John Marschall, superintendent for the Kitchener Horticultural society holds a daffodil frozen by frost over the weekend. Billy Liar on the moon. by Keith Waterhouse. The long-awaited sequel to "Billy Liar. '. Lilibullero. by Robert Neill. This book continues the author's series about the Stuart era, and moves into the reign of James n. The needle. by Francis King. A network of relation- ships is explored and clari- fied, bringing the novel to a chilling conclusion. The queen bee. by Phyl- lida Barstow. A car crash on the road to Kashmir pro- jects the protagonist into a strange new world. Mew hunks at the lilmm Rumble fish. by SE. Hin- ton. An interesting novel MAIIIIESSES Third Generation - Custom Mattress's for Over 40 Vans .. BEAM MATTRESS 0 Quality Construction. Custom Made to Your Size and Requirements 0 Spring or Foam. Regular and Extra Firm . Available in Sets or Separately. . Free Estimates and Deiivery in K-W Area FICTION Mil BOX BASES PHONE 743-3219 for readers of high school age. The twelve maidens; a novel of witchcraft. by Stew- art Farrar. This imaginative novel pits the ancient and evil powers of the occult against new scientific tech- niques. The twisted road. by Ur- sula Bloom. A story of a young child brought up by an autocratic father after the death of her mother. _ Waiting to hear from Wil- liam. by Babs H. Deal. A subtle and suspenseful thie. told with the author's cus- tomary finesse. NON-FICTION The Australian alternative. by Laura E. Faulk. Increas- ing numbers of Americans are moving abroad, or con- sidering doing so, and Aus- tralia is the choice for a surprising number. The best of BotrEdwards. Edited by Hugh A. Demp- As part of the Environmental Assessment of Water Control Structures in the Grand River Watershed. a team of ecologists is identify- ing unique features that may be affected by the construction of dams and reservoirs in the upper Grand River Valley: - Between Elora and West Montrose on the Grand River, site of the proposed Mont- rose dam and reservoir; -" Between Bridgeport and the .Highway tt bridge at Freeport on the Grand River, site of the proposed Freeport dam and reservoir; l - Along the Conestoga River between the Conestoga dam and St. Jacobs. site of the proposed Wallenstein and St. Jacobs dams and reservoirs; - Along the Irvine River between Salem and Highway 6. site of the proposed Salem dam and reservoir. We are looking for features that may have archeological or historical merit or natural features such as unique vegetation, scenic points, footpaths, good fishing spots. etc. that we may have missed in our study. Anyone who has information that may be use- ful in determining the effect of these dams and reservoirs on the natural features is ask- ed to write to: Ilmar Kan. Chairman. Project Team. Grand River Conservation Authority. Cambridge, Ontario YOUR PARTICIPATION IS NEEDED WE NEED YOUR HELP Dr. Jon Planck. Ecologistics Ltd, 309 Lancaster St. W Kitchener. Ontario. A $339»: Chronicle photo by Peggy Turner The stranglehold of the IAt., by Benjamin Fine. A noted educator shows why 1.0. tests should be elimi- muted. and what ,should be done instead. George B, Priddle. Chairman Citizens Advisory Committee 115 Roslin Ave. S . Waterloo. Ontario, f Builders seminar comes to Waterloo eqirtmetimt mmtrdetiand claims will be held my ' atUniveraityuf Waterloo. - Aesigrtod to dive ml: in the construction industry the knowledge to deal with eoetstrtactioet claims. Ideas on how to make commas more fair and equitable win aisotteprtsented. Guest speakers for the seminar are Donald Mathe- son. lawyer for the Ontario General Contractors As- stteiatioet: Don Munro, an engineer who is president of the Ontario General Con- tractors Association; Kaare Olsen. vice-president and chief engineer for Atlas Construction Ltd.. Mont- real: George Schuett. a A with“ on equity it! / 'tla, Exclusive FLORIDA . RTN Jet Airfare . Complimentary in Flight Meals & Bar . RTN Transfers between Hotel and Airport in Florida - . Welcome Party . 7 Continental Breakfasts . 3 Dinners in Clearwater . 3 Days Car Rental (Unlimited mileage) one car per room . 5 Nights Accommodations Hotel - Clearwater . 2 Nights Accommodations Motel - Orlando . Services of Resident Representative in Florida , . PLUS _ - Disneyworld Entrance and Attractions Booklet - Free Hotel Accommodation for one night prior to departure from Toronto which gives you free car parking while on vacation, Don't be disappointed call us today RP. double occupancy Tues a. Gamma extra "Look at what you got†Complete Collision And - Refinishing Service Disneyworld Special Beginning May 2/76 's madman (Emmi 5mm One week 35 KING ST. N. WATERLOO pastdimetetrottheCaaar- diattCtntgtmetioetAtmteitr- minister of public works: and Mme Winters. vice- president of Kilmer Van Noon-and Ltd.,Toroetto. The seminar will be held at the south campus hall of University of Waterloo. It is sponsored by the Water- loo Construction Council. the University of Waterloo and the Department of Civil Engineering. Application iorms ean)re obtained from the Waterloo Construction Council, care of the Depart- ment of Civil Engineering. University of nWaterloo. Waterloo.