from Ontario. New Bruis- wick, British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec and Mi- chigan will be in Waterloo May t4-16 for a Women Alive conference at Univee sityofWaterloo. ' Women Alive is a reli- gious-oriented inspirational group that was founded in 1973 by Nell Maxwell of 1973 by Nell Maxwell of Barrie. At the founding con- ingupabuu'd." _nle Fina“). by talent in We fiction. Family Style, by David Etees. , My original F_WM. by WINE-MAKERS BARGAINS _ Women Alive group comes to Water-Ibo We have recently purchased all our "‘HOME" Warehouse stock of Martin's grape concentrates. fruit bases. wine ' additives, wine making kits. an accessory kits. White. grape. concord. port. Enough to make " Imp. Gal of (in. WINE MAKERS ADDIIIVES PACKET FOR 100 oz. BASE To make 4% Imp. Gel. Connins: 3 Acids. Yeast Nutrients. Tannin. Yeast Energizet th Pectic Enzymes. HUNIJBED OZ. WINE MAKING KITS 100 OUNCE CANS 0F APPLE. CHERRY. APRICOT CONCENTRATE Special Bl" WE AT FERGUSON HOME HARDWARE ARE SIIll II "IE WINE MAKING BUSINESS. BIGGER TIMI EVER. “36.95 Reg. $10.95 You. OlDESF COMP“?! SOUICI OF MI! I BEER IIIIIG SUMIES I EQUINEII. 100 (JUICE CANS 0F PORT. \ CONCORD. WHITE SHAPE CONCENTRATES Reg. $8.50 Special 5.67 OUR ROME HARDWARE WAREHOUSE HA8 CEASED " RANDLE IRIS lIIE. Reg. $6.95 Special Reg. " "(omen " mm KIICHEIER 743-7632 FERGUSON " Enough to make 4% Imp. Gal. ference In November. 1973 r,200 women attended. This is the second year a Women Alive conference ha; been held in Waterloo. This year 2,120 women will be billeted in Waterloo at Wil- frid Laurier University and' University of Waterloo. Jill Briscoe of Brookfield, Wisconsin is one of the speakers for the conference this year. Mrs. Edith Schaef- WINE MAKERS ACC E880!" PAC KAI; E Conuins: Wino Yeast. Sulphito 1’abhts. Stabilizer. 3O Gummod Labels, lnstmctions plus The Additives Packet as Above A Picture of Innocence. by Hugh Puetmod. Am My picture of guilt and _9eBritiatttusrrtttits Ieittiig Runs-ea. Ber- t2f"l'Sl2d.'tfut,'lt.t play-3- gm etude-w Special " 35- 95 ..‘4.63 APPEE. CHERRY APRICOT KITS Reg. $8.95 Reg. $2.79 “31.79 ter of L'Attri,'SMtteruntt is also a - speaker. Nell Maxwell. founder of Women opening Wick- es of Wheaten. Illinois. will be the conference soloist and Gertrude Ribbins of Cleve- land. Ohio will be song lead- er. av . n _ ‘- F "tfttrht t,'ldt's ""P"""'"c 7 . MAW . ",ri',',if,'dt'llttttd. summon _ [swaths-n. ' MW.wm l tePtieottgtturd-"ltyft. 1;)'llfi'i/l'dlrlrdt - century“. Tttnity,-')." Ieelartdtheeeismrtttttre, d wang-nine _ [l,,,,,,,',],?,,,!],,.],',,),),),,)',,, control. How to Mo them' it?!“ 'i'211'til'l'l . Fill in low areas to prevent water gathering. , 0 Make sure drainage ditches and gutters aren't clogged with trash. 0 Clean blocked drainpipes and drain water from flat roofs. ( . Disposedenptycansandoldtires, and up-end buckets and other containers left outdoors. 0 Change water in wading pools, ponds and bird baths every few days. q Keep your swimming pool properly chlorinated and filtered. Insecticides and pesticides should be used carefully. Follow the manufacturer's h9xttwitoesuauahdeve1apiiisstiqiwuter sothebestwaytoeliminatethemistodo away with still-water breeding sites, wher- evertheresriat.Youcandowiirahaie. O Eliminateallatandingwaterarmmd 1-ttetutrveatencepha1itisspreadbrcertainmasquitoesoccurredin f 9,t,'rnt.k'rthe'ii"ttimemi"werx'" about 70 cases,mostlyinSouthwestem 'h guard against a recurrence, prevention is important and many mosquito cotttolprogrurnsareunderwar. h&xetmaaquitohiteathissurmurwi11beaimplrunuisance.1f,how-, symptomsotenoephaï¬ï¬soocunmchasdmwsimssJoesotappeï¬teJeven headache, nausea and vomiting, consult your family doctor. lineman Walkman Whamwmflamqfladflu Md.†A Sends. 'ltt't,Uh'ggi olGilberMSuan. _ q Wood Control . Grub Control . Fmilizlng , Gov't Liconu 884-3498 WATERLOO LTEFANSON 'PRAY [ii] Ontario Howtostop them I I tram hung. -,r h&x'twitoeesaremastisetisreinthe 'mmingandinwrxx#tdaroas.rtisan1r fxeaitstmsT!oreducemaaqvitohiteishr 1rmspingoutaétheirworasmiachas possible. 0 Itepairholssinwurscreensandmake 'rurotherfittig1itlr. . "rwtyrweedsandgrasshequentlr, aimhedgesandremoveallumleces- sary vegetation, which protects adult mosquitoesfromsunandwind . 0 ?rxpridenettingfortheprotectionat babiesandyoungchildren. 0 Closethedmnperonyourtireplaoe whenifsnofinuse. 0 Wear loose protective clothing with long 'eleeveswheremtxtquitoesareUbundani. O Lighter coloured clothing attracts fewer mosquitoesthandarkclothing. Many efficient insect repellents are ayailable, but always read the label and fhm.G-garAirr,0C., Mieti-uhqrhwirertm.ot 'hset.r'ronkS.Miiiar, Md“