"The Real Inspector Hound is the “Whodone it of the who done its. " Presented by uw Centre for the Arts, The Real Inspector Hound is the feature presentation of an evening of three plays entitled Three on the Flip Side. being presented Febru- ary 24-28. in the Theatre of , lljEiiiiijlllteftlt! H P. 10 - Waterloo Ohmic... W, Fobuty M, 1976 Waterloo Kitchener o Chesterfield Suites 0 Office Furnishings . Dining Room Furniture 0 Desks o Add-on-Wall Systems Real Inspector Hound playing COME! SEE OUR BIC SELECTION AND COMPARE PRICES! " King St. South. Watquo (Opposit- Waudoo Squat-0| SUPER siiiGiis " 7s0 LOW COST SCOTIA PLAN FINANCING - FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE OUR STORE HOURS: TUES. TO FRI. 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. - SAT. 9 TO 5 P.M. 89-91 King St. N. - WATERLOO - Dial 886-4930 576-4270 or 886- 1 720 Correction February and March SPECIAL A bain 33/ Ontario & Duke Sts. the Arts, UW. The intention of the Arts staff was to present three plays from varied sources to create an evening of hilar- ioustheatre. And with the combination of Inspector Hound. A Day of Surprises. and Bland Hys- teria, this goal is easily achieved. . Bland Hysteria is by Ca- nadian writer John Palmer and is notoriously Canadian in both comedy and symbol. It's humour borders on that of English satire with plen- Waterloo Square Scandinavian Modern European Furniture in Teak, Rosewood, Walnut & Pine Superb performances were given by all its leading cast. Special attention should be given to Tim Lyi wood, who is the most con- vincing dead body to pass on a stage in this area for some time. Dennis Johnson and David Ingham, as the critics of the play. leave little room for comment. _ Written by Tom Stoppard. an amazingly funny English- man, the humour is gener- ated from a plot that borders on the ridiculous, in a very funny way. The Real Inspector Hound contains all that is British humour. Slapstick, satire and corny Jokes fill the plot of a murder tale which in- cludes both a play and part of its audience. It is without a doubt the highlight of the evening. FEBRUARY STOCK REDUCING CLEARANCE SAVE 10%... tit' A Day For Surprises fea- tures Jone Campbell and Robert Ouellette in what proves to be a very surpris- ing and funny tale. Written by American John Guare, the play emphasises the costic sarcasm often con- fused with comedy. popular in America today. The part of society ridiculed is the bookworm. and the ridicule is gentle enough to be comi- cal indeed. ty of American inntaeetee. Sometimes too ludicrous to seem to have point, Bland Hysteria reflect, the unique talent of its author to create both comedy' and comment in its ending. Anne Sulekus and Gerry O‘Hanley act well in creating a real atmos- phere out of characters far too unreal for belief. Prices As Marked High schools in Waterloo and Wellington Counties will Schdolls partake in drama festival Who done it? One of the four card players could be the villian of The Real Inspector Hound playing at the Theatre of the Arts. UW. February 24-28. Students also have the op- portunity to win one of the awards provided by Simp- sons-Sears Limited, spon- sor of the Ontario-wide festi- val. The awards are for best production, four outstand- ing performances, and out- standing technical achieve- ment. There is also an adju- dicator's award, which may be given to an individual or a group. and the adjudicator may select a number of de- serving students to receive Awards of Merit for acting or other theatrical achieve- ment. Other schools going to the Guelph Regional Festi- val will be from the Sarnia. Hamilton, Elgin County. Brant County. Norfolk- Oxford and Niagara Dis- tricts. be holding their ninth an- nual Drama Festival on March 3 to 5 at Guelph Col- legiate. It is one of twenty- five such festivals held throughout the province each year, to give students and_teachers the opportun- ity to show their dramatic talents. The winner of the Waterloo Wellington Festival will be invited to participate in the Ontario Collegiate Drama Festival Regional Show- case, to be held at John F. Ross Collegiate in Guelph on April 8, 9 and 10. Silent films J9e featured And, on March 3, the hour-long film, Birth of the Soviet Cinema. will also be shown at the uni- versity in conjunction with the drawings by Soviet movie-maker. Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein, presently on display in the Concourse Art Gallery of the university. The top nine plays from the four regional festivals will be invited to the O.C.D.F. Final Showcase. to be held at the St. Law- rence Centre in Toronto on May 6.7and 8. A professional theatre organist from Toronto. Don Thompson, will pro- vide the typical background sound for an evening of silent movies March 1 at 8 pan. in Room 1E1, Arts Building, of Wilfrid Laurier University. One of the movies is the well-known Phantom of the Opera, This isoneof four regional festivals to be held in the province in April. The other three regionals will be in Toronto on April 1, 2 and 3; in Oshawa on April 12, 13 and I4; and in Tim- minsonApri122,23and M.