“a: m‘amm Cttmetitr%Wtdneattw.Mardt 10,1010 at amines; ___- --_-_, " HEUWANTED CARPENTRY - PAINTING. Take advantage of our QUEEN'S CONSTRUCTION 1Att types of aiding, vin- BOB DEKKER For Free Estimates DURACLEAN 20 WRITER th SALE SERVICES PQR'I'ABLE TYPEWRrr- ERS Cleaned, oiled, ad- justed, repairs to all nukes. reasonable rates, work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equipment, 23 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo (just down from Towers). 885-2570. ( tr ) Gices. median perfor- repairs and roofing, brick work and waterproofing. 10% off for senior citizens. All work fully guaranteed. 7M]. (tf) 22 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED MILL Operator for woodwork- ing frames, part-time work; ideal for retired or semi-retired woodworker. Apply James C. Snyder Limited, 575 King Street West, Kitchener. (It) of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone 1-4164i92-4421 Must be at least 12 years of age, courteous and conscien- tious. Deliveries to be made Wednesdays after 4:00 p.m. If interested kindly fill in the following and mail to: Waterloo Chronicle. Att: Carrier's Supervisor 2311 Floor Waterloo Square Waterloo, (intario. NAME ADDRESS PHONE AGE PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE . REMOVAL BROADLOOM and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Bus. 744-8292 Res. 578-2374 or Kitchener 579-3820 WILLOW & JOHN ST. Area Licence No.“ NEWSPAPER CARRIER Your Valuable required for (tf) (tf) 23 AGENTS I SALES HELP PART-rn" Clerk cation PART-TIME Employee to do painting and general Stop worrying about where you are going to work this summer. Contact 8278 for further information. For a fabulous job opportu- nity. No investment. but you must have a car. nearby areas of: - Victorian Apartments (Lincoln Road) - Also other choice locations. Excellent earnings. Call Mrs. Orr, Avon Manager CAN HELP YOU START SAVING AGAIN STUDENT WITH Office experience looking for part-time employment, capable of doing minor bookkeeping. References available. Phone Larry 386-2895. (11) 24 EMPLOYMENT WANTED " PE RSONALS IDOKING FOR A lively retired gentleman, inter- ested in going trout fishing weekdays, with same. 143-2338. BIRTH CONTROL Informa- tion and referrals, open to all, no charge. K-IIE , Planned Parenthood, 251 King Street West, Kitch- persons under no need not apply. Mac's Convenience Waterloo. 33 BUSINESS PERSONALS IF YOU ARE Having a problem pregnancy Birth- right cares. For help Call 579-3990. (t!) Lakeshone Village Spruce & Columbia QUEEN'S CONSTRUCTION 38 TAX SERVICE INCOME TAX and Book- keeping Services by an experienced Cost Account- ant, prompt service. 885- 4310 after 5:00 pm. 8tt6- 499iF,9:00-5:00p.m. (W) WILL CARE FOR Books including statements and income tax, reasonable Phone 884-3383. (12) ener. 743-6461. - All types of waterproof- ing. weeping tiles replaced, roofing, chimneys. re- modelling commercial buildings, eavestroughing, concrete work. water proofing, carpentry, brick work, siding. 10% off for senior citizens. "3-4601. ELECT ROLUX (Canada) Limited rates. Phone 578-0101. (ll) STUDENTS AVON 743-0421 (11) (ll) (I!) (t!) un Tttett6ttsaamatmeeting otthetlaterhttrcttamtter ed to: W, My. March 11 at Woolner's lodge. St. Jacob's. Recep- tion at 6:15 p.m.. dinner at Wilfrid Laurier University PRESENTS AN EVENING 0F LNE ELECTRONIC MUSIC THE CANADIAN ELECTRONIC ENSEMBLE Walking distance to universities. Very attractive three bedroom back split level home. L-shaped living room and dining room, kitchen with eating area, three at- tractive bedrooms, one with walkout to large deck with privacy walls; very attrac- tive rec room with walk-out. Quality broadloom throughout. Owner has bought another property so this home must be sold. Price reduced to $4tt,900. MLS J202. Call Raj Pathria at 885-0153 for an appointment to see. A Brand new bungalows in a very desirable area in Lincoln Village, Waterloo. Close to new Sandowne Public School. Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen with dinette, paved drive and sodded. Excellent value at just $15,500 with H,000 down payment to one NRA. mortgage at 11%. Call anytime for an appointment to see or open week- ends from , - " mm. Exclusive. Tues.. March 16. 8:30 p.ht. Free Admission - All Welcome Complete Collision And Refinishing Service A Presentation Of mm Cultutel Affairs Committee T:06 pan. Form and intonation. Caili40. Rev. Grant MacDonald witlttetttetmestqeaUrat ttteKitettegter-WFttRt> taryCttrtrEasterNalEieh 69 Helene Crescent 392 Lee Circle REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR _ ' 100 Ottawa St. North, Kitchener Telephone 579-4220 offurtet-,'tottetteid Mmtttar,Maretlsattite The Want» My Club will hold its annual joint meeting with ttte_Wauruo M‘S. 6 p.m. at the " The K-W Federated Ap- peal reports that to date it has received SIAM in - tum. Several Waterloo companies have made sub. stantial contributions in- cluding Dominion Life As. surance Company which combined employee and company contributions amounting to 8ti,000. Im- proved coettrittutioets were received {mm the follow- ing Waterloo companies: Waterloo Bedding Com- pany, K-Mart (Waterloo fitmstorttothetgand oldwillbeshownatthe Waterloo Public Library, Saturday, March 13, 2:30 A blood donor clinic will be held next Wednesday, March w, at the First Unit- ed Clinch. King and Wil- liam Streets, Waterloo, frmn2to4.a0pan. ms to 8:30 pm. The quota is Two art exhibitions will be on display at Waterloo Public Library starting and oils by Conrad Bank of Toronto will be dismayed from March 14 to Aprirt, and a photographic display by Ruth Lang will be in 0.. ... trx-e-tdare). kite-er-Waterloo Coin Club meet: at the Waterloo library Maret16,Fpt in! 'NeK-WBrarrehdthe Canadian Federation of Giistie i College, University at Waterloo, Tuesday, March 16, 8:15 pm. in Hilliard Hall, First United Church, King and William Streets. His topic will be "Memtmtitetr. A Complex presented by the Univer- sity of Waterloo Drama Group March 16 to March 20. 8 pan. in the “unani- ties'l'heatre,UW.Amatinee will be held Friday, March abodt World War 1 will be 19 at 2 pan. For calm. will be the topic at discus- sion tonight at the last in a series of lectum at special interest to women sponsor. ed by the Women’s Steering Committee of the Cmtegto- ga College of Applied Arts and Technology. The meet- ing will be held in the au- ditorium of the Kitchener Public Library, 8 pm. Ruth Jackson. president of Ontario Consumers’ " sociation will be the fea- tured speaker. Registration dates for the spring session of YMCQ programs at the Kitchen- er Family YMCA will be held Monday March 29 to Wednesday March 31. Pro. grams include pre-school swim, gym and crafts, adult fitness, badminton, racquet sports, learn-to- swim and recreational Church, King and William Streets, Waterloo, March Depression glass display will be held at First United 13, from 1 to 5 pan. layman noun "Oh! What a Lovely for rag market denim: cords ladies skirts blouses etc. ftamtqt shirts record exchange jewellery and much much more Open Wed. & Thurs. , 1-6 Friday 1 1 -9 Sat. , " located at " King M. thmtqrtoo. opstnirs mos Iron tho Old look lam. ar-e invited'to at- 0.. 0.. 0.. 0..