$3.59 $2.1 EXTENTABS $2.77 -- Dimetapp. COUGH SYRUP ANTACID TABLEIS Ra t F? .- _ w. ‘3' _ . , _ a _ . " Ap a; 8" 25 Cal/tgh';,' 'ri", Benylin Getusit 8 oz. 30's 1 00's "iii'?, 5 dz} §§§ E2 â€0,52 :99 3pm ATT :; Efjstps' slis2Fci'iiii',?i: tisi)t,2; _ tar, “EENQW; _ , it; liiii 2t 3". fiS2lgiS!lll i,r3l'l8lliifttti --' _ ." CT p l - FE Eik Fs'raM' 2f 1 Bril 3: M1RIM - _ ---- iil -- IttM3Bil $t"i1ti' H _ gawk! - ---" W // ii5F1AatMt'ii IN Fe Maia J. - NWS 'o. ---" - lu' -- e-"'"' EE & WV." St KB1 " â€332% .-’ 1 N _..----" - A . $illMm VT-- so" 1:» \ I .---" r: MlrlKil ' Mi $lt , q 44 > N flWilltk, - _----", , , , NT _ ' [N A ' iiRiM IllBBl “Saw "V Jewâ€. - - " , x x. (', ._ iirll Rx. MIP, e CPI. " - Ti Vtwé‘n - ‘ EM'! . a rN i" ‘ :1; â€w Ta V - a _ I - ll, , . , ' , - lilmiltlllN Nt . ' t'. M, r , n _ _ " 'ill. q IllE 8: alEElllt _ HAIR SPRAY $1.89 s2.6 i/Ill!)))) VITAMINS LAXATIVE Protein 2 1 Metamucil " oz. " oz. from , to, 4 p.113. amrirm.n moms p.m. May 27. About zoo people live at Central Part Lodge locat- ed at 290.. Queen _St. S. in Kitchener. - The - Central I An exhitiit of haMieratts made ‘by residence will “mm the oven house of Cedar Patilodgelqun The annual open house. which it spanning] by.“ €61“leme Lodge Volun- teefi Atrsoeiidhm, will ter. elude with! tour: of the residence for lax-psychiatric will bout tis itiFtGGiiiriiif PP' , t1yruttttrarr 'ttttsei" begin a! ' pits. Aiir all meelm. Control Park Lodge _' j hosts aniopen house _ .‘ 171 King th. s. 145-0445] 1.rt4rpet 1e,iitstt-ttid'ii- lumber-I“ unaided tt5rt-tmAtk ton-h1- The Trillium Travellers Funeral Mon}. t w. 'ttttttart R. - di5ootr Mm FRIEND“ AID 600315008 will be held Last square dance May 29 . singleé are welcorrfe. 'The Square N'Aders square dance club will hold its final dance of the season May 29-at Brighton school. The dance will begin at dents in a one-tom} visita, tion program. day parties would be re- quired, to provide" small gifts for the residents and Iead,sirigtrongs and games. Refreshmenti are provided by the Central Park Lodge Volunteers Association. _ _ The volunteers associa- tion is also looking for com- munity volunteers to yisit mmmmlm': ed tttig W. humid- etragmtatstimttitstttrae asttoeiatiott. “ ..' . _ Groups organizing birth- Park Lodge Volunteer: " soclation is 1tytkirtt0._oreom- mmity Wyn my be PM?†ore-m may Cam‘ F an: " . 1.rir "ttt hold in 'tesrtg .tirN, "si; JPt'yireatt.iiiti) _; drew's Preybrteesq, trtttf \- ,2 - ottttreest my†C Mmetrs in Kite-ttr/ith, iytere'teA.symraea,te isttttit _ to attend. For titrtlier in}: . f [nation call 16-4â€; " " merttd ti In†an" "" " V _':':'"-';:':, at and: tor (an-11a 1‘7; tet.,'"""""'?"!!,');":']"'.'-'; sis: Take a “It. Feeling tired? Rundown? -7 $1 'TT' _