Births This pilot project is visit. ing over 40 towns and mun- icipalities in Ontario and Quebec during the next 6 months. The mobile cara- van is equipped with an ex- tensive store of advice and assistance for sports organ- izers, coaches, officials, and "creation planners. Slides, micrtrfilms, col- our and sound loop films, books, charts, and live dis- plays on a variety of topics of interest to budding ath- letes is on board. A staff of trained tech- nicians compliments the units which include testing and measurement devices to illustrate scientific yet practical ways of assessing potential of young athletes. Federal 'tgttttLtttgNtn.t tttstigtitt Deaths The national administra- tive centre for sports and recreation in Ottawa has named Doug Paton at Wat- erloo as special advisor and consultant in the area of sports and recreation facil- ities, land equipment) to aid coaches and leaders of sports communities via the Sports Caravan, presently touring Ontario. STUART. a daughter. Amy Elizabeth. to Mr, and Mrs. James Stuart. 221 Pine Grove Crescent. Wa- terloo. at St, Mary's Hos- prtal. November 29, BRUTZKl. a daughter. Kar- rie-Ann. to Gill and Paul Brutzki. 85 Hillcrest Av- enue. Waterloo. at St. Mary's Hospital. Decem- ber 3. BAUMAN, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bauman. RR2. Waterloo. at St. Mary's Hospital. December 6. WIDEMAN. a daughter. Sherilee Joy. to Sharon and Jim Wideman. 109 Mocco- sun Drive. Waterloo. at K-W Hospital. December 4 MAUSBERG. a daughter to ) Dr, and Mrs. Lional Maus- berg. 525 Oxbow Road. Wa- terloo. at St. Mary’s Hos- pital, December 4 OSMENT. a daughter, Lisa Lynn. to Marg and Alf Os- ment. 74 Allen Street East. Waterloo, at St Mary's Hosprtal. December 5 Ronny is a bright. alert baby, at least average in ability. He's a fast crawler and now is beginning to walk, though he still feels he needs to hold on to some- thing. He has a good appe- tite and eats whatever is offered to him. This little fellow has a happy disposition and is even amiable about going Everything goes in the mouth when a baby is cut- ting teeth, and it's no excep- tion with year-old Ronny. This chubby, big boy has brown eyes, black curly hair and brown skin inherit- ed from his Jamaican an- cestors (all black except for one white great grandpar- em). JACKSON. Rusknn B. 398 Erb Street West. Waterloo, November 30, 70 years SOMERTON, Hector. 68 Wdham Street West. Water loo. December I. 50 years SZALAI, Cart Gary. 4 Wul low Street. Waterloo. De cembe, 3, 3 years SCHNARR, Clara. 94 West mount Road South Water too, December 5, 80 years Waterloo man to advise Sports Caravan He needs a home Already several major contractors, architects and manufacturers have provid- ed brochures and technical pamphlets which may be examined and referred to by ton, was formerly co-ordo inator of recreation and kinesiology at the Univer- sity at Waterloo - a pioneer program in co-op education for physical education and recreation students with an enrolment of over 700 young men and women from all parts of Canada. . The executive adminis- trator of the administrative centre, Dan Pugliese, for- merly of Waterloo, hopes that examples of good ec- onomical arenas, swimming pools, tennis courts, tracks, field houses, and health cen- tres will be illustrated by engineered drawings, slides and technical articles as a result of Mr. Paton's assis- tance. Mr. Paton, who is present ly developing a maior col- lege curriculum in sports and recreation facility man- agement and operation at Mohawk College in Hamil- 0 First Aid dressings . First Aid medications . First Aid kits as specified by W.§.B. Q Stretcher: and blankets 0 First Aid Room Equipment Phone our repnuniaiive to discuss your requirements major mama "can: .90 ht b.30--sesturderr Tthott ht 4:00 DIAL 579-6200 SUPPLIES UMtTED 663 King W., Kitchen" (Opp. Louisa) INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID SUPPLIES We Deliver to bed. He is used to child- ren of all ages and obvious- 1y enjoys their company. Ronny is quite a chatty youngster, though most of what he says is not in any known language. He loves music which sets him rock- ing back and forth. Ronny will be a splendid addition to a family wanting a bright, happy son. To in- quire about adopting Ronny please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station K., Toronto. For general adop- tion information, ask your Children 's Aid Society. Mr. Paton's association with several engineering, ar- chitectural and manufacture ing companies in the arena, pool and athletic complex field will be of assistance to the program. Mr. Paton is presently chairman of aquatics for the Ontario professional rec- reation director's associa- tion and is a member of the recreation institute of Canada, Ontario arena's association, Ontario swim- for their communities. The emphasis will be on local planning with expert advice called upon when needed. An eye to functional design with low operating and maintenance costs is the key to such a p5esen- tation. Through tele-recorders and wire service, enquiries which cannot be handled on the caravan will be passed on to the headquarters in Vanier City where a com- mittee will examine the request and pass on pertin- ant information. committees and individuals planning new sports areas @ WATERLOO SQUARE PET SHOP - LOWER MALL - 743-6921 t A sscs"siea-tsiss-oerirytrsiitiipegtss' m; IN. setyt . At Mohawk College. ma- Jor reeleation facility dem- onstration and testing labs are in the planning stages under Mr. Paton‘s leader- ship. Services for testing and appraising major compon- ents in the residential and commercial arena and pool fields will be offered manu- facturers, contractors and suppliers within a year at Mohawk College in Hamil- ttiitiscsseaiiriettigriiPNettsP w& the l tiiiiriliA;iG' nn onnnnr‘ ming pool association and former vice-president of the consumers' association of He holds degrees from the University of New Brunswick, University of Western Ontario and Uni- versity of Waterloo. There is one obstacle which must be overcome for this plan to sqork-the large, bulky unsightly, fuel- eating dinosaur, better known as the heating plant. Today's boilers are a far cry from those which were installed in homes 25 years ago. The new electric boilers for instance, can be hung on a wall. Gas and oil boilers are available in attractive, ap- pliance-styled cabinets. If your house . seems crowded and cramped and the current mortgage squeeze is preventing you from buying a larger home, the answer to your problem may be under your feet. According to the Canadian hydronics council, many people are looking toward the basement for an added room The answer, advises the council, is a new, attractive and compact boiler. SMALLER BOILER SAVES SPACE st')ii'iiiij,ii, iii i,j'iirjjhi'iiiiiiilj, "if; PET SHOP M g. Send $1.00 for the NEW "tl Fall and Winter Ba- sie FASHION filled with lovely designs and a FREE Pattern Coupon. Print Name. Address, Style mm at Size. Stun "t In coins for out â€turn - Includes â€an. all will". PATTERN SFnVICFS WATERLOO CHRONICLE Po. Box 340 -- Station A Toronto, Ontario, Canada K "13:95"? 4-12yn. d2erer' A darling pajama set or an adorable long gown is an ideal way to please the young lady! No. 8148 with PHOTO-GUIDE is in Sizes 4 to 12 years. Size 6 . . . gown or pajamas. 2% yards of 45-inch. Panama available only in sizes shown. 5mg lane. Address and Style , “-Fall and Winter '71 {page ALBUM is 75f. - mu looks-15¢ “a. I51 Fl-er-at" Swimmers 0103 an Vat-I104 can cm .105 Conn! It'll-l1“ DIN. 1101 m: Quinn-I10. tutu-id 010! Eartr Atgtit--mttt star 0111 tttr-tttet-td-tlit" t-Pieee ALSO-OI " Favorite â€glans-15¢. GIFTS to 'uutE-ao t-s-tt.ttlt. The simplicity of Chinese design is captured in this longer-length sweat- er that has a matching face-cover hood . . . an ideal outfit for those ski- jaunts. No. 5383 has knit directions for Sizes 10- 20 inclusive. SEMI 6St in eeétts It not â€not. - Include: name and lulu“. (;tJWhif88'%tomcuE P.0. Box 340 -- Station A Toronto, Ontario, Canada