global problem; but the 's'trtnearyo-taetisttF exists to bring igtteettatitmal issues to a local viewpoint. and to provide educational information on world prob- lems to anyone in this area. The facilities of the Global Community Centre include files about third world 'risi-tetynr.1- Dettt.emudbeemtsidtett ttte-tttlille-ttrf' Global Centre ChaS‘iznyterhat‘ionJ tiii;t'iiik'lii7iGti'i'r"ii"' '. The Global Community Centre. 94 Queen St. s.. Kitchen“. offers tesouroe information on weddiy at- do: fairs to interested people throughout the region. according to John van Mossei. co-ordinator. ca" â€1).me mama-unawa- qm.NMaletBlttromBl-""_lq.l.. murmur.“- “Mahmud! local Guam committee, the Human KW Canon the K-W multicultural Centre. the Ontario was Centre Association (OLCA). It provides detailed in- formation dealing with a wide variety of intematiotF al social and economic problems as we“ a Mor- thtettrearsettetott-e, ,aretftCrrta_mttr. -t.erAttiea'a-rttt. Gamma-u- mum-hum coordinated texttttr8htyt eaattirctt'rR-r'M. 'mtestmderrtsaeq.imdan attitude at wet to_ttte ' “bathe-ud- prutharortdhtmitismla- thetetlttt-atittqntrit- tityt_JottroartMtt+ amherattrtrrisutgrrr. all mr'teiraAitt rights to atiik The Due was of Candis Northwest ttee 'imiiarpmttFiatattemgtt- ing to gain control of their to.itstorsttkttttteGiottat For Tt-iiare.tesrotthe iiitdktitamt,t.fiit.ll1trt, GoodCeicttttetL OMS "EUTP' jittiiik"s' muggy! ft',",',':'.".".'.',',',",',',",",-..":',,','.",,',,','.',',".".', filltiitlifij “Mbmtwh -mmmuo-uus alilellttlll1 "terdtroetthmtthomamdbet-am"- . .catti,t Sttttrttattirtatr+thitr In 'ttttiF to be m out talhmt+tittattqter.Lahat mmum.m mush-town inPudumitie.Sat Tailored styles. banded locum. out to! or darker 248tttNtDtNttttttttttlt WATCH HILL 'J,Trir:iarE? AND FASHIONS 220 KING STREET N. (near UM) 884-11132 tst-retry-tte-ra-to-Femme-bat" BEBE New Pacts! PE [ESE 880mm When-by†toqhettte-ht'spexsb teertsttremasehaaqeait- "timttoeai1tmestente.rtr matiirqtpeorhemet-e awmmmam ttteirtree_ttitmdesartd waded: the way they liveartdaet,"saidMr.tmn “Milwau- mum-adu- mttqtttttt-tee. N f‘Yuhvetoworkvcry hid.'rheGutttaiottieeite ear1tethereadeitetstor walk coordinatién and also for World Development lemurs ot 1m and W16 the K-WL'o-ncil of Chin-aha. The Global Community Centre has provided re- source materials and speak- schools. the media End "sm dividuals since it opened tx'oyeararaeo. Completely Wit, the lip '..iti' manna! iodir.'tttnrt-trtgarttt "tmm-ttttttto-t Ct-tetqtGeodChettrto 1siit.E-f FABRIC HIGHS t A (ifiDiijiiiijrEE New Arrivals! Wide Selection mrttmishmtheterttr he‘d-W wwwmm noun-u. “Thea-tumult“: dome-WOVG- I. Aid to provide any: 993. L garden-detention†all: is the trick tor It." The Global Cunmmity Cettrereemttrhempgittth. Nevin-dint “been! grmqt,tttehhmtmemr,tottre, 'NeatreuttteArtratUW torttpresentrttimteoneeew iagtheNewtmmdundsoeitr eaetomie situation. By Appointment Only ’ INTERIOR DESIGNER Will My With HOME 886-2256 OFFICE t' _ 'ot "Cm W.' or