k x. _ I" 'hi' '\._r 1?itsaisfkCc, _ _ . " ' T "ul _ , ',,t)ir,,trtlirr'it 1qlutl, Hundreds I‘nttend . ":, ' Mennonite arts festival Bulk-Roy 'Nodt8iitrgtainattme. Rain. Wins-nova! timtstttttayear'sestieat tfl'tu11d.ttrae,'i"d m Paul [Mean all, tte_srtititlaeer.th.eet m at new Cable in of hundreds at Visitors to Kansas. - unethirdamualMennonite Mt.r'tieaea â€nam- festivald theartaheidoet ber ot deemtetstrattiom on Sunday at Fairview Park the art of pottery maeirtg. Maliinkitchegier. An mils 01]le (PM to Demonstrations. . Men- nonite foods. arts and crafts displays. live theatre plus film shows were all part of the ticket price of $2.50 per person as was a free cook- hook given to every family that attended the festival. Crinkle Cotton Blends Top MM 528 Vida-ii an. N.. Kim (Beside Watt-1 Bikes-bu) 745-6136. After hours 578-7154 Luge Indoor-Sham BS" YD. Cotton Gauze Discuss THE ADVANTAGE Six pastel syndes. Printed Jersey Large variety of prints. Inthe Dunkevv Wetg across from Kresges “Muted. Me sad. Thurs, Fri 9 to 9. Sat 9 to 5 30 25% off all Drapery Fabrics Reg. 996 a. 1.99 yd. SHOULD You PURCHASE YOUR CEMETERY MEMORIAL AHEAD or Quality without thd cost -245 kintrSt. llihNtAer, SUPERIOR MEMORIALS Fi WEEK'S BESI jli'Jliil[)jllJlig,i 're" " _ _ “71“.‘7 CNST .. ‘1' A _ _ -. g ~15~ w‘ _ 1-37 "T""" , _ 4 It . u . y w.»\ . n J _ " 1%†;WT p, In ' c. - . r . .v . , a l ., _ a I . ' . . “J . LPeS', t ' 510r.dwr'ir, AT, _ . 'tttttttt . . _ se - -- - - - E _ -- - L~, --'. - v--- AAA A-___-_, __ ___ â€a. ------_---- m Paul [mean all, RoltertFtter.trtrtttteneb er: at new College in Kansas. - Mr.F'rieseagaveamm- ber “demonstrations on theartatpotterymaking. Ascrowdsedgedcloserto the wheel Mr. Friesen trans formed a hunk ot clay into a beautiful bowl before it watsrtredinakiht. \ Mr. Regier's present} tion was a little different and was not part of his self- orotessed-aims in the art is! His 'prairie images' was designed to give viewers a new look at commonplace 'tii, m Watch this space for future announcements of auctions Rummelhart Auction Sales Co. 744-9679 578-0060 KEN GARVEY Licensed Auctioneer V2t! Manes-idmlln eegttetfthegtttit-di. ttte0trmimttertteettalttia' ,eeretaugtxritthtott+ othisttttmeipsKartms. Sketchpad as he felt he uni more of a painter and print agate!- thuu photographer. He said the presentation was designed with education in mm as he felt the slide show had a great dealtool: fer in the way at environ- meettatexmtettt. Live' ttteatreNas not for- gotten' at the festival as Mrs. Nelson Weber and Roy Brubacher entertained the crowds with l ‘Who in Paul Friesen showed visitors at the third annual Mennonite lestival of the arts just how a bewl‘is made on the potter's wheel. Mr. Friesen was just one of two featured artists at the festival which was held on Sunday at Fairview Park Mall in Kitchener. Mannersons braved cool temperatures and blowing snow to attend the lestival which was devoted to the many facets of Menno- nite art and crafts. . the world are the Menno- tion on the historrof the castin this production. nites?' written by Norma Mennonites. Live theater and film Rudy. the program direct- Another play. ‘House of were not the only entertain or at Fairview Mennonite the lord] written by Urie Tent provided as six choir This play featured 7 the actor and actress in a horse- drawn buggy as they head home and- provide the%u- dience with a bright and witty dialogue. which also provides accurate informa- Public meetings for the purpose of receiving verbal or written submissions regarding Electrical Utility Re- structuring in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo will be held as follows: May 4. 1976 - The Resource Team Report containing technical and financial information on the various alternatives for Electrical Utility Restructuring may be obtained from the undersigned. Written submissions may be forwarded to the under- signed up to and including May 12. 1976, May ti. 1976 - ELECTRICAL UTILITY RESTRUCTURING Notice of Public Meetings Cambridge City Hall. " Dickson Street. CambridgetGrAhttario7:30p.m. Regional Council Chambers. Fourth Floor Court Hourse. Weber & Frederick Streets. Kitchener. Ontario. 7 :30 p. m. tion on the historrof the Mennonites. Another play. ‘House of the Lord'. written by Urie A. Bender, the writer-in- residence at Conrad Grebel College. showed the life of Hadewijk. an Anabaptist woman who lived in the 16th century. The Ban Accord Mission Circle of First Mennonite Church were the Regional Clerk Eighth Floor Marsland Centre Waterloo. Ontario AW. Woods. A WC. T CMtr.dr"c/ePs 'ci'tl5sig'k'i'iCtill Live theater and films were not the only entertain- ment provided as six choirs plus the Rockway Menno- nite School Orchestra all added their-musical talents totheiestival. The choir's included: the Valleyview Singers. Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church Choir. W-K United Menno- nite Church Choir. the WesternOntario Mennonite Chorus. Inter- Mennonite Children's Choir and the Rockway Mennonite School Chorale. Mary Schiedel. one of the convenors of the festival. said the math purpose of the project was not to raise funds although this was an important aspect. but to inform and educate the public on how the Menno- nites live and contribute to their communities. _ She said the proceeds from the project would go to the Rockway Mennonite School but the expenses for this show were quite high. Parts-AccessoriesScrvice SUZUKI mom's CYCLE Just over the bridge In 1975 New T8185 T0125 TC1OO RV125 1975 Enduros at Complete 1976 line in ENDURO 578-5240 " l"d 33:1