'y,.:,' It " l . _ ‘ h; ' a 4' . _ _ l? T ' ' i _ . [ _ 1; f1tt1t1Mlh.f1tfMiquy OLD QUILTS. Doilies. run- ners: must be reasonable. Also crystal and china. Phone 744-0103. (22) 15 PETS & SUPPLIES PUREBRED AMERICAN Spitz. eight month old female. had shots. Phone 884-2624 after5:00p.m. 50 POLICE CARSJEUCKS AND STATION GONS. 14-1975 Chevrolets. l2- l974 Dodges. 6-1974 Ply- mouths, 1-1975 Plymouth. 5-1974 Chevrolets. 1-1974 Dodge Stationwagon. 1-1972 Ford Stationwagon. 1-1971 Chevrolet. 3-1972 Dodge half-tons, 3-1972 International half-tons. l - Ford him-ton. 2-GMC half-tons, As low as 8995, License number BSD 435. Mighton Car Sales. six miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Highway. Phone Durham 1-369-3136. TEAM SHIRTS, T-Shirts and crests; custom silk screened with your team or club designs. Mini- mum order one dozen. 578-7537 evenings. (23) " ARTICLES WANTED HELP US TO Help Others by donating good used household articles. etc. to the Mennonite Relief Sale. 742-6926 for pick- up. (22) GOLD NYLON Freize sota good condition large refrigerator with across the top freezer. quilting frames, lawn table with GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May29th, 10:00 - ':00. I37 Meaford Drive, Waterloo. Articles in good condi- tion and reasonable from two homes, including: lady's bicycle, spring horse. stereo speakers, playpen. eiothes. odds 'n ends. 122) BOY'S 24-INCH Supercycle bicycle. $20.00. Phone 743-8620. (22) QUALITY. PUREBRED Yorkshire boars, govern- ment probed. Also Husky liquid manure pump. Pe- ter Petrovick. Route I, Wellesley.' 656-2169. (23) 16 CARS FOR SALE NEW 3 Pc. Coffee & End Tables $35.00. Farmer Jacks 579-4140. 10-10 dailv. HEALTH ttnmNtrtactiti,e in excellent condition. 13A LIVESTOCK OLD DRY SINK Wanted. also schilling crocks. old colored glass windows. l, Phone 743-6223. (tf) umbrella. _ ( My. " Weber Norm; away an W13 tii' HF"? (22D (22) BOB DEKKER DURACLEAN SPECIALIST' ON _ Leaky roofs: stone. flat: shing- les sealed. roll roofing laid. Light chimney re- pairs. Years of experi- ence. Free estimates. Call Cec Linseman 578- 2270. (22) _ ' a ' lan EXTERIOR PAINTING - Also qualified men for repairs if necessary prior to painting. Special rates to home owners and Senior Citizens. Free estimates. 744-7894. ttft Walls sealed with fantastic CHEMICAL WATER- PROOFING process. Also cellar floors and walls re- finished. like new. 15% Off forSeniorCitizens. LAWN MAINTENANCE - Landscaping. planting. fencing. Phone 884-3622. (24) PAINTING - INTERIOR and exterior work done at reasonable rates. Work- manship guaranteed. free estimates. low rates for Senior Citizens. Phone 744-3333. ' (m PAINTING - QUALITY Work dtmemtinteriorand exterior jobs. Special rates for Senior Citizens. Guaranteed workman- ship. Free estimates. 884- om leave message for Will. I will return your call. _ (ti) QUEENS CONSTRUC- 'l‘ION - All types of car- pentry and remodelling. commercial buildings. porches. complete reno- vations and recreation rooms. 10% off for Senior Citizens. 743-4601. (tf) lEAKIN6,,DAMP\ MOSTY BASEMENTS? " aimless . ,3; VILL DO Light Moving and delivering. available anytime, reasonable rates. Phone Bob 743-3807 or 884- and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE .rrrm rAtt ttiiii"iiGiiii. Bus. 744-8292 Res. 576- 1831 PHONE 745-7790. For Free Estimates BROADLOOM Your Valuable Phone (t!) (tf) Specializing in Restyling and Rebuilding Wide selection of fabrics including European imports. Free Estimates -' Pick Up and Ddivuy Residential - Commerical - Industrial - Custom Work - 14 Years Experience PHONE 653-4951 THINKING OF' Beautify- ing your home? Increase its value: for less than you think, we’ll paint it professionally inside or out. 744-7942. 1m FREE ESTIMATES - For shingling new or old roofs. BRANT TREE Service - Removal. trimming: by hour or job. 24-Hour ser- vice. Free estimates. 576- 4752. (m JANITOR SERVICE - Not satisfied with your pre- lent janitor? Maybe it's PAINTING-PAPERHANG- INC also spray painting, free estimates. ginnin- teed work. reasonable. Phone 743-6214. (to DRIVEWAY - - REPAIR Service: Asphalt sealing ALL TYPES Of tome re- pairs, cement work, card _ pentry. chimneys, roof- . ing, carports, garages,' l recreation rooms. plaster- ing .. fancy or plain. Rea- sonable rates. Phone 579- ‘4091 after 4:00p.m. 1m REMODELING NEW ADDITIONS RECREATION ROOMS PAINTING Residential-Commercial Free Estimates RECAMA ENTERPRISES 884-8757 (m also roll roofing and re- pairs, Guaranteed. mod- est prices, expert work, manship. Hank Unruh Roofing. 743-6201 Sth year in K-W area. an time to try Crawford's. Offices are our specialty. we take pride in doing a first class job. Give your office the tmttttt's touch. Excellent refer- ences supplied. One time. daily. weekly or monthly. Fully insured. Call Mor- ley or Shirley anytime 576-8214. (21) vice. man Giiiiits' "to? your asphalt. also hot asphalt repairs. "tao" (18) to preserve T'oN-Aiitntmotiiis, chimney repairs and too!- he: brick work and In- terproofing. 10% of! for Senior Citimais. All volt E & L. UPHOLSTERY 'r'f'i?"ti':.')tssl _ EN ttf) (16) ttf) Walls, floors, _ windows, oven, basements. etc. Gar- dening, painting. rubbish manual. Special rates for senior citizens. EXPERT " PMN'HNG And BllElEV4illllolliii l - . . I n'tiNirilliiiR BLUEVALE TOWER Is ndeqlly summed m a park-hie setting. on four acres of profess-anally Ia‘ndscaped land. wwhm easy walkmg drstance of Glenndge Shoopmg Centre and the my bus mice close to schools churches and recreauon centres BLUEVALE TOWER offers so much more - more comfort vemence and a lot more emoyablq way of Me thaMMMWim:mWw;mmhmmm;Wmh mm;mmmummm;exmm;mbmmwmm mm;mmwm(mwmtbwymm;mwm reï¬igaataaMmmm;M®atmm;uwrm;mmwkm;mW-speed eievatas;oomstmlirgamwtï¬ng;mdevwmmm. FENQQMINIUMS CONWINIUMS CONWINIUMS PHONE 745-1293 CLEANING MOEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm. Weekdays 1.30900 pm and ODD JOBS SERVICE 1 bedroom suites $23,000' 2 bedmom suites $28,000' ECONOMICAL CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT HOMES For more information call 886-0151 “:3 E. L. HOPPE AGENCIES LTD., Realtor Come See A Whole tlew Way of Life 225 Harvard Place, Watedoo l (ti) "PuJ8tto0permor-Dtmrtoarmemsttm (t0 KOCH ROOFING - Bap-in am) remtortitg. All work ,glamteed. Por Atree Koch was amnion pm. _ ' ,(m my free estimates. Phone “57‘. (tf) "l-ttttttttttt k iGiiiiGiii.ahiiGaiiGil -""""""""-T-'r"""-r'"'- - ten 5mm. ' (ml '. R. I R. in my}: man-:3 CONS"!!! CTION" REITZEL BROS. Free Estimates _ ' 886-3132) at) PA PE RING Prompt Service PAINTING 3 - PAPERING more co" - Rooting, " types __ - Blown Insulation _ - Tuck Pointing - Ceramic Tile - Bathroom rémodeled - Recreation Rooms Built Alt work guaranteed. PORTABLE. mm. ' ERS gleaned‘ oiled, ad- an Manama tk SAL! N ssnvnces work guaranteed. . Add- Type Business Equipment, 2: Bridgeport Rqad East. Waterloo (just down from Towers). tiisasid "__ ca?" undid-I _ g PHONE 745-0940 m l nu...- n u I ' rumble rates, o' w.g,$v um DVAL _ . LU (ti) "