.4. 'i-tf-tts-tmeet-ima-tte' scored for the Midas War- riots in their game against Hamilton at the Brantford tournamt were by Billy Warriors hosted Kitchener harm's Mad: Christ-, blocks Maud basket by Jamie Russel (44) at WM. Sound do!“ coupled with deadly offense led Hawks to 91-16 - win over Warm “your... Midas Warriors down Kitchener sa "qttingSt.S.Wamtrhto i ‘ r fp - ", f I, 7 - 4 Sum- mama Studios , " King St. s. Watodoo Make the lover-fest valentirte's Day Gifts iitiii'iiiii"smas "itiitrifilrir 81:32? Sootcr Portrait Studios 742-5521 , " King St. s. Waterloo in a Int league game Jan. Sat Waterloo arena. Keller opened the scoring for'Wa- terloo in the first two min- Scott 1.0m. Witli only a 'stesofthegameoetanas- the first period, Help“ [mount the score up to " for Waterloo. Kitdnener quickly retaliat- ed 16 would: later with a goal. They kept up the pres- sure in the second period. seoeii2seemtdsatterthe "tie game with a goal from Her- trott assisted by Dave Wet- credited to Wetthmfrer assistedttrBotrotreekand Lanna! Memottassist- The third period saw two more goals for the Midas tittiiittiitititWlLvurim. IW r,' - llllllllllllllllllllllllrl,h,e,le,'ll'l'lit1fdtl q the Brandon! 401 [agile In. no at Albert McCor- mick arena. The visitors ed Wettlauffer and Dwayne mtrreguatiTtbetrameto trregfhemaisatretosa for the m Warriors. Glen Conley. ttgatttteamanersettoMhas snatched a win (mm it's cityrivalonthehastetball opened the scoring. War- riors came back to even the score with 4:22 left in the first period. Oberle scored the goal assisted hr Rob Deutschmann and www- fer. assiateigoat from mu Brantford scored two min- qteslatertoeqtta1 the score. With three minutes left in the second period, Devi- sm let another blasting shot go for the Warriors' third goal. A scoreless third period gave the Warriors their second win of the week with a " score. Alan Dol- lar played in goal for Wa- Although bad weather hit Waterloo and surmmding areas on Sunday. the War- riors travelled to Galt for Warriors tiavelléd to Gait for a hub league game. for Waterloo. Kitchener scored one The Warriors opened the BROWN/GOLD/RED SHAG. Casino“! . 10.95 6.25 LOOP. ANTIQUE GOLD/BROWN, thioned 9.95 4.7! TREASURE ISLE, Short Mi-lat Shag, Brown/Beige 12.95 7.95 RED/BLACK COMMERCIAL. Level loop, SOFT LOOP. Blue, Cushioned 9.95 " DEEP HORIZON. Pastel Blue Shag, nice & full loss 7.1 DIABLEAU GREEN, Two-tone shag 12.95 Td TROUBADOR GOLD, Cushioned 10.95 6.1 BROWN/BEIGE WEED. Soft loop.Cnshioned 9.95 " Hill [IDS All) I00! SIRS “ANNIE " 10' " - “M!!! $40.00 Take Highway 8 to Preston. tum left, follow Fountain Street North to Royal Oak Road. turn right on Royal Oak Road. and watch for . MI! "tre" “3-311. mil? US FOR YOUR BEST CARPET BUY" CARPET spasms 23%., s'G"i.' but. was.†Pltta"deL"elg,'; A“ “shot" ige,t"it,g,Pat'ut, We“: _ 'ltefi',l',,rgtigtflt Rumba-clen- ponLh-d. Wank!“- gedlydfm lug-{tolu- 4SngrthtiaqtataitatNteers wttttMpoMtohiieT'tevur Britttt"attStHortttehmera. tratdixurrsitrhtttpmattas ttteratiaeeidaN-hset- ttachtotheG-ltthGrr- Whammy. Bruins beat Stratford 4-3 m, Waterloo Bauer Bails teamed to lid) lea- gue play Jan. 3 aging Strat- foE’Hi-mve! Pe-. mammal-many with the game when they 't.edaheads0inttrerirst Jeff Moran. Todd Smith mqtedirstheseemtdertmter from Todd My. Gary fromPatEvansandRon pite The hustling Station! and did not tttre u; des- game-tie/niet- Withtwomirmtesremaiat- ipgAmtmseoredhissee- ondgoal ofthegameto qrinttteemrteatforWater- In a game Jan. 5 against Simone, theMinor Pee Wees seemed to have tumble Simcoe scored the first goal. Todd Sheridan evened the coat with a tine rink- In the third period, Jim Haldenhy banged home Jeff Morgan's got from the blue line to put Waterloo ahead. Once again Simcoe pressed the attack and tied the score " with two min- utes remaining. With five pass to Todd Smith who was in [mat of the net. Smith won the game " for Wa- terloo withhisgoal. Bruins continued their Peter Young hit a picture whitening the Brant- ford hub league entry " .the