On Friday. March 5 Mer- lin Jutzi will conduct an auction sale at 8 pm. at Camperama 76. Bingeman Park. for the Trillium Traw ellers Operation Wheel- chair' project. Donations of new and used articles have been col- lected from local merchants, exhibitors at the show. campground operators. trailer dealers and the gen- eral public. There will be a wide variety of items for sale, Camping group raises funds for cripples Two boxes ot canned food were collected for the victims of Guatemala by Bluevale Collegiate students last week. Organizer, Helga Ehrlich. left. Heather Robertson and Chris Brown. assistants. look over the food donated by students. BCI students are challenging other local schools to also hold a fund raising and..- drive. V Last year over 20.000 visi- tors attended 'Camperama 75t The organizers con- tributed a wheelchair to a 5-year-old Cambridge boy- Tommy Kirkos on opening night. This year they will be giving a wheelchair to a girl from Kitchener.. The proceeds from ‘Op- eration Wheelchair' sales booth and auction sale en- abled the members of the Trillium Travellers to pro- vide a wheelchair. a walker. two pair of crutches and eight remedial chairs to children in our area. The Trillium Travellers CFCF Camping Club of Kit- chener tCanadian Family Camping Federation, are again participating in Camp- erama 76 at Bingeman Park. March 3 to 7 with their 'Operation Wheel- chair and equipment' sales booth and their club exhib- it which will acquaint peo- ple in this area with CFCF. The club members are al- Downtown area baby- sitting at the YMCA is now available ior the season, The family YMCA baby- sitting service is open from 9 am. to 5 pm, Tuesday to Friday, Phone 743-5201 for details, Officers and executive are as follows: Mr, and Mrs. Bob Schulz are pres- ident: Mr. and Mrs. or- mond Boettger. vice-pres- ident: Mr. and Mrs. David Boettger. Secretary: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown. Treasurer: Mr. and Mrs. James Barber. member, ship chairman: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hesse]. camp- site chairman and Mr. and Mrs. William Warden. program chairman. The Trillium Travellers CFCF Camping Club hold their winter meetings the first Thursday of every month at 8 p.m. in St. An- drews Presbyterian Church Kitchener. From May to September they attend club campouts. provincial and national rallies. and campouts with affiliated clubs in southern Ontario. A box tor Zehr's tapes and Dominion Store tapes will also be provided at the exhibit. so contributing hand-craft- ed articles for sale. All proceeds will be used to assist children in this area Babysitting Mama] dib audio tghira anal dib tg?!rudid Cjiiijifjjfjljjri] (Look for the SONY‘ sign) 576-7730 M King St. S. Waterloo V.O. Marque. director and consultant of the Meth.. ern Electric Company of Canada will be the featured speaker at the meeting of the local Grand River Chap- ter ot the Society of In- dustrial Accountants of On- tario tonight, Feb. 25. The meeting will be held at the Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener. Reception starts at 5 pan., followed by lecture at 5:45 1l"teto_cttrtytie, Itch-idly. Fobnury 26, 1976 . Pag- SI_A lecture tonighi Mr. Magnet will discus" s "The ision Maker's Needs and their Impact on Management Accounting." He is travelling across Canada as part of MA Can- ada‘s Distinguished Lee- ture Tour series. A panel of local businessmen will cross examine Mr. Mar. quez after his address. p.m.. dinner at no pm. anddiacussioetat7:1sp.m.