The University ortr-r--ste4oibarir. It is a loo when the tom louder chairman at the faculty members have he. department. and a tanner approved for diatittettiit -iateetutimtart. teacher award: hem: -n-.0aviuisregardedby Dr. David Davies. associate -_ his academic colleague: pnttesaor, department at out' an exceptional scholar. history; Dr. that We His min march interest professor, department of is in the history of Russia, civil eetgineertrtg, ad asso- though he teaches other ciate dean wrath-ate stud- courses. new; a popular ies), faculty of engineering; freshman course on western Dr. John Wainwright. asso- civirutttioet. He delivered an ciate professor, department 1tetfrttett',',Tgt of applied mathematics. Alexandr itsyn earl- This is the first time this ier this truth in Kitchener award. which was set up by public library. He lived for a the UW senate, has ever year in the Soviet Union and been offered. It is intended to recognize teaching excel- lance tWt those who have "consistently exhibited in- tellectual vigor, communi- cation skills. sensitivity to the needs of students and whose influence on the stu- dents has been favorable and lasting." - Three such awards are to be given each year; they will consist of '. ( l l citations, to be presented at the May convocation; t2t designa- tion behind the recipients' names on the UW calendar that they hold the "distin- guished teacher award" and (3) $1.000 in support of the teaching activities of each recipient. . _ Students. graduate stu- dents and alumni participate on the selection committee. along with faculty members: the committee is chained by UW's vice-president. aca- demic. Dr. TA. Brzustow- ski. The vote of this com- mittee was unanimous for all three 1976 recipients. Dr. Davies . .. . {In} V v: sr' ‘:gwwm . - . , l" . _ ,7 _ 't g _ W.- _ .W F r57f,TNhk7,,t, ,m-m- .1rr,,T, _ m" - .. '_'sd - " 7' 7 .. F 'Nh", 2% M . .r' '.,'eF) fp'."., "e,"','. '.vr9r-Cr"t t 'r ’1; “,1 . .7. FMg5 f7»? 1gilir," ___ f, _ ‘. MFrf.,e-f/'r, arm my, 7 w 777 7"_'rTe". F"" t _ _iiiji3!.l!ir"'t"lr' _ ',v'jlcl.l!l,,,ir:,iii?iF'a",c:'if" 't .3 3?â€, trf/ire _-_ _ ? has 7.7» 1Cei,ip? (s'iti'iftif,1itsf:iifjFji", 51!?!- 'ris?/riiW?l:.ell.t .5531? 'i1fi't'rF? iii,'irti." .',C""i's'd ,'"'?srPrTte.fttf : C,'"'"), le we' If. A T - ' "i'? i, u "'lt, l, ". 't 532 3:" 77- . . dd}; c,sris",r'r/i,vitc f., "ic:';--"))))-," 13%;?" Ir. t'/ ' w I“, 5 "d; . _ C'i7jiu"7't 23:; 'd"- ,. â€a ‘5 l ' "U ff " " 2;: 7. . 3; 7 "i" _'" . - . , "., '.' ,. ' , 'lt :3 l '. V. 7‘ #11 A M' l 41ҠC-. 1" T ’ "urs' - . r. .,_.‘ , .. ,.-.. _ 71 , _, '. F 7 r"..': ' 'd' - t l" - . . ' . .‘ - M. fa. _ ..' I _. ".'-" :A.? 1rt'1's."" , . I' 2 “as 3 . " . ' "id -itlt, 'a.', v'. 'r. ." ‘ w', - ' _ te " '7' . N lit F A., . "t . . , . ", "_. 'r l _ l J < It 7 .11 . A153,. , ur, --', . . ss?. ,5- yr» ' . “a "Ct ‘9. - c. " .-..' "V .‘ ’W ab I be th, .‘V.,& .. t JL" ‘r‘lk' 'Ar â€1“. c.2,, " k - T I J i H “I Ji t I†, U r, v " _ F-V . V X". . . - ‘ "-- David Davies" nomination for the distinguished teacher award was strongly support- ed by his students and aca- demic colleagues alike. He is. in the estimation of one senior colleague, “the great- est teacher of history' in North America today." Dr. Davies has been on the UW campus since 1964. In the interval he has devoted "an enormous amount of time" to his teaching activ- ities, He is one of the most popular lecturers on cam- pus: yet he seeks to what- ever extent is possible. to relate to his students on a At the OM Book Barn in Waterloo, all our new hardcover books are priced from " to so per cent off publishers list price. This includes all our gardening. gift. and cook books. So if you are thinking about books, why not drop up and see us. We also have thousands of used books at very tow prices. SLtLuliAIE,tiuut OLD BOOK BARN bade! chairman of tin deqtartmertt,andatitmter -iateetutimtart. ,dtr.DFisrxaardedby ~Iia new colic-pa ttttttttttt _ he teaches other courses. includhg a popular freshman course on western civitiq.tioet. He delivered a 1t,e'lfrttett',',Tgt Alexandr itsyn earl- ier this man in Kitchener public library. He lived for a year in the Soviet Union and has a great knowledge of Russian literature as well as Russian history. "His performance in and out of the classroom has been an inspiration to many students," a colleague has stated. "His award will surely be a cause for heart- felt celebration within the department." Dr. Leipllolz Dr. Leipholz has.been re- ferred to as "a giant" by one of his colleagues. He is not only an outstanding teacher, he is one of UW's most wide- ly renowned researchers. Born in Plonholen. Ger- many, he is a civil engineer, particularly interested in applied mathematics and applied and theoretical mechanics. He worked for several years as a consult- ing engineer in West Ger- many, prior to gaining his doctorate, at the University of Stuttgart, in 1959. He taught at Stuttgart from 1958 to 1963 and served as a full professor at the Univer- sity of Karlsruhe from 1963 tol969. In 1969 he was attracted to Waterloo by the university's growing reputation for re- search in solid mechanics and he has since contributed a good deal to its intema- tional renown in this area. As is the case with the other distinguished teacher award recipients. Dr. Leipholz was warmly en- dorsed by hundreds of his students. He does not con- fine his efforts to graduate and upper year students: he continues to teach large first year engineering class- es: that they learn well is a "ittt-dintltedrpeehms. It; arttNsit"t*-ttmrtymtrs.- a 1tiltrg,',',U,, - .y d,t8tel'lidt'l,tht, a nu, “$14â€th WLU hosts MIND '76 marketing seminar _ aunt: otttretaeattrdtmatts- steering students. Faculty colleagues who have taught his former students in subse- quent years have invariably found them well grounded and the students themselves have consistently reviewed his teaching favorably. In.. diiridual comments from stu- dents-have included: "So from first year to foerth, as seminars. Hehasahttrtmsttbt service courses to UW ensi- They will be attending MIND '76 (for Marketing in New Dimensions). a joint project of Wilfrid Laurier University. ‘the Kitchener- Waterloo Sales and Advertis- ing Club. and the Waterloo county board of education. More than 300 students from grades II and 12 in Waterloo Regional market- ing classes will attend a convention May 5 at Wilfrid Laurier University with some of Canada's top experts in the marketing field. Students will register just befqre 9 a.m. on campus, receive their badges and kits. then disperse to lecture Halls. Each student-dele- 1fehtts9qttttttrttrietyttt alottousQ Gl? Rht0W0FT1lts1ltal1tt _ l/legit, -Mtahe9treti"etrat Dr. 'rdh-ittttt's main research are. is the theory otretativitr. - ttiistarit-ieastasrerrttts $ttgasaigtyr-tsartdCd- ttetsntsesteitid.ittteatmeo lnaddition to ttteat-e three "and winnerswa otherUWtacetrmemtmes 'rereqrsyeetttoetorabtemen- tion by madam com- school of urban and regional planning: Dr. Gary Griffin. department of psychology. and Dr., Raj K. CPathria. departmentof physics. mince: Dr. KR. Davis, also of the Wt ot gate will have an opportun- ity to hear two presentations. Speakers will include top marketers from Union Gas. McDonald's Fast Foods. J.M. Schneider, CHYM radio. the Scotia Bank.. the department of industry and tourism and a marketing pm fessor from the WLU school of business and economics. Speaker at a noon lunch- eon will be Michael Jaycock of the Russel T. Kelly Ad- vertising Agency of Hamil- ton. who wilt outline adver- tising creativity in the firm's successful recent promotions: the Home Bread project in the United States. Atr.Bwtereseetstnttte man-gunman.- “an“-ld. Mel-nu. Main- dieatie+ist-Aittgattr e'-ratttbarattmteatndmtt2 --cttisgmmate-slmraF tracts “A! [motor m: in the [at but Marmara- adi'Coucil'Plb mu artdmaeNtbeitttttFer. hot. “when†ttaeirttedm'tttmrsbeetNr (WMthyeutma' part-time basis). lie is ex- dents uirtimrehigtt pram fKttte-heomarhesrattd pm his cause mater- DISCOUNT CARPEI‘s'W -- Jttt "IE .YiSq. Yd. TOM‘S newest lawn mower line - the rear bagging Grassmaster is the ultimate in a lawn care machine. The Grassmaster is actually two movers in one: (I) as a rear bagging mower it vacuum up clippings into a giant heavy duty 2% hotel bag and (2) as a matching mower with the bag reamed clippings are recirculated and re-cut until deposited as a fine mulch into the turf. Take Highway 8 to Preston. turn left. 'rttRpee Fountain Street North to Royal Oak (toad. tum right on Royal Oak Road. and watchfor. DISCO"! “I!“ III-3118 “WET US FOR YOUR BEST CARPET EV 24 um Sh "Til. Lloyd Schmitt EQUIPMENI Service To All Makes “dash-mt _'." amjcm-Ia ' â€anathema aaaeaettertttttothtmder- 1nrirtmriti0a,dhrrmertr tteeao'ttittretftheatreti- eartiesirtNdletoo is my [untied by star dattaaatdesth-esatiee, “Rebuke-active irttheeymtamrrtttyandisa ttastpresidesttotthehsdia- Dt.G.itttB-trttJt-' -' j?RllliiiEl.]