8 Wm Otextetleh.tlhdetmttae,Wrdt 28,1973 RAH-BEBHTEl Mall. " ' BHAPEl é; mum! " lite.?,,,,,,, Convenient Parking, entering Wellington or King Street Gift Mhte “I 621 KING WEST - "SAMes artists will be on exhibition to the public at the Kitch- Gallery to feature works of Rodin enter-Waterloo Art Gallery from Apr. 5 and] May 6. The collectlm consists of DOUGLAS KOCHER HARRY HUEHN Service worthy Waterloo man becomes CESO volunteer executive O andhasaireadyttemtaeeet Far East, and over 51mm todateinCanada. Once! the most (mat the Rodin works to be tm- hibited is "The Cathedral," number at watts by famous contemporaries at Rodin - Maillol. Batman. Mlle. Picasso and Gouda - Dr. WM. Mansour, of m Forsythe Drive and as- sociate professor of engi- neering at the University of Waterloo, has accepted a volunteer assignment from Canadian Executive Service Overseas (CESO). He is at present serving CESO, a mm-profit or- ganization, was formed in 1967 by a gmup of Canadi- an businessmen, with the as- sistance of the Canadian tron-damaging: cannulaâ€. Thegeiqttisothe"Watk- ihgMan,"rrb'elii-d- edaaoeteottttemtttstim- 'tetrurttrtruerrectttatttr versidade de Federal de Rio de-Janeiro, in Brazil to assist them in orgasm- ing, and to teach, post- graduate engineering cours- es. Mrs. Mansour accom- panied hint. “Statue d Balzac, Cloak- as a consultant to the Uni- than Across from WATERLOO P.O. Wm. Mansour i- International Development le 'Agucy. Its purpose is to il recruit senior Canadian F executives and technical ex- t- perts, usually retired, to F serve as volunteer consul- F tents to developing com- tries around the world. take place More a special- ly invited audience at the KiteAater-Waterho A rt Gallery Thursday. April 5,atO:Qp.m. all General of France in Tomato. hasmtedlo 'stfieiate, at the rm portation charges and the host government or organ- ization is responsible for accommodation and living "'t'tod