_ l pp,'.,',',?""','",','"'""'".""""?"'"""""'." f ' y _-Tlhtokgiatveonting ttoort _ a; The five Schools that are participating in the pro- gram are Centre Dufferin same of their teachers from five Ontario hid! schools will be spending February 6 on the University of Water- loo campus as guests of that miversity's Faculty of mum'smu dummmuum mm, Dr. Peter “mummies-duod- Crnigh at the University em apology has to say district high school from Shelburne, Barrie' district collegiate, Aurora high school, Waterloo collegiate and Erindale secondary school from Mississauga. The students will sit in on Area students attend science day at UW regular science' lectures and take part in lab ses- sions. They will take notes, do experiments, ask ques- tions and mix freely with INFORMAL INTEREST COURSES CttarmartdP-tatDFopenemt Put.cSpmttdtttttFuetdttemmtaM. PtststicSpetakitttttAdtmrtrxtdt.-. Guharutsaotts-Bttaic........ Guitar Lessons-tMer-ttttet. .. COURSES AT THE WATERLOO FAMILY "Y" 145 Lincoln Road. Vim, Ton-um ass-3500 Mike Rottt'soitNintirtttCourset sociatDancioti......, momma w.wr..m-m" EstprersaNet/Cearattver Dismal . . ESP. Pttr-ctteogyamttttel unfunnnme-nx-n HowloboaMW‘ HowtoRolax,, ___. CALI. “I! “Am "P', â€545'. PM Imus COURSES AT THE KITCHENER FAMILY "Y" CALL'I’IIE mm men-143.5211- Complete Collision ‘And Refinishing Service sr Queen Shoot North, KW. Tm 743-5201 YMCA ADULT mammal! ater.......Moet.Fettr.23rd ..........T-.Ftttt.tt4ttt ..........Toeq.Fet.tottt _.........Wedrteedtt" ..........T-.Fett.t0ttt a.........Tuos.Fob.10lh ......,...Wed.Fitt.ttttt ..........Wed.Fett.11ttt ......_...Tttum.Fettr.18 UW students. According to Reg. Friesen and one of the organisers of the visits, they are intended to "give the high school people an accurate impres- sion of a typical day in the life of a UW science stu- dent." He says .Waterloo has been operating its science day visiting program for seven years during which time close to 20,000 Ontario high school students have had an opportunity to spend a day on campus. The science visiting pro- gram will continue every Friday to mid-March. Ap- proximately 150 high schools from many parts of Ontario will Bt participating. .Thuts. Feb. 12111 tthtS am. from. Feb. toth 10:15 am. .Tuos. Fob. 10111 7:30 pm. .Wed. Feb. , Ith 7.00 pm. Smut. Feb. 1911! am pm. Inâ€. Feb. 10m 1:30 pm. In“. Feb. tttttt 7:30 pm. .Wod. Fob. ttttt 7:30 pm. Jun. Feb. 120. 1:30 pm. .Mon. Feb. Sth 8:00 pm. .Tm Fob. 12111 8:00 pm. .Tuos. Feb. 10th 7:30 pm. .Mon. Fer. 901 7:30 p.m. .Wod. Feb. 10m tktt0 pm. .Moo. Feb. 10th 7:30 pm. In†Feb. Ittttt 1:15 pm. .Mon. Feb. 23rd 13:00 Fm. _ Feb. 24th 8:00 on. Inâ€. Fet. 10th 1:15 pm, JIM†1:15 pm. Jugs. Fob. 10m T:30 pm. .Tuos. Feb. 10th 8:45 pm. .Wod. Feb. 11h 7:30 pm. .Wed. Feb. 110. 9:15 am. .Thurs. Feb. 12th 7:30 pm. .Mon. Feb. ttttt 8:00 pm. ,‘l’uosoFob. 10ttt 8:00 on. In... Feb. 10m 3:00 on. AWN. Feb. Itttt 8:00 pm. .Wed. Fob. um 7:30 pm. .Mort. Feb, 9ttt 7:00 pm. .Wod. Feb ttttt 7:00 pm. Jun. Feb. 10m 1000 am. .Wod. Feb. 11m .Wed. Feb. 11m .Thurs. Feb. tttttt .Mon. Feb. ttttt ,Yuos.Fob. 10m "an Feb. 12th “an. Feb. tttttt Mon. Feb. ttttt Thur: Fob. 12th 1:30 pm. 7:30 on 7:15 pm 8:00 am about Vanni peace in tmshretnttttieleetrtresin OetF'etr.ttteqriilieetme oetGodtheWarriorittttte oittT'estamentattttecha- cl of Conrad anel Col- at] pan. and will be fol- lowed byadiscussiou. - Waterlod. The next day he will lecture at 9 an. on the Old Testaments Legacy of War. The talk is an examination of the Old Testament's inthettee on the theony and practice ot war in Judaism, Christ- ianityandlslam. Tttetaik. followed by coffee and discussion. will be held in Room 81. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary at Wilfrid Laurier Univer- sity. . The speaker is chairman of the program, in religious studies at the University of Calgary. He holds four degrees in religion. in- cluding a doctorate from McMaster University. His thesis was on the earliest Israelite religion. His talks at the two in- stitutions'in Waterloo are jointly sponsored by the school of religion and cul- ture of Wilfrid Laurier University and the depart- ment of religious studies of the University of Water- loo. (PP) $11 $17 $17 $17 $18 $18 $17 $18 $30 a s 19.: an. " you $23 $40 ttt $27 $48 10 str $17 $17 823 $25 $18 Iâ€) $27 $tttt " " " " " IO " 10 10 Bob Gtemlow was re-elected by the Waterloo Noah Ptogreeeive Conserve- tive party last week at the Watetloo Motor Inn as the riding association's . candidate for the next wovinciel election. . February will be a busy month for children and art enthusiasts at the Waterloo public library. Local artist, Gary Barn- ett, will'bave his works on display in the tibrafy's art gallery Jan. 31 to Feb. 14. Also in the art vein, a fine arts lecture series. sponsored by University of Waterloo, will begin Feb. 2. Nancy-lam Patterson. a UW professor and artist MAIIIIESSES Art, lectures, displays featured BEAM MATTRESS CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR SIZE AND REt10lREMEHTS 0 Regular and Extra Firm Construction. available in All Sizes. 0 Mattress and Box Bases availabIe in Sets or Separately . Free Delivery and Estimates in K-W area All) 2EI EEE â€Custom Mmmso: hte Over 40 YOU!" PHONE 743-3219 will discuss German-Al- satian and Roman Catholic .gravemarkers in Bruce County and Waterloo Re- gion. . ' The second lecture in the series will be given Feb. 16 by Tony Urquhart. His topic will be unusual sub. jects in the graveyards of France. Both lectures begin at 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend free of charge. An art exhibit featuring original paintings from Tibet will he on display from Feb. 21 to Mar. 7. The exhibition will be pre- sented by Maurice Nichol. ruary. Saturday-afternoon movie matinees durintrthe month will feature films about animals and Laurel and Hardy. Regular Magic Carpet story times for the children will continue on Saturday mornings throughout Feb- Dance group University of Waterloo‘s Centre for the Arts will present Le Group de la Royale, a modern dance ensemble from Montreal, Feb. 20 and 21 at 8 pm. in the Humanities Theatre. Jeanne Renaud and Fe ter Boneham founded the troupe in 1966 as a new dynamic approach to cre- ation and an attempt to break the boundaries be- tweenthearts. Le Groupde de la Place performed in Belgium at the invitation of Canada's external affairs department and represented the coun- try in Mexico during Can- ada Week. . direction of Peter Boneham and Jean-Pierre Perreault. Admission for the per- formance is ts. Students and seniors will be admitted for $2.50. For further in- formation contact the UW box officeat 885-4280. An open house for the Westmount Residential District Draft Plan will be held in the Empire Public School library. Empire Street, Wednesday, March 3 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Residents in the area are invited to attend. Open house Since T Ign, the company