King Street, M. Jacobs 11:00am. - WORSHIPSEB- VICE l includes numry) 10:00 a.m. _ SUNDAY SCHOOL classes tor chil- dren. teens. adults. couples. A friendly country church clone to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. MM. a resident of Lakeshore Village. F Church 664-2311. Raqidenee8tBArm, C) SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 AM. WORSHIP - 10:45 AM. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist To submit short news notic- es of upcoming events to The Chronicle. (free of charge). For details Call: CANARY .- UNITED CHURCH ‘ For Further Information , COMING EVENT" ANNOUNCEMENTS All Clubs. Churches. Schools and Organizations in Waterloo Or mail them tn our office, located on the Second Floor, Waterloo Square. ". WATERLOO CHRONICLE 886-2830 98 SHARED ACCOMMODATION Public School Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) cannon SERVIEES - RUMMAGE SALE - Friday. June nth. 3:00-9:00p.m.. Kitchener YMCA. Spon- sored by K-W Barber- shoppers Ladies' Auxiliary (24) YOUNG BUSINESSMAN to share condominium unit, kitchen. living room, bath. pool and sauna. $80.00, mm. (23) N. A. MacEachem : craggy .f.ff.t...Y!et., .3 Home: FOR new * 12A 00335953 " mm m’uu l . si mggsjoa an: limit mm ARE INVITED You Age Invited To Attend The Services . PHONE 880- . ANTIQUE & ART CENTRE Saturday. Jun. 5, 1976 ll 00 an - 6:00 pm. Come and Visit Us. 78 KING " NORTH Waterloo (opposite Post Office) HOUSEHOLDSIS RATE Minimum " Words $3.25 Each Additions: Won! ire New - Opening - New Phone 884-2875. DID you KNOW? Chutch - of Christ I m; FOR RENT SUBLE'I' - TWO Wm town: house. den. MM 85 Wastmount Road Noun. Waterloo Yum luxury apartment home styled for t _ discriminating adults Two bedroom suites . Features include: --eolored automatic range and frost free refrigerator -automatie dishwasher --private. fully screened balcony -underground parking ‘ -convenient location', close to both universities. West- mount Place Shopping Centre, city parkland and Westmount golf club .. --downtown Kitchener and Waterloo are close at hand and you have easy access to University Avenue. the Conestoga Parkway and High way 401. Westmount Towers Two STUDENT ACCOMMO- 108 ROOMS WANTED " COTTAGES FOR SALE mivenities'. available Att. and m. monthly. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL - Three bedroom winter- ized cottage in beautiful Port Stanley. $15.000,, good terms. 579-1996 or 579-4466. (23b MODELS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR PERSONAI. INSPECTION by appointment call 885-1420 DA'I’ION - The University of Waterloo Off-Campus Housing office provides a free listing service of accommodation available for students in the local area. If you have a room for rent for the Fall Term commencing September Tth, please Call 885-1271. . t23) Managed by Major Holdings and Developments Limited Call 578-8120 Members of Urban Development Institute I?) (23) - communal“ _" "8tllitrTltr'!5 iTatrstrtiii' Damn»: - - ttt1'11edtt,elilfl . " dot-Gum . {mom "NO '"T GEORGIAN BAY - Thorn- Itet cottage. swimming. " ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE SALE - SWAG LAMPS 1/2 price Farmer Jacks 579-4140 lo-lod'aily. LARGE L-Shaped. molded arborite counter top $25.00. Refrigerator,825.00. Child's curtains. Phone l-Only New 3-way Recliner Take it away $88. z-only Tub Chairs $58. Farmer Jacks. 10-10 daily. 579- $140. ROAD RUNNER Stop - Sale of used clothingan house- hold articles. ree pickup of unwanted items. 569 Lancaster West. Kitchen- er. 743-6971. Hours: 10:00 arm. - 9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 - 5:00. (tf.) SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe. Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x M. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank. sacrifice h price. Call Mr. Harvey. collect, days or evenings, 410-625-0819. (39) LEADING SWIMMING. Pool manufacturer, must .dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluminum po'ols made to sell for $1890.00. Willing to close- out for $1188.00. Full war- ranties in effect. Call collect anytime 1-416-667- 1302. an LEADING POOL Mana- facturcr has 1975 above ground redwood "type pools available. Willing .to sacrifice at half-price. Call collect anytime t416t 667-1302. 1th "June 4th 7:00 - 9:00pm.. Saturday. June 3th. 9:00 - 12:00 My“! Glen For- est Boulevard. Bookcase, tires. tent heater. baby walker. carbed. swing. twin stroller. large'md- en table. many. books; miscellaheous baby items, numerous household arti- cles. " 423) Plume Ttsand GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks, 272 Wool- wich Street North, Kitch- ener (Bridgeport). 743- 3291, an ROOM SIZE Air Condition- ers. New in boxes from 8179. 579.4140. 10-10 daily. Farmer Jacks. No ' down. Pc. Sofa a. Chair 8195 Farmer Jacks 579-4t40, 10-10 daily. No8 down. FOR RENT ttf) t23) W' B i . Port. m. an, - Farmer 1hteV 579-4140 10-10 daily. Noun“. HOURS: Tuesday-Friday-(incl) 9:00 a m, - Hoop. , 00-5 00 pm . . 7 00-9 ‘30:: m Saturday 9 '00 am - 5:00 Fm, VACUUM 1lbMANERtl l , Eureka $30.â€: Kenmore COMPACT VACUUM Clean- JD.RENT Or Buy Grand River Cable 1'V's "Little Brown Box". call area representative D. Schic- del. 884ABM for fast per- sonalized service. (tn TWO DAYBeds with match- ing Aattie. Two matching bedroom dressers. Tele- . vision needs repair. Porta- ble Admira'l television. in good Whoa at and sav- ings over new. - 4tF-Steno chairs, steel with 'pet'ti',"l a n 'llill. $20.00 's-trd", ",'ggl chairs: _ $29.50 "-ltlt lettuirti, _ u o s ere stile! $1 2.50 lHtacking chairs, tittregiass or steel. $5.00 and $7.50 ALSO for stockroom It-armchair, IF-seeth- (three divisions per "fulfil†stee n shaves. Each_ $7.50 trhiatatAN's FURNITURE 825.00; Singer uprighL al- most new. mac-am. ( (24) A division of Wilson OfBee Spechlty as Queen South, Kitchener 745-1 1 71 . FREE PARKING STAMPS - PLENTY OF FREE er . excellent condition. complete with all attatetsr meats. best offer. Phone 742-0963. (22) good working condition. Table and four chairs. Pots and pans. odds 'N' ends. 885-3206. c. (24) Sections (eight BMW l 'M",".", wood bin 3 e ves. Each $25.00 _ Invite You to Visit heir Store j --See a Large seteetioiGt Beautiful} RoxmucowNIAL FURNITURE l and Bmrttt, Name Mum at Down To Earth Prices ' ian. to " pm. Sat. ' I.ll|. h Noo- PHONE 634-8635or 634-5524 an Open Metat.toryi. : $15.00 ‘ $12.50 at??? KESSLER’S DELICATESP SEN - no: hmMd Street Manner Lancaster). Kit- chener. Processed cheese slices tl." pound. Colby $1.50. Mild daeddar 81.40. Medium $1.59. Old an. Extra Old $1.79. Havartlli -, $1.5m Estom 81.00. (tf) NEW It Pe. Bedroom Suites {199. Farmer Jacks TN- 4140. 10-10 daily. No S :2“?W.quoavr- f1t1t,tA1ttt:tii.'E"ilis'i, LEATHER PATCHES Seared on jeans. zippers BABY Carriage in excellent condition. Phone M. T (23) FREE WOOD For help to dismantle and remove double garage. Metal bed, - detachable chrome sides for home .care patient. Clay flower pots, 'all sizes. 745-9698. (23) GARAGE SALE - June 12th. 10:00 a.m. 132 Davidson North. Listowet. Sponsor- ed by Listowel Sweet Adelines. (23) NEW And Rebuilt appli- ances and vacuum clean- ers for' sale. Phone 744- 4511 before 5:00 p.m. (23) BOAT - 19 Foot Deep V. 125 Mercury with power tilt tandem alyritinum trailer. depth finder. etc., excel- lent condition. 742-5745. (24) - Authorized factory ser- vice for JOHNSON radios - We sell COBRA. COUR- IER. HY-GAIN. JOHN- - Antennas and accessories - Automatic Radios. Tape Players, Speakers and Accessories. - Service to all makes of 0st. Auto Radios and Tape Players. - Installations. Sales. Lear es and Rentals. replaced in pants. jeans. jackets. ~purse repairs and alterations. 885-2031. (23) LECTRON RADIO COMMUNICATIONS Citizen Band - Business Band 450 Weber St. North, Unit 8 Waterloo 885-0410 , who am. TU as“! I cr. (24) TWO BIRD CAGES Will some}; cusmu Imperial SWIMMING SWIMMING POOL Kits - Install it yourself . and save! 16 by 32 inground priced at $1932. includes Jacuzzi filter, main drain. skimmer. three-step lad- dem vacuum kit, brush and pole, 30 mil liner and set of plans. Aqua Marine. 300 Westmount East. 578- 1152. We acceplaster Charge. (27) NEWS Pc. Component Sets include E-track and re- cord changer $148. No t down. Farmer Jacks 579- 4140. 10-10 daily. MESH PLAYPEN. Playtex nurser. GE Suntan Kit. Eureka floor Polisher. Phone M9124. ( 23) We also accept good quality, nearly new, ladies wear to be sold on gone Sugnment Kitchen" "4-5811 Tues. thru Sat. 10 am - 6pm Fri. 10am -9pm Ciosed Monday Prices Savings Over 50% am. an MRI Bi. Kitchener. was". . Solid State. 2 my. om . Farm». Jacks MOI; i0-t0dttihr.No8dtrmt. . don. will sell wiry 'eaSotl.F., ably. MW. an Dryer in new! Cond- Phone 75%. at) Frigidaire range. white. clean. gxcellent condition. Plume 713-1344. at) Very Reasonable "'e""" - " mg!!!" (I)? U stackIess. natural gag or .-" i., propane. $606.00. Six-fool . diving board $135.â€. . Three-step 'iyddtsr $75.00. J 30-foot vacimm. hosé moo. Aqua Marine, zoo Westmonm East. 570-1152. We accept Master Charge. T (27) Wedding and Mother of the Bride Gowns. Graduation and Prom Gowns Sportswear and Afternoon Dresses. Attention Ladies Encore Boutique Stylish Damian. With New and Nutty New Fashion: T , . . 'rur "'tr7,i)i, ." br.rtf (23)