Pm "-tlttat.rttto MW,WM.M 10. I970 â€have†Since in Inception over so years Mo, the K-W Sym- phony has provided culture banner incmsh'lnoch- to Stuart Km, general 'nanatterotthe0rehestra. "We try to fulfill a com- plete musical service in the malty. View talent and give whatever bettetitseeatrt,"heaaid. The symphony will have performed 33 camera by ANYA - SCHAEFFER 1 Mt THE CONVENENT - MITCHELL 1 .95 THE FURIES - JAKES 1 .75 PW Little symphony is focal paint of local music 28 LAUREL STREET. WATERLOO - 884-0450 Dally 9 to It Fridays Untll It, Saturday. Until s - Cloud Monday. B 00K SALE April 2 & 3 Anyone with books please call BESTSELLERS for Twelfth Annual tGW Univonity Women‘s Club BOOKS Donate Sutplus Ejh B6tBltto6RM, Waterloo Square. King Street South. Waterloo. 8864352 played. theeatotthe-t,irt Aprll, tt at the WM Theatre, University ' 'r at magma Park Bali. room and five light music have baton-med twice and also a special children's the players will perform Stationery - Coles Notes - Coin & Stamp Supplies fur , IV Lots of , Free Parking Ourhounaiothoumo Our phono numb“ has lor the majodty a the luv 'itll')) "JAll'tl'l 1't2lfplg i'g't,'; opens at ttdttt Guelph Spring Festival and the Stratford Festival. sential part at the com- pany keeping a constant supply of competent mu- The orchestra has 55 members. 21 of which are paid full time wages. The rest are part-time. Another 50 musicians make up the provide mu with the qqtorttmlty to talk to no tum». Put that with advanced skills, than an Manet clam man by the full-time pram atnoattrttottteBtmtettt. theuurierNtgetaetdfor The mum's Solo 1 .95 'ieiamttrtitt.'ttterstrttt Iteettestmmeei-ahsatge Numerical“ ettestraiaarnatterottttttr get. Stteideat My 'emtidttei09player' with astrittgiseetittetttt00.Ttse mammalian orchestra would be than Shannan. holie-,ttte oreltegtraiataiitteedtottte volunteer their services. The tailoring and arrang. ing is the responsibility of Mr. Knussen. He came to Kitchener three years ago from the Baltimore Sym- phony hecause he wanted to live in Canada. He was grated to the. us. in his career. Whenhe came to Canada, he took about a 50% salary cut to work feel Canada is the best country in the world. I would not want to live any- where else," he said. He has very little formal schooling but received en- couragement from his fa- ther who was also a musi- cian. He received free edu- cation from the British Broadcasting Corporation who have a high proportion "The BBC is responsible for a whole generation of cultural enthusiasm. You just had to listen and you were educated. I think the greatest educational force is television. In Canada. there is not a great cultural energy displayed on T.V. They would rather support a hockey team. It remains a matter of national re- sponsibility to promote the arts on television... but as long as television is re- garded as successful by of their progruniini deal- ing with music and the Thirty-four families join- ed the Right to Life Associa- tion in the St. Michaei's C.W.L. drive in January, it was reported at the C.W.L. monthly meeting. Joan Kocher told mem- bers that a member of St. Michael's C.W.L. would read a passage from the scripture at the World Day of Prayer, March 5, at the Erb Street Mennonite Tttemiaartodneeatagttrt C WL plans fashion show "l CAN oo IT ALL BY MYSELF†Kitchener/Waterloo Montessorl School " Anon Street East, Waterloo a; uv - - - applies to TAI., people are titied a; with junk and it makes them nick mentally. It is one at the catastro- phies at mum-um indus- try. Itia theCBC'srerm- ibility to lead the way to better National tele. visioet,"hesaid. Bieagtttextlt-ttibeioqr. Poop]. would nth: have the with at police I!» rig-Than. "tt would be an am- mtttet-mteaeuttmrat interest In Canal. at the -sttime.tti-tia1- ty wwutyrrolthe said that in Hungary the government asked protesp sional musicians to create a method for instruction and since doing so. have obtained an excellent stan- dardoteducation. In the K-W Symphony. all players are expected to teach. Mr. Knussen stress- ed the importance. of hav- ing educational benefit withintheorchestra. The Spring regional meeting of the C.W.L. will be held March 6 at Sacred Heart Church, Kitchener. Final plans for the Fashion Show, "Fashion Beauty Forecast T6" to be held March 31 in the parish hall were discussed. Following the business meeting, Wolfgang Stutz, head of Food Services at Laurel Vocational School gave a demonstration on He mentioned that a policy of education than“ " Mimosa! minimum ity. mammal“; _togeeteirtt-tinttte attoedattlehumry.rodo to,a1epeqrttetittetot the seats “about: are ot_tldataimeerpriee.'Ner algo play-1n u may iixttsitttteeaeauetintie beat possible way by the vimrttrgesqterieesa.rdott't 'arattttte-uaiaatttmid betatrr-ieutttttmare "."'"r was“: vipgigl - governments - In "t hope to see a gradual interest in culture in Can- ada. If it humus. it will be the result and responsi- bility of a few deeply con- cerned individuals. There is no chance for an upsurge in cultural interest with- out the lull cooperation and effort of the mass- making punch, hors d'oemrres and a fruit center piece. Using the rule of thumb of "keeping it as simple and as easy " possible," Mr. Stutz used leftovers in many of his recipes, which could be made ahead and frozen until ready for use. The fruit centerpiece was offered " a door prize as the C.W.L. members sam- pied the punch.