an! . This is the last week. of activities at W.C.l. and the school year will be ending inaflurry. Last Thursday W.C.I. did iragain. At the Twin City Track & Field Finals. the big red. white and blue machine plowed its way through all competition to gain the combined title at Seagrams Stadium. The Midget girls team cham- pionship. the Midget boys team championship. the Junior boys team cham- pionship and the overall boys championship but most of important. the" combined girls' and boys' championship ‘all belong to W.C.I. Our Blueprint, the school newspaper of Bluevale collegiate. won the best student newspaper award last week for Waterloo County. Seated are editors John Best and Nancy Horn. surrounded by stall members Haber Polgar. Robert Dippell. Linda Van Nus, Becky Ansley, Rosi Skrapits and Patti Dolmage. , The following students will advance to the ow.- 0.S.S.A. championships on Thursday: Mike Dumbroff. lst in junior long jump. 2nd in juvenile triple jump: Marybeth Bowman. 2nd in senior high jump: Sarah Thorn, 2nd in senior shot put: Michele Schuelle. 2nd in midget shot put: Damir Frakovic. lst in senior pole vault; Cindy Hiltz, 2nd in junior high jump: Carol Steffler. lst in senior dis- cus: Peter Kelly. lst in junior pole vault: John Backewich. lst in senior long jump: Monica Schae- fer. 2nd in senior hurdles: Wayne Herter. 2nd in sen- ur, DISGDIIIIT CARPETS â€I“UUUII I "Int E" “Sugg. SALE SPRINTER GOLD TWEED LOOP. Sq. Yd. Mt. YD. Cushioned. "SPECIAL" $4.50 UP a. AWAY Green Triple Play, Gold. , rubber back 'SPECIAL" $4.40 MCKENZIE SQUARE Kitchen Carpet. blue and _ gold pattern, cushioned "SPECIAL" $5.99 RUBBER BACK SHAG In Gold. White. Green Sunrise. “SPECIAL†$10.95 $7.95 TWIST - (Parliament Hill by Kraus). in Gold, Pearl. Blue, Rust. Green and many more $12.95 $8.95 IN DEMAND m-LO SHAG, 10 beautiful shades to chodse from, IN STOCK COLORS ONLY $13.96 $8.95 SEE US FOR YOUR BEST CARPET BUYS', WCI is big winner at track meet rakeTiif,2i/tfLirestom, tum left. follow Fountam Street North to Royal Oak Road, turn oght on Royal Oak Road, and watch for IISGOIIT tullt8EN 653-311. "comma us son YQUR BEST CARPET BUY" -. ‘V’EIVIW vwv ' t, uni.†ior hurdle's and 2nd in sen- ior 100 meters: Dede Mich- ael. 2nd in midget" 200 meters: Kim Gaeler. lst in midget 1500 meters and 2nd in open 3000 meters: Sue McBain. 2nd in junior 100 meters: Bob Fijia- trault. 2nd in midget 1500 meters: Peter Kaufman. 2nd in midget 400 meters and 2nd in midget 800 meters: and Jeff Hill. 2nd in junior800meters. _ Two outstanding perform- ers were Perry Chiasson winning Javelin. high jump. and placing 2nd in long Jump to win the Junior Boys Individual Champion- ship and Dana Saunders. who after winning the 800 meters, came back to win the 400 meters with a strong effort knocking 2 seconds off the record. The W.C.l. relay teams also did exceptionally well. qualifying for C.W.O.S.S.A. in 6 of the 8 events. W.C.l. took lst in midget girls. 2nd in junior girls. 1st in midget boys. 2nd in junior boys, 2nd in senior boys. and 2nd in open boys 4 x 400meters. Congratulations to the 124 athletes who gave their most to gain this tremen- dous victory. As always. the students of WC]. crowd- ed the stands to cheer the team on to victory and all joined in a victory lap around the track shouting "We're Number One! 1976- this is W.C.l. finest year. Today W.C.l. is holding its intramural track meet. The combined effortscof. all teachers and students help to make this tabloid meet one of the most en- joyable events of the year. Il-l-"".-."."-'."'-"".'.'.""--,.".".-.".'.-..-.-" JUNIOR SAILING PROGRAM _ â€™ï¬ Co-Sponsored by the Grand River Conservation Authority LOCATION: Laurel Creek Conservation Area, DATES: Session 1 - July 5-16; Session 2 - July 19-30; Session 3 - August 3-1301. d NOTE: Within walking dista.nce bf Lakeshore Village. TIMES: 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 4:00 RM. When registering please indicate the week and the A.M. or PM. time . Non Swimmers are not permitted to register Ages: 8 to 13 yrs. Fees: $10.00 for each 2 week session Each class is limited to 12 students. The program will be conducted in accordance to the guidelines as set out by the Canadian Yachting Association in the Learn to Sail program. Trans- portation is the responsibility of the applicant. A detailed map will be sent to each applicant which will indicate the site being used at the Conservation I SAILING REGISTRATION FORM l Please make cheques payable to the City of Waterloo I Return to: ', City of Waterloo Municipal Offices I Community Services I PO. Box 337 I Waterloo. Ontario , NN (All IAddress ___--' (city---- tAge .,....‘,Bi| :Sailing Sessionl Name g.†TN. RENTALS Special rates for University Students mum's TV no. 576-1115 <- ' ,‘ " if l The Athletic Banquet will be 'heid tonight .at Bingeman Park Lodge at 6 p.m. for a price of $6.00. This year has been one of the most. if not the most successful year in W.C.I.'s history because of the in- 1os2'""i'l', of students and sta f, the championships won, and the spirit shown by W.C.I. students. {an iii'i'ii'iii' V 1 Week“ 1:0ttte",:0.P.M. . f . _ humanly & A-t--- 8mdarttttlattstxtny, 1:09to ':0trp.M. “0:†lot†PM. Family and adult swimming daily --t:ittttor.tep.M. dorm July & August. , _ 1 ’ Altman]? tree now not swim at Lita: Pool. Monday tor'ridar.12:0"mmtoi:0tlrP.M. Seam teeel'f,','euu, Burma my. man loveâ€) yrs.) on: “mm†lily)!! StardenttH1b2iyrtr.)SSe 8M1rperbooltof IO ‘10-†l Children tttbyrs.&yrsderrStiq 11t9ttrlr.ettio " I Family - an†' No Book Tiekets FAMILY SEASON PASS: 'w ' children of one family. under 16. $12.00 plus $2.00 for each additional child up tea maximum“ moo. -- Parents and children. 310.00 per parent. plus 8S.00 per child under 16. up to a maximum of mm. _ SWIMMING INSTRUCTIONS . _ Registrations will be received by phone or in person at either pool starting Monday. May tl between the hours of 2:00 PM. and 4:00 PM. Monday to Friday. and. also during regular poolpburp. v - . Class dates for both pools. - 1. Julystou 2. Jttly86toAItg. 14 3. Attg.16tosept.4 FEE: all) per child plus Tse for swimming award plaque Children registering for Level One should bed years of age and at least 4sinetses tall. . Water safety classes will be conducted indoors during extremely poor weather. The following comparisons can be used in registering for classes: _ - . Level 1 and 2,.is equivalent to Red Cross Beginners Level ' and 4, is equivalent to Red Cross Juniors- Level 5 and 6, is equivelent to Red Cross Intermediates andincludes Red Cross Survival Award . T Level T, is equivalent to Red Cross Seniors and includes the Senior Award. _ ' . There is a 50t service fee fan any candidate examined indie Senior Red Cross Program. --IIl--gi--itgg--i--q--MllBrl+lteltt-lleml- ""T'ttnTtft FBI “I!†Milli.“ ADULT RECREATION “I"! - (Corner of King & Allen St.) r Activities Daily. Mon.- Fri. Include: Games Room, Floor & Table Shuffleboard. Billiards Rooms, 10t tea & coffee. Note: No member- ship needed. INFORMATION: 5794020. neeeeettliit,1')'tt;lt1',til'l'. m ii"i7ii"iiiiiiiC"-ria"iiri"i:"iiriiT.aira,, " VMTEIILOO Alli!“ RECREATION CEttTftt lllllAIIY SERVICES . HOURS: Mon - Fri. 10:30 aan. - 12:00 Fm. 1:15 pan. - 3: 15 p.m. Complete selection of Iictiort, non-fiction, bibliography. No card required. For further information call 579- PROJECT "PROP" (Programme Resources For People) BUS TOUR - DUNDURN CASTLE & ROYAL BO- TANICAL GARDENS. Leave Adult Recreation Cen- tre: 10:00 am. Return Adult Recreation Centre: 5:00 pan. COST': $5.00/person. Thursday June 10. 1976. Tickets available at office. 1st Annual Senior Snooker Tournament. Brunswick Twin City Billiards. Waterloo Square. Preliminary Rounds: June 158: 16. 1976 Final Rounds: June M, 1976 Registration Fee: $1.00 Registration Forms available at Adult Recreation gentre. ___ WATER“!!! DAY! "" Any person interested in participating in this years Waterloo Days events are asked to call Waterloo Com- munity Services at 85-1550 ext. 60. Again this year the activities include arts and crafts displays, cultur- al and recreational events Suggestions are welcome, BtMwr':"t":'0tarst, 'tiN";'"":"..'., FEATURING-[Allan & "All" HOVIES Thursday May 27th, 19N, Adult Recreation Centre, 185 King St., South, WATERLOO. thr. tario. 1:30pm. -4:00p.m. COST: soc/person (retteqhIpteptgi included) Lawn Bowling for Seniors will commence Mon- day June 7th 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Waterloo Lawn Bowling Club Dupont Street, Waterloo. FEE: $1.00/person (for the season) Register at Adult Recreation Centre (58-1020) . Players must wear running shoes on the greens lint-dun. -1673:th " AFTERNOON OF COMEDY PINE“ “HOPE" No Book Tickets $154» 8MIrper book of 10 '10.†$1.50 per book of no " No Book Tickets