I' Junior2jutpott mnfimmogames "s,.-' YA.ksio..' ' 'j...?;?...'" ; _ Ni 9:35;? . *lrilrN ' . , Bat' . tWiiiii?.ie.iiii' .cyy..fti'itej:j:jfTp. 4iIIit ' - - "#4523533?23:3:?:i:3:$:1:?:3:1fife-f:: 'lllt . ‘ - . " 'Â¥=:=~»-x“°-“‘ - ' 5555231535? SFX.?.??' s?.iiie?...iL:tc.?ifs?i?2s5 - - , :-:' :2:- 2?itir?i; "rtliiii.i.i,ii.'rii:ii . Illrli BilttMB 25-555 13“??? ?i'?y5;.?.iii..ii?.if.iif - .. - 2BlBMW.:" gsi?i,j.h?: if.fkifsT'; . > Irltltltltittllilm lil' . Qumi . .1 :iiii?diit?)'jo,i.'iiiiiist.'?h't . 1lMMllMl2Bttg' 171Q " xix-gem. rt.yf.ii:?.yf.:i:?i; . ‘ - 'RNN5r5 MMEiir -.-»:-. g.4y:i?i??it4h't, _ililri, ililNlMt T8R9."'oit'Ai:ti:'rfiif.fiii?cT' :: t! W _ - _ uss me Waterloo, Jr: Expos jsmm m" Set "tttt a... sum. m... :1 2. ‘ & Nu m 35-50 a... sum low St' 51 PMâ€. Cut . a sun $5.50 M. 830700. Now 317., ttaiteats $3.50 up (Body Medium or Curly) CALL PAT OR GEORGINA W Daily d†. 743-7784 "o-'-'")';,";,;,,',',','"""'" By PM Kemtiqt ted. Pe? )1“. Pee. EMMDIUM SHERRY 'i,,..)::, If you enjoy a cream sherry now. you 'h welcome the fuller taste ofa medium-dry sherry. Graduate to Emu Medium - sherry cum laude from Australia., At the same low priceas EVERYONE _ \ ' - K ADL‘LTSONL‘: WELCOME! -- Minna?» - MOBILE ’ HOMESALES Emu Cream Sherry. Coiffure Cottage m. BEAUTY SALON s, Elk Cm. s. It Ertt St.. "who . l PERM SPECIAL M.tt0 a... szuou. m... 31 2." 35-50 a... Salon I»; St' ti." .50 a... 830700. low St T." )up (Body Medium or Curly) COME AND SEE'OUR MOBILE HOME DISPLAY! Saturday May 29 and Sunday May 30 f . 1O a.m.-8 p.m. _ R.R. 2 BADEN. 3 MILES WEST OF ST. AGATHA Glendale and Commodore (pictured above) homes are available for your own lots or foundations within 3 days. . 2 or 3 bedroom telectric heating *CMHA approved Camping. Swimming, Miniature Golf, Restaurant and Trout Fishing try , k7’k" at 7 , w r"r . _ -'. Te ". . "t "rs _:. H "e I , at M tltr, V. F ' V c' __ k nu. GV, ,,irt,?, _ t. .- "' . _ . .-' . . _ _ t'ee. L.f ma“" V n tai' RAM W - _ (iii 'tdd: . '", f “9'“ - Am ‘... . 'ri I ' " MN am.“ 'iqir r- ii? - -rs,V" 1,, -. “I - e-'-',,-."""" _" L5 ". -,"' ‘7" raw v" -'."-_' -,. "C' '." isra,Ntei-'tetit,t-rtitrtstt"aatt,,.eMrttir Whitman. 'ttigirrarteatitta-iqt. 'd' dqratertttt_Ny%tt" â€sully out! 'ttia but hit vial-1‘ In?!» be m ,mum. ", ,q- C't . summa- M‘ hrmwb .' ..' “Ink W far 1%: ,ht.ettoda Blue 8.3;- ." a4.-0'aqtCaetrr%trteteea The -" 6ttc:'1titr,.ft,r.ttttstfqt,CttteAtettmtrt--nreattm'r . tttk1ttiam"ittrrttortittrx tto-i-ttttty-Arty' who Phteib,tt" ,ttd""tttttr,tttristtm3t-ttMtt _ A? hematite-scored†'antiire4trirr,eArtM he (at The 'ttttttrn “opts.- _)'",. ,, ‘_. irttbe-ttttttamtidtttitqte-Wqptee.. '1?riNti.ittitst tsattsaxrthrBgitetqaatee 8tttgtes-"ttiftieJttti-_,' i-at-ttttmet-ttith. mmmtgpcb» $dttr'mrts"ttrtaMa4alead, 'ratiietot,pstii,W- ‘5‘" math inning to my. MiV8mittott8t.'Noems IBtttef-tttietrtirttgtlWtod- 'aeetti0rarttthttrtDinrid-, Ar b4 10M.lll the ninth Tmmlmdl atttektseotxttrimrstietdRr. can. You Jameson. Bob _ mg St. mom}: scored triple while. Matt Gown woman-atomic» Catiiek.Botrmqtmeltt four was to take the lead hit a triple’and Peter'l'oo- up mum-4. Thar turperandatttitSHt. 1 - backlHi.Thetnpofthettinth pinghitadtt1rtm., -. -ttttoxtrvrrqtiirtttte In the punching Water- saw five Expo, crossbow siutrssurrstsit by Peter -ftfthandmstruerirttitxtts 1etoEtrpottretreettagFritk platetoput'theEtrposout Tm. Greg Bosnia but: 12Atead.htttie- one errttarttrthe Wood- front 10-0. St. Thomas WI". attttDmtCaMi"elt.t ‘1“ We! ttteeitttsthWooehrtoet stock Blue Spot mechan- plate to put the Expos out from QM. St. Thomas was held scoreless in the bot- tom of the ninth to give the Expos their first win of the season. " .n. For the Expos, Mike Blake hit the - lone home. run of the game and Barry Mussel- Yosnnck in relief “WIS Sekulih and the loss mt to Ross Dodge in relief of Rob Wright. Rick White was the third pitcher for Mte SL'IhomasTomcats. I' The Cambridge (Hespeb er) Holiday Inn, June ll. lt, 13, will be the site of the l970 Iftstmirtors' Seminar for 150 Coaching and Referee Instructors in the National Coaches' Certification Proi gram and _ the Natiqnal On Sunday the Jr. Expos Coaches. and _ refs." attend clinic lull at to live: more $dtttrittrtaMa4a1ead, IBtttetoatrtttietrtt'rttg8Wtod- atttektseertxttrimrsttetdRsv. â€'00:“:th ta1rtttretrtead24illr- -ttttoxtrvrrNttitetttte -fttthandaestruesirttbqstxtts which IB4 lead. Indie" Bolt Wiele. anvexpert in Ahe field of adult education tqottthteeittbtttWoodstoet 'coesttrteedtheseoring with moths fora final score ofuainittsrofthewar- V Jim Dingo hit I triple for the only extra base hit for Jim Drago Itwo cacti) and Mike Yosurack. Dave The thirteen singles for" the Ertios wen hit brBrlan Referees' Certification GoliClub. Saturday, (my! a.m.,.to 3pm.. followed by a golf human at , Cambridge . we Blaké, Mire 634-865 1 - On Sunday morning. the l Coaching litgtruetors will Cadbk. Bob Summers. Jeff turperandatttitSHt. , In the azimuth Water- 1etoEtrpottretreettagFrittt one error, and the Wood- stock Blue tim' were chug- ed With six errors! T _ _ Mark Sekulin picked _ he with for the Expos with Mike Yowact coming in in Jeiief in the eighth inn- my. The loss was charged to Neil Payneof Woodstock The Waterurrirhrpos' out home gamd is Sunday. May no at 2:00 PM. in Mr- terloo Park‘when the Brant-, ford Braves "wilt supply View the film can Me Goad!" ami, Ken O'Brien of O.E.C.A. win discuss ways. of'usiitg the film to teach minpr estaeieretfeetiveir'.', iii