(ll',', 1'i'l'r'lr'iidl,'l'l, “I" - This isthefifthinaseries v53?) a]? Jo"2'lfeatrel'i, of six lectures. the last of ti which will be held March IO, mee ng. titled "Women as Con- Guest speakers will in- sumers." For more infor- clude June Conlon, personnel mation on the free lectures. officer. Midwestern On- call 653-2511ext. 346. Information R booklet availabl 8 p.m. in the Kitchener Public Library auditorium. Queen Street. Four representatives of Canada Trust women will discuss money management. investments and savings. life insurance and other elements of finance rele- vant to all women at the You and Your Money seminar “You and Your Money" will be the topic of dis- cussion at a special lecture being held tonight. Feb. 11. The first publication of the Waterloo Regional Rape Distress Centre is now available. Titled Informa- tion Rape it is a 20-page book of basic information about sexual assault. in- cluding: a history of the Rape Distress Centre. ex- cerpts from the Criminal No tree films will he MP». 12at T:0tt pm. in the that" at the Na- Chmmunity Association ,riiiholdaspringdaneeFett. 23. from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Rape -bistress Centre. ex- As well. there is a sec- cerpts from the Criminal tion on child molesting in- cluding facts about this Red Cross problem and suggestions for parents. plus a brief list of books and articles holds health for those interested in fur- ther reading, care program To help recover the costs The K-W Red Cross will begin a spring course en- titled Health in the Home Feb. 24 at its headquarters 186 King St. s.. Waterloo. The program is an edu- cational course designed to provide instruction for all members of the family. Home care of the aged. helpless. mothers and ba- bies is taught. Those en- rolled have an opportunity to take part in discussions and practice nursing pro- cedures under the guidance of a registered nurse. In addition. individuals will acquire attitudes. knowledge and skills that will promote healthful liv- ing in the home ahd com- munity. The twelve week course is open to anyone 18 years of age and over The program will be held every Tuesday night from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. The reg- istration fee is $5. At the conclusion of the course. the members will receive a certificate and a Red Cross medallion identifying them as mem- bers of the Volunteer Ser- vice of the Red Cross, The classes will be con- ducted by Mrs, Ruth Austin R.N,. a graduate of Tor- onto East General Hos- pital. who has seven years nursing experience. You/ri register for the course by calling the Red Cross at 742-2785 .0. Village Esquire: Tickets. all sold in advance. at 88 per cou- ple an available by call- mam-ms. The Kitchener - Waterloo Red Cross will hold a blood donot clinic Wednesday February 18 at the First United Church King and William Streets. Waterloo. at tario Region; Olga Tepley trust. officer: Rosemary Trakalo, lending officer: and Beth Cayman. invest- ment officer. Code pertaining to sexual offences and implications of the existing law. Canadian and local statistics. medi- cal. legal and psychological information for victims. and advice on rape preven- tion. T Sponsored by the Wo. men's Steering Committee of the Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Tech- nology. it is open to every- one. although topic is of special interest to women. of printing, the Rape Dis- tress Centre. a non-profit organization. is charging $1 for the book. Information Rape may be ordered by phoning the Rape Distress Centre. Please note that the phone number has been changed from the familiar "743- RAPE": the new number is 886-3170. A second publication. dealing exclusively with rape prevention. will be available from the Rape Distress Centre in the near future. , .0. 3 for 2 Paperback Sale. McClelland & Stewart publications. Ono bonus paperback for every two you buy. Knish" COMING SOON!! PLEASE NOTE: This sale applies only to McClelland a. Stewart publications. WatorIoo Square. King Street South. Waterloo. 886- 1 362 12% 'B6trMotSiMt, C0LES NOTES NOW AVAIlABlE. Canadian vieius on interna- Othello. It Statesma- tionaldevelopment. can film will be shown at o.. . ,Wilfrid Laurier University. Officers recently elected Thursday. Feb. at, 7p.m. Q, at I p.lll.. ii: Room Mi. Physics Department. Uni- versity ot Waterloo. Twics ectmomicttederaetdthere- Feb. " - Mar. 6. 1976 NO CHARGE Open To Adults of All Ages EVERY FRIDAY - 2:0tM-,30 PM. AMI" RECREATION CENTRE 185 king St. South at Am, Waterloo »- - This Wool: - COMMUNICATIONS GROUP - "Understanding mun Century Pressurers Through A Wise Choice of Life Style". Speakers - Mrs. Kudoba and H.W. Wagner PROJECT "PROP" The Old Book Barn USED BOOKS NOTE: Only Open Friday and Saturdays 10 am. to 5 pm. During Renovations " King St. N. Waterloo for buying and selling BBFRESHMENTS 0.. Sat. 14 15 9&3:ng them from the my tor are: FAMILY SKATING - during family shtin parent mm ye either #rttintrteith thus an Activities Daily Mon. - Fri. Include: Games Room, Floor & Table Shumettoard. Billiards Rooms, toe tea a. coffee. Note: No member- ship needed. INFORliATION: 579-1020. Playground leaders ' Adventure playground leaders Youth activity centre supervisors Junior sailing le ders/ instructors Pool staff: Instructor guilds. tote room staff, etc. Phone 886-1550 ext. 60 for more information and appli- cation forms. Deadline for returned application forms is March 8, , OUIIJINB Thursday aftegnpons 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. To the Waterloo Petite, Tween & Belle ringette teams following their victories in all three divisions at the Manitoba National Ringette Tournament. held this past weekend. in Winnipeg, Manitoba. First 8: Third Wednesdays of the month. Health j, Screening and counsellingby a Public Health Nurse. Ail Adults welcome. Co-sponsored by Waterloo Region- al Health Unit. For appointments call Adult Recrea- tion Centre. No Charge 579-1020. Program Resources for Our People COMMUNICATIONS GROUP - Understanding 20th Century pressures through a wise choice of Lift Style Speakers - Mrs. Kudoba and Mr. H.W. Wagner _ 2 p.m. - 4:30p.m. Flower Show CNE Automotive Building Thursday March 11, 1976 Cost: $5.50 (Senior Citizens) $6.50 (under66) Leave Adult Recreation Centre 10 a.m. Return Adult Recreation Centre 5:30pan. For tickets and reservations call 579-1020. INCOME TAX CLINIC Monday and Thursday Afternoons 1 pan. - 4 pan. Months of March and April For appointments call 579-1020 ‘7 PUBLIC ICE SKATING PRICES: cums. Addams quyum Saturday Feb. 23 9 p.m. to l a.m. at the Waterloo Knights 0L Columbus Hall $8.00 per couple includes a hot bullet and music by the Esquires Tickets musty bought in advance. Call 8844518 SPRINGER " ARENA 7 :W - 9:00 p.m. General Skating tab-1:30pm, General Skating . no pm. Adults Only 8:30-51†p.m. Family stating 0.M.H.A. PLAYOFFS WATERLOO vs. GALT Feb. ll Midget Minor 8 p.m. Feb. 12 Atom Major 8 p.m. Feb. 14 Bantam Major 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18 Bantam Majors pm. All games are played at the Waterloo arena. ACTIVITIES FIJI! SEIIIOII ADUlTS ADULT RECREATION CENTRE (Corner of King & Allen St.) SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS lakeahore Village Association SPRING DANCE CONGRATULATIONS WELL ADULT CLINIC PROJECT “PROP" h!?!,',!?,!..!',!.,!,? BUS TOUR EIilEiE ':0tMr:0tttran. tt:00- lo:wp.m. Generalthating 2 " pm. General Skating MCCORMICK ARENA it}.