot Welder with timer.$350.00. 10 KV Spot Welder. $150.00 - evenings. STUMP REMOVAL Contact John KEIL INDUSTRIES 884-1350 A PHONE 653-5848 Fully Equipped Free Estimates Fullv Insured MOFFATT TREE FOR SALE 328 Margaret Street and (a) (25) (26) tA-tit EXTERIOR PAINTING - Also qualified men for repairs if necessary prior to painting. Special rates to home owners and Senior Citizens. Free estimates. 744-7891 at) HAVE TRUCK Wi11do odd jobs and delivery. Phone Kevin 742-6689. (25) TREE REMOVAL - Tree and hedge trimming. Landscape work. Clean up, articles moved. Free estimates. 10% discount Senior Citizens. 579-6363 hr 578-3023. (27) PAINTING - QUALITY Work done on interior and exterior jobs. Special rates for Senior Citizens. Guaranteed workman- ship. Free estimates. 884- 0459 leave message for win, I will return your call. _ (tf) PAINTING - INTERIOR and exterior work done at reasonable rates. Work- manship guaranteed. free estimates. low rates for Senior Citizens. Phone 744-3838. (tf) COLEMAN SERVICE - Authorized warranty ser- vice. repairs and parts for Coleman camp stoves, lan- terns. etc., also Crosman air or gas pellet guns. 745-2525. (tf) QUEENS CONSTRUC- TION - All types of sid- ing, windows. doors plus chimney repairs and roof- ing; brick work and wa,- terproofing. 10% off for Senior Citizens. All work fully guaranteed. 743- 4601. (th NEED PLANS For that ad- dition to your home. Call East Graphica 744-1421. I'm. In of! tar Senior OMS 1m. (to EXPERT PAINTING And decorating. special rates for Senior Citizens. Free estimates. Call now 742- 2834. (tf) CARPENTRY - PAINTING. Take advantage of our qualified combined ser- vices. Excellent perfor- mance record. Fully in- sured. Free estimates. 578-5745. (ti) QUEENS CONSTRUC- TION - All types of roof- ing, chimneys. remodel- ling. commercial build- ings, eavestroughing. concrete work. water- proofing. carpentry, brick work. siding. 10% off for Senior Citizens. 743-4601. (tft Walls sealed with fantastic CHEMICAL WATER- PROOFING process. Also cellar floors and walls re- finished. like new 15"; Off for Senior Citizens . LEAKING, DAMP MUSTY BASEMENTS? VF ‘3 PHONE 745-7790 (tn ttit ALL TYPES Of home re- pairs. cement work, an THINKING or' Beautify EXPERT PAINTING .. Specialist in exterior painting, caulking. Fully insured with experienced men to dtr guaranteed Work. 742-2834. , (ti) PAINTING AND Caulk- ing. Call us for your ex- terior work. guaranteed workmanship. fully in- sured, free estimates. 742-2334. (tf) has: again. 70-161. In) - Roofing. all types - Blown Insulation - Tuck Pointing - Ceramic Tile - Bathrooms remodeled - Recreation Rooms Built All work guaranteed. an after 4:00 p.m. (a) recreation morns,ntlaater-, ing - fancy or plain. Rea- sonable rates. Phone 579- ing your home? Increase its value; for less than you think, we’ll paint it professionally inside or out. 744-7942. (to DURACLEAN BOB DEKKER REMODELING NEW ADDITIONS RECREATION ROOMS PAINTING Residential-Commercial Free Estimates RECAMA ENTERPRISES . 884-8757 (ti) N _ For Free Estimates Bus. 744-8292 Res. 576-1831 Walls. noors. windows, oven. basements. etc Gar. denlng. painting. rubbish removal Special rates for senior citizens R. & R. . CONSTRUCTION REITZEL BROS. PHO N E 745-0940 and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE BROADLOOM CLEANING Prompt Service PHONE 745-1293 PAPERING Free Estimates PAINTING 886-3130 (ti) Your Valuable and ODDJOBS SERVICE (ti) uh DAY AND NIGHT Tele- viaittrt ad m‘mr: tut. ifrleiait, mucous service. Revisions h K-' am. Call Dave or Chad W‘ " (tf) Roth ROOFING - Repairs and retooling. All work "guaranteed. For free estimates Phone Ross Hod: 742-858 after 5:00 p.m. -- (ti) PAINTING - PAPERING via; a". some... at am - (a) [lanfila?diItfa ms. free estimates. Phone 578-5745. (tf) of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone 1-41tMB2-4421 or Kitchener 579-3820 ' PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE " REMOVAL BLUEVALE TOWER us udeally sutuated m a Dark-like settog on four acres of prolessoonauv landscaped land wnhm easy wallung mstance of Glenndge Shoppmg Centre and the City bus servuce close to schools churches and recreahon centres mummieammm:mwwmmowmmmwmmmymmm eachunn;Mlmmlamheatiumm;exmm;m0mmwm; mm;mmmwmm(mmmmmmm;mwm mmmmmm;wmmmm;mW;mwsnamm;mmgmoeed 'ANat0rsirtosrtowsttovero.gorgrasscuttintr,undemrmmdpartmg. 7 BLUEVALE TOWER offers so much more more comfort more con vemence and a lot more enlovahie way of Me NOW REGISTERED CONDOMINIUMS Licence No. 54C76 MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Sat. a. Son. 1-5 p m. Weekdays 1 30-9:00 pm 1 bedroom suites $23,000' 2 bedroom suites $28,000' 'PLUS $100 per fkxor - Dom payments 10% ECONOMICAL CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT HOMES For more information call 886-0151 2:: E. L. HOPPE AGENCIES LTD. Realtor Come See A thle New Way of Life . . . . 20 WRITER & SALE SERWCES PORTABLE 'TYPEWRL ERS Cleaned‘ oiled, ad- justed. repairs to all makes,- reasonable rates, work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equipment,. as Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo (just down from Towers). 885-2570. (ti , ORGANIST AND Choir Director required. GP 100 Electrohoine organ, two manuals, mn pedal board. Reply Chairman, Music Committee. Glen Aires Baptist Church. comer Hartwood and Ellis, Kit- chener. (25) 22 HELP WANTED tete,dt,Miuet_t*-t*rwapirr1t “Io-mar --_aaac-,,-l "qm . -aiau.; csuuteckv. J' , 4 {IIWNQIW humus. it waxing". Conway. Call Hans Schol- ten 5mm. Itt ) " USE THE CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS CONDGMNIUMS TOWER 225 Harvard Place, waterloo yr-ery “my i1'h1t3a'2lllL",'tTel't'lt. -- 743-0421 mime. 'avanaue in Altamira & Westmwnt ' Union, Weber & Ellis -Erb I: Westmount Its) Stop worrying about where you are going to work this summer. Contact ELECT RDLUX (Canada) Limited For a fabulous job opportu- nity. No investment. but you must have a car. Contact Mr. Johnson 743- 8278 for further information. ttft EXPERIENCED HOUSE- KEEPER Requires live- out housekeeping position. Phone 743-1283,}:00 - 5:00 om. . (25) 24 EMPLOYMENT WANTED AVON 8 m. snow vou new " sm STUDENTS CONDOMINIUMS v: ctiit 3; , AM