C" ‘, 5. {4, - Holiday information available Ontario: ICs all yours. For senior citizens or Jet setters or family campers, Ontario offers an outstand- ing array of vacation choices. The place to f ind out about them is at the Ontario Min- istry of Industry and Tour- ism Ontario Travel Centre. 900 Bay St. Toronto. Supervisor Barbara Hla- dysh encourages visits to the centre. "Nine counsel- lors are on duty from 8.a.m. Thinning cuts of saw logs provide local users with an ample supply of fire- wood while keeping the forest in peak condition. tr52iliUa= Watch this space for future announcements of aucnons .QI' Rummelhart Auction Sales Co. 744-9679 578-0060 KEN GARVEY Licensed Auctioneer nature at the . ie)itjt lit edge to 5 pm." she said. "and they will help plan vaca- tions. mark routes, give in- formation on package tours or place the prospective vacationer on an enquiry list which provides brochures from vacation spots across the province. BN At the centre. literature. maps and brochures on ac- commodations. attractions. camping. fishing. hiking. golfing. boating. winter activities, special events "r, _ 7, _pe _ "w" 1 _ T w _ _ f '.' '" "f"'W . 4- t .7 "C T" -.' v "-e " w FPPT' -, v i"'"'" '."' ‘7 - w G. I _ . d .. (llltetll" '. - . . ,.~ T r" n --, ' .' T - . A f 'er, Loin. C'tsgt,h'ftk «as but». To discover more'about this service. write or visit the Ontario Travel Centre, third floor, Hearst Block. 900 Bay Street. Toronto. M7A 2E5. or telephone t416t965-4008. and facilities are available to the public, and the ser- vice is free. _ PREBAST BONERE'IE STEPS SAVE MESS, Mt ' TIME Add to the bounty. safety and value at your homo Reunforced concrete Umt Steps can be 'ttste) queckN--wttWout pules of sand and cement on paths and lawns The one-prece constructoon avords "frost heave" damage Bush-rn safety treads protect your “may 108 salesm stock Fat} Slabs haw 1s") also 24†A 24" - 24" x 30" Co'tti'tue"htautrttun'stt.- In addition to may otaptittt-teiataittqt-. _ "ts,eettaetttteMhtiatry 1g.tt1t'gut,'rdite"g,tutftuf1fyt! te.' M Nana-ll W. mutton Wt! mm m; for Beaverdale Rectum- anridetmrhetrottttsttimtrttthrtatittiitmttti-, _ ' bridge, um. _ recreation am: with mom MRI-ml. ' UNIT STEP or ttiteHEmVt" 1255 Victoria N. uz-ssm Own-O; Bqt. I42 Whether you are using a canoe for fishing. tripping or just pure pleasure. the Ontario Safety League sug- gests you keep in mind the various precautions neces- sary to overcome hazards during the spring of the year. Many of the dangers con- fronting canoeists in the spring such " poor weather. overloading. tricky water can be overcome if a little planning is done and a lot of common sense is used. [ At this time of year, it is prudent to canoe on wa- ter that you know you can handle. If you are an ama- teur you should pick a river. flowing at a gentle speed of three or four miles an hour. so that you can learn how your .canoe responds Water safety while swimming and boating means a aaie'. hm. holiday. Be safety wiae: don't ieave shore without a complete safety check of boat and equipment. / Take a step in the mht direction. Take a few. Safety ftrsst When afhittt ?ztiQ vi “an a mini»; CN .4 ba to the current. Or, it you just want to practise pad- dling strokes. you should pick a sheltered bay where the water is tranquil so that you can get the kinks out ot your knees and warm up your Muscles with 'little danger of a gust of wind catching you off balance. There are two reasons why the Ontario Safety League offers this advice. Firstly, the weather is so variable right now that a strong breeze can come up quickly and. before you can adjust your position in the canoe to compensate for the change in wind velocity. you find yourself in a diffi- cult shttatiott. Secondly. capsizing from now until July is extremely danger- ous because water temper- ature is cold enough to cause' hypothermia. which is the loss of body heat from the inner core of the body. its? STORE HOURS Tues. than Iâ€, Fn 11-9. Sat 10-6 " Dunn's Squall (Sam Cambridge Phone 62rtefl $259. w $949. Come and view the omit. lino PIONEER tape machines (8-week cassette and open- not) hem irst leading to unconsciousness and death from exposure. It is heartbreaking to know that within a two week period this spring. six canoeists in Ontario drown- ed or died from exposure when their canoes tipped. It is possible that each fatalio ty could have been prevent- ed if there had been better planning for the outing. The right water could have been selected. The weather- man could have been con- suited. A comfortable life- jacket or approved personal flotation device .could have been worn. It you do eapsize. doet't panic. Fill the canoe full of water. climb in and paddle ashore as quickly " pos- sible, using your hand, and arms to get there. The Oiitario Safety League asks you to wear an ap- proved life jacket or. per- 'sonal notation ' device wherever you canoe. w . Gr (f tt t tc; JEN YEW W?