QUEEN 'S CONSTRUCTION CROWN PAINTING - In- EXPERIENCED PAINTER DAY AND Night Television oven, basements, etc. Gat rennin“. 'Speciai rates for senior citizens. Specializing in Restyling and Rebuilding Wide selection of fabrics including European imports. Fm Estimates Pick Up and Dainty Residential - Commerical - Industrial - Custom Work - 14 Years Experience Fully Equipped Free Estimates Fully Insured PHONE 653-5848 328 Margaret Street _ - All types of carpentry and remodelling. Com- mercial buildings. porches. complete renovations and recreation rooms. 10% off for senior citizens. 743- 4601. ttt) of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone t-4t6AN2-442t or Kitchener 5N-3820 ogirtsid-et,reeemtautet uni! Free mm Mb MM. ttft specializing in - Basement Floors - Patios - Sidewalks and Steps T48-MM. vice. New bushes: in K-W area. Call Dave or Chuck at 145m. (tf) PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL STOMP REMOVAL REIT2Et & ALESSI CEMENT FINISHING CLEANING PHONE 745-1293 licence No. men MOFFATT TREE PHONE 653-4951 E. & L UPHOLSTERY PHONE 744-7894 ODD JOBS SERVICE and ( A-tf l ttft (tf) (16) (24) ' Yaw-hue BROADLOOM BOB DEKKER F'orFteeEatimatett Bus. 744-8292 Res. 578-2374 20 WRITER & SALE & SERVICE PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ERS Cleaned. oiled, ad- justed. repairs to all makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed. Add- , Type Business Equipment 885-2570. (ti All areas of Waterloo. Call and reserve your route now! 744-4435. 22 HELP WANTED FULL OR Part-time. C0ttIF les and individuals for Stop worrying about where you are going to work this summer. Contact El E CT tt 0 t 0X (Canada) Limited For a fabulous Jolt opportu- nity. No investment, but you must have a car. Contact Mr. Johnson 743- 8278 for further information. GLOBE & MAIL 23 AGENTS th SALES HELP Territories Available in areasof: - Erb and Westmount - George and Willow - John and King Sts. - Also Other Choice Areas Available. (3| ARE BILLS Getting you down? Make extra money selling Fuller Brush in your area. Phone 885- 0630 between 5:00 - 7:00 or after 9:00 pm, "" UPHOLSTERED . FURNITURE writers required. Phone George White at 7413091. (t!) â€unity. local Amway Distributor PIANO TUNING REGULATING and REPAIRING call AVO N Newspaper Ca'rriers required for the To Buy or Sell. Key Recovering Our Specialty STUDENTS MARVIN MICKUS 579-4505 743-0421 Call Mrs. Orr Avon Manager (9) (If) (3) (ti) " 08588“le th ALTERATIMS qTA1tAB1Mrirotrhome Wedding GownsandOriginal BIRTH CONTROL Informa- tion and referrals, open to all. no charge. K-W Planned Parenthood. 251 King Street West, Kitch- IF YOU ARE Having a problem pregnancy Birth- right canes. For help Call 579-3990. (tfr THEORY RUDIMENTS and Grade 3, as for Royal Conservatory. Phone 884- SMI. - _Ah), QUEEN'S CONSTRUCTION - All types of waterproof- ing, weeping tiles replaced, roofing, chimneys, re- modelling commercial buildings. eavestroughing, concrete work. water proofing. carpentry. brick work, siding. 10% off for " PERSONAL PREGNANT AND Pleased? MATH, GRADES 1 - 13; " BUSINESS SERVICES 32 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION if "my a! t. VI Win- In"!!! DIAL-A-LESSON, For pri- vate "in your home" teaching; (piano, organ or guitar). Phone 578- ml. (th 33 BUSINESS PERSONALS ACCOUNTANT WILL Care for books at your office or my home. Reasonable rates. 578-0104. (6) 34 TUTORING “an. snore Villa: hm. Phone “1119, daytime or night-time. (o) " TAX SERVICE by Profession! thes-Ur What-31192.00 INCOME TAX and Book- keeping Services by an experienced Cost Actomtt- ant, prompt service. 885- 4310 after 5:00 pm. an 'tB0,9:00-5:00p.m. (IT) wanted urgently; all ages. The Pen Society, (W.62), Chorley, Lancashire. England. IT' emi. man. an Six weekly evening prena- tal classes based on La- maze. Begins February 16- 17. Waterloo Regional Health Unit, Phone 744- 7357 to register. Math of Finance, Business Statistics. Call 884-2541. (7) DRESSMAKING senior citiiens. 743-4601. ALTERATIONS 884- 1 094 Phone "Julie" anytime. to) (I) (I) (9) (6) i, Theatre Max ', coming soon Thtee students lrom Sendowm public school display olympic coins. news- papers and stamps that were deposited behind the comer stone when the school was officially opened last Wednesday. The students are from left to right Jim Rims. Jane Thompson and Chris MecFerlene. _ In an exhibition game Jan. 28, the Waterloo Saints played indifferent hockey. losing 2-1 to the Kitchener hub league entry. Mark Steiner registered the lone Waterloo goal. Returning to huh league action J ad. 29, Waterloo fought for first place against Stratford. The Minor Formerly known " the - Theatre Company, Thea- tre Max is preparing this Canadian play by Rod Lang- ley in the Guelph Public Library. The play is a docu- mentaryatrama concerning the opening of the Canadian vat and the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway with the characters of Sir John A. Macdonald. Louis Riel, and Gabriel Dumont playing predominant roles. The production will tour Guelph, K-W, Galt, George- town, and Ballinatad areas. Theatre Max is made up of University of Guelph graduates and students of drama. It plans to work as a touring company with Guelph " its home base. Theatre Max. a new thea- tre company, has started rehearsals of "Tales from a Prairie Drifter" to be pres- ented February IO, 17, M, and March 2 (Tuesdays) at 8 p.m. at the Adult Recrea- tion Centre. King St., Water- Admission is $2.50 for adults, $1 for senior citizens and students. Saints take first place in league ice, fired up by coach Doug Rice. The Saints complete- , controlled the game and _-- cept for the exceptional Stratford _ goal - tending would have received more goals than the final 2-1 score tm-'tr"'tertetit9e-drr.fhtrrairra.t_rtr their own end for the first period, Stratford scored on a ,rush'early in the second period. The Saints kept pressing and finally Bruce Haldenby scored on a fine 50 Wos‘mount Rd. N. westmount place pharmacy 578-8800 westmount place pharmacy OPEN . . - 7 DAYS A WEEK MONDAY to SATURDAY ' 9 am. to TO p.m. . We honor ... D.V.A., Blue Cross, Green Shield and Welfare Drug Plans. By the way we deliver. eliminate the necessary of returning to Simcoe to make-up a game cancelled bybadweather. - With this victory, the Saints clinched first place in, (heir hub league division Joel Curtis then stick- handled through the entire Stratford team to notch the winning goal in the third HOLIDAYS , 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS set up by Richard Watertoo