'heYraterliitrretrot'aMid- gets Walnut best season ever within: ered, and Hespeler for the cham- p1ayedsportirtgarueued ttd61wins,18ittasegarttr seasrmirttirstpueedttise Hub uagtseandtheetsettt on to eliminate Stratford five ties. were semi-finalists. They disposed of Gait and Sarnia before Iosingout to Brant- ford three games to two in a best of five series. - Waterloo 'illkyiiiii'iiitrrend, season - champions -," The Toyotas entered four tournaments and _ were champions in the Stratford and Toyota tournaments and finalists in the Waterloo Gold Puck Tournament The champion Waterloo Toyota Midgets are (front left terxightr Lowell Lovedâ€. Roland Degreauw. Dave Shier and Dana Saunders. (middle) Doug Black. Paul Mowbray. Gary Bevel, Dennis Shane. Brion Price. Tom Young and Dave Barrett. (back) Jim Moir (manager). Dave Blackburn. Graham Dennis, John Nay, Fred Bobinsdn (coach). Dennis Schlueter (sponsor). Dean Oberle, Kevin Hergott. Stu Macsorley and Don Dreisinger (asst. Cogent _ T _ . - . r _ Welcome Wagon greets new arrlvals " In O.M.H.A: play, they How does It feel to he out on the street? PM out. Take a walk. Waterloo Welcome Wagon Nteted seven new families l the city during April. W alnttt Ballet syscl' INC, Waterloo THE JoRoNTo REGIONAL BALLET COMPANY Reception to follow TICKETS - $4.00 - $2.00 - $1.00 at the box office or telephone 576-7323 Saturday May 15 - 8:15 pm “an a “HI-lat: at The Humanities Theatre Unwersnty of Waterloo bla Its' ', 4““??? lrr9'is8Wg. Icii)la.ll'i _'it'2i5: '53-, ' the ttrty.rerreseitteit Water- loo Minor Hockey at all times boa on and of! the ice. It was SIT a total team effort and t is why they had - a Mu! yearastherecordsindicate. It was most difficult to pick the team awards for most valuable player and most improved player es- pecially when all the boys were giving their best. Fred. Jim and myself pick- ed Lowell Loveday and Dana Saunders to share the MVP award and Kevin Heitott for the MIP award. bowell was chosen for his effective steady play on defense as well as his of- They are Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Power of 337 Beechlawn Dr.. Mr. and Mrs. David Little of 416 Stillmeadow Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Scott of 300 Regina St. N.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell of 387 Stillmeadow Circle, I?! futflfltyu’dï¬q irotmrrttttqtttet0,hrtH-' scaring statistia. Apr all. 1ediatt-rsqtirit. " Dun nuptials“: atmtartattresaiveeheehirtg and 'msahmysgteirqrarte 1teratdretutereertt.'ntistenm ieaderwas-ttiateam sestringarittttt0pttirtu. . was a boy that played little hockey hetone the were and this year made the team as the seventeenth player and worked his way up to being the leading right winger of the team. He end- ed up in sixth position for goals which isafine showing for a player who just and? the team. a Paul Mowbray won the scoring trophy with 121 Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Za- maria of 425 Tamarack Dr.. Mr. and Mrs. John Kent I! - 3!! k,iitli,.org u up. a. magnum a tsetter-tttMerit-he Inâ€. â€inth didhexsrttt-ietrtstetttrtrt juvenile leans. 50th by: Ind an excelhut 'seaaon and the award has well Btae-ttteBriangtegt2 tbe Inst ttttnit-tdem ani- 4 Fred Robinson. Jim Mair andlwouldliketowishthe boys the best for next year and hope they all have a good summer. We, also would like to thank “use of 389 Stillmeadow Circle and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fink of 303 King St. North. “ mu a. "iiG.itssir aeatetmmetGsttte'retr _ _ tun-mpmnn 'seaside-e-ttttttarent- ,'rttridbfttttt"etbhtoqrer- an». ,,v.r/' Is,. A ttitst "HS sir' .c "ELLOW PA THESE FEATURES 0 Mt" " IN STORE SERVICE tMOST MAKES] q "t8TtttlCritMt WWII EVERY MIC"!!! sow mm nun STORE , 0 Home summon ACCESSORIES & "ITEMS . SIRE an saunas . MESS MAKING CLASSES O scussoas a PINKIIG SHEAR!» summit!) 0 small“ All] mm SEW PATIERIS All this Mus the host prices in town - wade accepted. , so Westmoum Rd. N SALES th SERVICE dt. WESTMOUNT PLACE, WATERLOO OPEN THURS. a. FRI. EVENINGS TIL 9:30 westmount place pharmacy 578-8800 Alhstmount Sewing Centre westmount place pharmacy 745-4461 OPEN J. . - 7 DAYS A WEEK WATERLOO MONDAY to SATURDAY k Sa.m. to " uni. We honor ... D.V.A.. Blue Cross. Green Shield and Welfare Drug Plans. By the way we deliver. HOLIDAYS 1 1 am. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS 'O At 'tii, Waterloo ’4 1B,t rm