[ . 1h 1m Conrad Nagel bought this property, l you known as Itt and 134 King St. S. and built [5 i'l,Mh',1g2gti,t,u','drtls,it; ltt'ittWtte '. ’sold to Conrad Schneucker an innkeeper. It P _i.atltotrtritrarthmoetaetitti1ntapotWaterNo. , The end walls project above the roof, so does' i the main centre. wall. . . ' 1 'ny righbhand half still shows the placement _ TKT.' F1h"f,tifi4., b, - r " - _ '; 335; up?!†3'5, TF, . I. " MII r . - . " ii r T, f, "‘" “' _ “WE: ' _ c,‘ /,'?'irC/,lst',i'i5?i)tf,1truB, !,PRr:"ailglw,., " - 7‘vdt‘."':?“" TaNtra - l - W r i ' .1 , 4:1 ' F. _ . /.'fi?/i,%"t'rtiP; its .. 'SA' F'6Br It CLI ’_ Pmh'l T . [trg) ' F. ‘i ' tN ; . "SI, " '.Me, Bi - gr a r - " " ‘ V I I " MN ‘ . 9.-r 'r.' . . .. “a: = v _ , M. ' "e .'. was , 'ld m "i AK; __ e; .. " - ‘ tl page" = g». A. I IMI' - ‘ " » - '= " p, - w G . w. y 7, " ' * . I J t a. VN‘.‘ .‘ {Q} ', _ rt? d: -r- tit), N c.* " a, G, , _ , . f 1‘34 .,.' .. a T, g Cru' i" - 'Nil54 Al w w-J’Mgï¬? _ . . 'r, '1; {s} " Ir5friiltlE u. " " Mr, B Mila IE itt y.alRtleMlgr m = t‘ ' - V" - l 5 'a -. 1'i ., ' . lyk "V t' " .. I up lite, , t"'e,ir .. a , - _ y, _ . crr "C] a ' 1%. ‘9‘ _ . © - TN . EEt' " lim' ‘ fl rr "v ‘ WV l IMiN!MB, v‘ ‘v . ’ch- l ax, “I" - '5" A = 'rl " "M f y L. A. '.T, I. " Jr 'rw q VV _ [» . dirt“? ' IN' Ye.,' arruti'r-i,r: _ j; k r',, 33 . I†l il ( r, l ' -""' Ps'i I, 5‘32. 1 _ 4m" ' .%' IP', 1frd 'y.l!illalN 'tair, '8lllBll,lllltSatalgi ' Gl . P, 1320-»:a ' ME a “ ,"d - 4 " ii'dry .' “y" SiMiiibiiN, At" “5' 't F' . n F 'x ., ic11') ' ml [ : A tft' "t9l,tli'?ilitirifirjr, $.53“; flat} 4 . ‘ bFtrp, 'es.: pg, " 22 , Au: wr 'iiiii; "ii, Fr L3? '? BE f. #3, . "i?f',; g N, 'tl.'", 2t' 'tt My. 1: 2- a" " l iil‘ " s-ri"', _ C f A‘ w.' Jt 1%,“ .h r “JEN“! Lair. “r 0%,. . ( . AM. 4;. ml . a, .. .1 = "sr, v- a a. .. ling-t, ", Jr'"r" ' . “V. r I -___ _ Lo-:-" ‘L' 1"»;“3?;; -. Cf' I"! _. " "“1241,†". ‘41»; Vi,j.ii5iiiit), " s ., " " " , a, q ., IMI .mil _ )7 gk v. a.» L- -Fi,- 7 T ' . '.' 1x .. _" _ W. “Jaw; - 'srt's2r.hi '.'5'rt' 4.51.; we, f -." a“ “w h 77i',rik'i ' .. tel 5" ' V" v/Fi: c." , all _ w l . . , ". 'T' ' . s“ Jkiif‘ah " V " _jF'iiiiriiii' "fer of the windows. The end wall reveals the original red brick. Large round iron plates screwed to the end of iron rods can be seen terior walls from bulgingout. _ i This, section onde housed trwateh repair shop anfa piyza place on the lower floors the sécond floor was divided into apartments. Some‘of the old tour panelled pine doors with porcelain knobs remain. The window and door trim is pine. T , The basement under this section is very low. The two main support beams are axe hewn. The walls are f ield-stone and brick. Mr. Oschefski, the manager of the Ali'Baba 4:33;; ‘ it“ ', _ "r., f ‘ 1 s,,.'.' a“; " Steak House explained plans they had, for .the 'i.-,. :2" " m :3? 'i'C,criciiirs'ir. 5; 7 t, addition to be built where the old section is being _ ' ,. I _' / _- ". . , i T . at .. torn down. The lower front Wall willbecovered 1 '., '.-, ' P _ ' . jâ€! FM with feather rock. A new entrance will be 2 V 5' if. . "s-, Cv w, ,7 constructed and the lower floor will become a E __ - _ '71:?" 7 _ i _, "5:7 "p" cocktail lounge with dining facilities. An arch Te " ,. if; _ ." t . c', " = ' . I ‘ I will connect it to the present dining-rodms. _ The _ _ - upstairs will be an extension of the supper club. This building. at the corner of King and William seem gamma, houseda watch clinic and pine nerlour. The present decor will be carried on into the new It weenriginellyf an inn constructed in 1857. Recently it wag demolished to make room for an addition section. MODEL ttttt _ a Portable o-Traclr Tape Player with All/Fl ' Multiplex Rttdhr--ottV on ac or Battery Only 14 lbs. . Slide switch controls for volume. balance q Separate bass and treble control . Speakers lace out so " plays while you carry it q Slide rule simplified tuning o Headphone jack q lC's for reliability q Convenient handle for car- rying o Comes complete with a D cell batteries q AC power cord . Car lighter power cord 0 Smartly styled white plastic with contrasting black smoked plastic tront and back. 'tapo ro¢s fwere used' to keep the ex- SATURDAY MAY....' 29 ONLY Cdr) (J, III J" ' _. t'"a C, ".. [ a 1 _ _ -.:+ is, “A 'rl r-- C , "te w.' 2; 13$" .»2 .. Ir, 1,; ~' ". g _ * . , P _ . . 9' . I} _ .4 f P, " _ F. . _ r' ". , ., L J, ". _ _ . r a , £3, . 1-. . . _ , . *‘r- . .r. - J: ,7 J V, w " .4? _ r")", ; .. [ , r " . Cr " _ C . .1» '. 'e", ' al _ " r .. v2 t . _ , -,._ 'V _ 1' _"' m. ,.' _ f g L/ A "td ', "N "e v. , T _ T . .' _ a - ru" _-' _ _ E _ _ - s' 'il f; _ I _ _ 's, Ia"'. l . , Ms . _ . .1 J" 2 . . b . -h Lower Mall; Waterloo Square 884-4590 to the Ni Babe Steak House. “claim lllliliitiMl "C Ib, 1).itriarifai?,,fj,iiiiirii, , iT', a“: Stereo equipment. radios. guitars, banjos, keyboard in- stmments and much, much more win go on Sale Saturday. May 29. for one day only at savings of up to 50% off the ‘ regular prices, . _ _ Chrome plated metal ports, metal Ione ring, genuine pearl' decorations, rosewood firttrrr- board, " brackets, geared Stl, peg. _ 1660 CUSTOM MODEL CASSETTE RECORDER Cititrei SHOP EARLY AND SAVE.' $32995 BE1i'sidEaj'tt'