and sheet music to pop hits I" li itiat - 'trd'."",,',"'.',"".":',',';'.:; Lately this boom has begun to level off as gov- ernment welding restraints musical instrument-s. With the helm of instrument- aremtsieinstmetimt mm instrtmteettsateshaveit- tolloetsettoolttodgets "We are the only ones in the Waterloo Region that repair instruments. Good repairman are hand to find because they have to know all the instruments inside out They must be able to completely recreate any instrument." most at the major instnh ment brands manufactured by companies all over the world. Employees travel to a world trade show ev- ery year in Frankfurt. Germany to purchase inde- pendent instrument lines. Waterloo Music is also one of two exclusive distritm- tors in Canada of Studio-49 Orff music instruments. One of the newest addi- tions to Waterloo Musie's merchandise line is hi- fidelity records. The com- pany released its first re- cord on the Waterloo Music label in 1973. The singers of the CBC television pro- M1 even guess at how many instalments are sold by the company in a year. shop. Otteot4ttetariest ofitskindietCartada,ttte Iast year's-id 1,093 nutei, werewldinlm An integral part of Wa- Watch this space for future announcements of auctions JwetrmrMErr7C-TT- _ Mr PW. Gilchrist Co, Ltd. imtgfsofschoot tumituret 40 Bay St Thombury. Om ~Ion Hwy 26) 8 an was! of Collungwood) SATURDAY. JANUARY " at 10:00 In METAL FABRICATHHG EQUIPMENT 5 asstd Punch Passes. 20-60 ton. 2 Flat st Bandung Presses an op. Dull Pass. 2 Hobart auto ware feed waders. 3 & 8' Power Shears, Lmooln 250 amps “(duct Pom: Balm too' over head Conveycm Abrasove cut-off Rummelhart Auction Sates Co. 744-9679 578~0 M.R. JUTZI & CO. Inc. tm-tat UtgtaMMttm, w and m 'ttFort-tFir-ti-ttttatt-tro-tttmi-rt"- " SYDNEY s.I KITCHENER 15191104123] SPRAY PAINT EQUIP Webster IO h p A" Comm. Bake oven, Pressure Dims. Devrlbrss ty Spray Booth. Dewarss Guns etc _ MISC Fort uh, Ford tractor Trmtmohde Van etc INVENTORY Ouanmy of tubular steel, Ftmshed th Un hushed school Furniture stock room suopkes OFFICE EQUIPMENT ' TO SAVE S S S PLAN TO AYTENDJO BUY, TO SAVE TERMS Cash Approved company Prwale Cheques __ _ -- ..__- _ -- Fyirsettiemeotsale day WOODWORKING 10" Trun Saw. tty' Rad-ll Armsaw. Be" Sandal Edger Sandev. Routers Etc Etc KEN GARVEY five Licensed Auctioneer . Regional new: ducal four albums to date but has another six on the drawing board for ms. The mast unusual aspect of Waterloo Music's di- versified business is the publication: of popular rock music form. The company recently jumped into this field with the publication of hits by Paper Lace. a pop group from Britain. It has also planned tonne releases by Bay City Roll- ers and April Wine. two other popularrockgroups. "We are gradually round~ ing out our business base to the greatest commercial extent. so we include the whole realm of music pub- lishing...We can now pro- vide a full range of pro- fessional music to the composer or the musician," said Mr. Brubacher. 'gt-tPt-et-tr-tat-ttit-trt. addsaetet-ttt.ietatioettoth-ttimtrtstotwetelts Inland by the company.- 680 FAIRWAY KITCHENER I' (P . T _ *1" . . o Q j'fijlt't'vtc , m 'jirrfilriil, w: i" _ . k a: 32* u, a“ cis,) MS [l I“ "3‘3 fl A ff C‘ AT COU RTLAND "mtaetd-ettetet+ artett-tcTtteeteteqti.rm mac-amp: w. Immhm hunt-bonny.“ â€1*de F2l?l?1'r1E'2T . _---. leer A u “A In E Pdl, State"", was†-qta0"atM"-.- 24"n80“ Nil-i! U UNI? STEP OF KITCHENS. 1255 “with . 742-5531 0"“;8‘G‘8' b 744-41 , 9 “WWW“ BEE