Karyn Smith cartwhoois across the balance bar Friday at the Women's Invitational Gymnastics moot sponsored by UW, Robin Cowen of Waterloo and Sherri Baier of Mitchell were all smiles Satur- day evening when 750 people attended a benefit in their honor at Preston arena. The young skating pair. who are representing Canada this week at waterloo chronicle fl tes Year N W. Wednesday, March 10, 1976 A panel discussion on the dynamics of child abuse will be held at 10:30 am. Guest panelists are John MacNeil of the Waterloo district office of the minis- try of Community and So- cial Service; Dr. H.B. Cot- nam: Ross Dawson. direc- tor or the Cambridge branch of the Children's Aid So- ciety: Susan De Rijrke, lecturer in family studies at University of Guelph: and Ruth Thompson, super- visor of public health nurs- ing for the Department of The session will begin at 9 a.m. March 13 with reg- istration in South Water- loo Hospital's auditorium. At 9:30 am. Dr. H.B. Cot- nam. chief coroner of the province of Ontario, will speak about the incidence of child abuse in Ontario. A one-day conference on child abuse, sponsored by the Waterloo Region Com- mittee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, will be held March 13 at South Waterloo Memorial Hospital. The aim of the conference is to exchange ideas on pre- ventative programs that will decrease the number of child abuse cases in the region. Sixty-three cases of child battering were re- ported in Waterloo Region during the last three years. Half of the cases occurred in 1975; The conference will be the first regional workshop on child abuse to be held in Ontario. Professionals from, organizations like the Waterloo Region Health Unit, the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Ministry of Community and Social Services, area hospitals. the Children's Aid Society and the De- partment of Health will at- tend. Child abuse conference planned Physical fitness program started for city's firemen According to the report. Dr. John Maule of the Man- itou Medical Centre. Kit- chener, advised that each member of the fire depart- In a report, the adminis- trative committee said that every successful applicant for service with the fire department is required to undergo a medical and spinal examination and be certified as physically fit by a certified medical practitioner. After the applicant as- sumes employment with the city. no further examina- tions are given unless a serious health problem be- comes evident through ob- servation. Health. Dr. Robert Bates, pedi- atrician and director of the child abuse team at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, will discuss crisis management of child abuse at l p.m. The role of hospitals and community resources in abuse manage- ment will be debated by a panel of six people at 1:45 pan. The panel includes Sandra Malabar, director of nursing for the Waterloo Regional Health Unit; Dr. Bates; Judge Ross Fair, provincial judge for Water- loo district; Dr. John Gra- A $2,000 physical fitness program for the members of the Waterloo Fire De-, partment will be establish- ed, council agreed Monday night. Waterloo is the first municipality in the prov- ince to enforce a program of continuing compulsory medical examinations for firemen. the wand junk: '"ievatmetitioe' in France. are shown with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Murray his: tleft) of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Anhm'Cowah; 237 Ertt St. East. Waterloo, Ontario A yearly check on all employees with quarterly checks on special cases was suggested by Dr. Maule. ham, chief of pediatrics for Kitchener-Waterloo Hos- pital; Wilson Hunsherger executive director of the Waterloo Region Children's Aid Society; and Trevor Thomas, executive director of the Waterloo branch of Canadian Mental' Health Association. The sponsor of the con- ference, the Waterloo Re- gion Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, was formed in March, 1975 to look into the battered child syndrome. The mem- bers of the committee were concerned about a lack of The report said Dr. Maule would report any cases where the individual cannot participate because of their physical condition and those individuals who would refuse to participate. "Some employees with particular medical prob- lems would probably re- quire a program tailored to their particular condition along with more frequent checks than other members of the department," the report said. “It should be pointed out that the fitness program would be tailored to the individual and age would be taken into considera- tion." ment would require a physi- cal check-up and fitness test before an on-going physical fitness program could be established. When an atavmirabte report is received, the in- dividual will be required to submit himself to a physi- cal examination by an independent physician. Results of the examina- tion would be reviewed by the fire chief. protective services committee chair- man, personnel director and the administrative com- mittee. If any action is necessary, a recommenda- tion would be forwarded to council. Lieutenants and captains as well as the firefighters will undergo the program. One of the requirements of a fireman, said the report is the "agility and strength to do prolonged and arduous work under adverse con- ditions." “In fairness to the fire- fighter and the public. we should take immediate steps to ensure that our fire department is staffed with men in a reasonably fit condition." the admin- istrative committee read. The committee is com- posed of representatives from the K-W 'trite child abuse team, the aterloo Regional Health Unit, Par- ents Anonymous, the Chil- dren's Aid Society, a com- munity psychiatric nurse, a social planning specialist and a member of the pro- vincial court. public and professional awareness of the problem, ineffective reporting pro- cedure, the varying view- points of the problem and the lack of appropriate pre- ventative action in the re- 10 Cents