"s Church _ _ of Christ _ N. A. MacEachern Public School Rolling Hills Drive tLakeshore Village) - CHURCH SERVICES - SUNDAYS - SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00A.M. WORSHIP - 10:45 AM. Bfliffr1BBATtD. Evangelist CARLTON SOCIAL CLUB will hold Its usual Friday night activities at Schwa- ben Club Our club Is in its ninth vear. and Is not to be confused with a new club calling thom~ selves. Carlton Singles Club l22l 1 COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS To submit short news notic- es of upcoming events to The Chronicle. (free of charger. pALVAnv , UNITED CHURCH Or mail them to our office. located on the Second Floor. Waterloo Square. For details Call A friendly country church close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. SIM. a resident of Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Residence 885-0725. All Clubs. Churches. Schools and Organizations in Waterloo ' King scream. Jamil 11:00'a.m, - WORSHIP SER. VICE {includes nursery» t0:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL ciasseictor ehii- dren. te e n tr, adults, For Further Information Phone 8844875. FIRST UNITED CHURCH ARE INVITED couples. CHURCH SERVICES King & William Sts Waterloo RUMMAGE SALE Friday, May 28th 7:01M:00p.m, Saturday. May 29th 9:30-11:00a.m. You Are Invited To Attend The Services of the WATERLOO CHRONICLE 886-2830 DID YOU KNOW? Houuuowtnm'rs '%iltllBP" Mirtiahunyt6thhsett"t.t6' . f c, _ wmmmomsz C? V 'tr, ci), t22t 108 ROOMS WANTED STUDENT ACCOMMO- DATION ._ The University of Waterloo Off-Campus Housing office provides a free listing service of accommodation aVailable for students in tic local area If you have a room for rent for the Fall Term commencing September 7th. please Call 885-1271 123i FURNISHED LARGE Pri- vate bedroom. share liv- ing room. kitchen. bath. appliances with one male. near Erb - Westmount, 38000, 744-9675. i22t stove and dishwasher - very private. full screen- edbalconies - convenient underground parking N 9 APTS. FOR RENT - frost free refrigerator. 98 SHAH E D ACCOMMODATION Featuring 5 MORTGAGES We will shoy you howJo save money by obtaining your own mortgage. For details phone pr, write: artttrettTttrtottttatis MODELS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION (hue-mm red hick M9101. bmaduoened tttmugttottt. finished hue? ment 'with fully furnished rentablp areas. Beauti- fully landscaped so by 13tFfoot lot. fruit trees. fully endosed with patio. Phone 885-367. (22) Westmount .To wers " Two 65 Westmount Road Noith, Waterloo L Spacious _ Two Berlioom Apartment Homes Managed by Major Holdings and Developments Limited Call 578-8120 Members of Urban Development Institute SERVICE 9l0 King St. East. Hamilton. Ontario t416y 545-5694 by appointment For information call 885-1420 ELLCOR DATA - -qtittiiiitit T MNMJM .mm'monsmm a: at ttitetmrtee'ttteti, 2 Pr Sofa & Chair $l95 Farmer Jacks 579-4140 HHOdaIly Notdown NEED ZIPPERS Repaired m jackets. jeans, etc, Lea, ther patches sewed on. also other alterations Call 885-203}, 423! GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian _ ftyyii.ytyyys. 272 Wool- wich Street North. Kitch- ener 'Bridgeport" 743- 3291, '- 'tft LEADING SWIMMING Pool manufacturer. must dispose ot brand new 1975 .above' ground aluminum pools made to sell for $1890.00. Willing to close- out for $1188.00. Full war- ranties in effect. Call collect anytime 1-416-667- 1302. ttft ROOM SIZE Air Condition- ers. New in boxes from $179. 579-4140. 10-10 daily. Farmer Jacks. No tdown. SWAG LAMPS 1/2 iirice Farmer Jacks 579-4140 io-Weary. - LEADING POOL Manu- facturer hasJWS above ground redwood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half-price. Call collect anytime 1416! -1ifr1i9.iu.-...__...tt.n, ROADhUNNER St? - Sale of used clothing an house-: hold articles. Free piekup; of unwanted items. 56.9) Lancaster West, Kitchen- er, 743-6911. Hours: 10:00 25 HP. EVINRUDE Out, board motor. Columbia), three-wheeler all season bug with ski kit. 5 hp. MTD rotary tiller. FNR. Phone 886-4604. 121) GEORGIAN BAY - Thom. bury. 'ntreedtddtoomTaV front cottage, swimming. fishing. 3“th sailing. Phone 743-6214. (“I SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe. .Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x " 1 y...r. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice rt, price. Call Mr. Harvey. collect. days or evenings, 416-625a819. (39) " ARTICLES FOR SALE 12A COTTAGES FOR RENT -Unly New 3-way Recliner Take it away $88. 2-onl_v Tub Chairs tw Farmer Jacks. "HO daily, 579- 4140, 10 new so: new a.m. - 9:00 p.m.. Saturday 10:00 - 5:00. ttft 'iii' 3135 an Upright, Grand and Apart- ment Size Pianos. "Where a used piano " truly a musrca/ Instrument .. _ WOMEN'S WEEKlY UBRARY 20 $100 MYSTERY & WESTERN POCKET NOVELS _ 3 25 . 28 Regina St. North. Water- loo. Open Daily 9:00-9:00. Sat. &Surt. till6:00, SWIMMING POOL SAC- RIFICE: Leading Manu- facturer and distributor has above ground alumi- num pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager Collect! Missis- sauga 416-625-8819 days orevenings. USED PIANOS NEWS Pc. Component Sets include 8-track and re- cord: changer $148. No t KESSLER'S DEUCATES, SEN - 102 Amok! Street (corner Lancaster). Kit- chetter. Processed cheese slices 91.29 pound. Colby $1.59. Mild cheddar $1.49. Medium $1.59. Old $1.69. Extra Old $1.79. Havarthi $.59. Esmm $1.69. (ti) 26" Color Console 100% Solid State." Only: $477. Farmer Jacks- 579-4140. 10-10 daily. Nd ' down. " mmuu 11otAiitittstiitrtttid FOAM MATTREtSEs And HOURS rwsday~riidav line!) 9 on a m - Nobn, I has 00 pm _ 7 00-9 30p 'Y Saturday 9 '00.! m . 5.00pm NEW 6 Pc. Reamer}: Suites . . mvite"irotrto Visit wit suite With a large Wot 'mrttrariiiriimiLresettoese" from. Come and be pleasantly gunk-ind at the Down To Earth Prices: - Ttis Week reaming- F 7 _ SIMMONS BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS. _ f 100 Park St.. Kitchener (neat Victoria) BOOK EXCHANGE 885-1725 Open Mon-Sat 1004:00 an down. Farmer Jacks 57t- 4140. 10-10 daily. density. fire retardant. sizes to fit singles. don- bles. queen. also' camper- trailers. Beam Mattress Company. 9 Herbert. Waterloo. 743-3219. (21) $199. Farmer Jacks 579- 4140., l0-10, daily. No .3 Mt'IEllNMAN's FURNITURE ATTHE PIANO SHOP PHONE 63458535 or 6345524 an nth 333% --'. Je"" '. I:ï¬D A division of Wilson omee Specialty 68 Queen South, Kitchener 745-1 171 FREE PARKING STAMPS . PLENTY OF' FREE 18--Seetioets (three divisions per selctibbn) s t e e i n shelves. Each $7.50 '--Seetioets (eight divisions per section) wood bin s h e I v e s . Each $25.00 2S--Side chairs, upholstered MF-Stack" chairs: tittiegiGs or steel, ' $5.00 and $7.50 ALSO for stockroom 25--Argn swivel tiller, wool) chairs. MF-Armchair', in good oomilion at great sav- mover new. 4tF-Stetto chairs, steel with uphoistere: an 3.1:. $20.00 "13:: 'Tigfil I, -- ijiiiii, _ - $29.50 SIUNBEAM VACUUM - Cleaner, three months " old. likenéw, best offer. Phone 7424963; (22) STOVE -" mum: Westinp house. older model. works well $25.00. Phone 578-1833. _ (22) COMPACT VACUUM Clean- er excellent ‘condition. _ complete with all attach- ments. best offer. Phone "742AD6t., V att VACUUM CLEANERS - Eureka $30.00: Kenmore $25.00: Singer upright. al- most new. Phone W76. EW ’10" Color Portables 100% Solid State. New in boxes $299. No t (low; Farmer Jacks 579-4140. mo ddily. Famiéf _ Jada 5794130 '10-10dpily.No$down. _ l' B * , am T.V.s sun. PARKING Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. to " pm. Sat. ' am. to Noon v'. $15.00 'ttttio " w-sl ""r0t,tiot.ttfiifttttaii,t'i, (24) I ," [ /,.s's'TT'"""Fr'T"7hT"T"P,', 11rAIttBx L, " “algkï¬a . -e 2:1..{3‘1' - Antennas and accessories - Automatic Radios. Tape Players, Speakers and Accessories - Service to all makes of Cis. Auto Radios and FREEZER - Eight cubic feet. General Petite. $185.00. excellent ctindi-, tion. Can be seen: " Ridgeview Crescent, Wa- terloo. l22) -Authorized factory ser- vice for JOHNSON radios - We sell COBRA. court- IER. HY-GAIN. JOHN- NEW And Rebuilt appli- ances and vacuum clean- ers for sale. Phone 744- 4511 before 5:00 p.m. (23D GARAGE/SALE - Saturday. May 29113.4(! Lexington Road. Waterloo. 9:00 i. GARAGE 'SA‘LE ‘- 376 Vic- toria North at Lancaster; Kitchener._Saturday. May TD RENT OrBuy Grand miter Cable TV's. "Little. Brom, Box". all area representative D, Schic- del. 'Mqltt6t for fast per- stmatiaed"sprvice ' (tf) FOUR WHITEWALL Tires _ 645 by 14 for Maverick. nearly new. best oust. 744-1790. _ att RQLlfAWAY Bed. M pair. WEIR Tape Players, Installations. 'aes. Leas- es and Rentals ‘size 6.' Phone tM6ai17. 4:00. Antiques. furniture. dishes. televisions. old tools. many other house- hold items. _ t22t household furniture Lid appliances. " atrtomotiire equipment. sporting goods, family clothing. baby equipment also other'ntr. merous items. (2: y 29th. 19:00 aaii. l " p.m. Gas and electric mo- 450 Weber Sr North Unit 8 Waterloo 885-0410 lECTRON RADIO COMMUNICATIONS bamboo ‘curtains. beige/ white striped. lady's mi knee high winter boots and used gift items, a!†[ some manned home-~ hold items. May a and e "ttr1.8lrBrlttAhavearotr A _ certt,Mraterioo. MW.†f _ l ) an; o" 'ri'rtisAitiri'i f' ' iiiciii"irs," sci" _" _ __ _ rrtr' ijtefd 5i1tttttr"'t*"itayi/f:Cf. 2',r,),tii.' Citizen Band - Business Band t24t (22) 'trittri "