The familiar red mail box- es, previously situated at various comers around Wat- erloo and Kitchener, have been moved away from in- tersections. 66 BRIDGEPORT ROAD E.WATERLOO GRAHAM PETROLEUMS LTD. R. AT ITS NEW GAS-FOR-LESS STATION ANOTHER GP GAS-FOR-LESS STATION TOWERS PLAZA Mail boxes moved from comers (“1545†12 oz. Coloured drinking glass with any gas purchase fl The action has been taken to protect unwary children who might walk out from behind them and into the path of oncoming traffic, said Ken Montagano, cus- wishes to announce the following E tamer relations officer for the post office department, - "We've moved about 50 in Waterloo; each about 30 feet back from the corn- er," he said. bc . ' 1 miteeDrrie"iter-ttt tteortedtt-eiFtt a Nacho Luann: W‘- verity W‘m- -ae-tttrtrtmsigttt. misc-solute!“- WLU Ibo "and none ttsaottt-ttdgr%h.H' lastyur. - The presentation of en- tranog. tand-tttsate and “Mute will begin at ' "ottttoL0arutttaiirtg. hasan'dnmalvahrettftree K-W-guild-rt- ber meeting with a “by THE oi volt attend (or sale at the Foirviev Park mall "s New 11 to 13. RED l BARON 3 STEAKS Draft - Phebe: or Mug Downtown It the City Hotel WATEILOO Air Conditioned Fully Lie-id "CITY HOTEL 1E1 awards! to Mn who saw the ttgtiveraity this (all its "out. an I) WMBMIS. The My have an aMtte-iatitd8880eagtr.if tboitmittgotrtt%ttrtrsaitr "tet-mt-ttlan." "iiraaiiiiiiu 41 half!- houd my: till be m7..." 1.7m. in??? tal who could and A riport was_ given by Muhammad“ 'mssttrecttristmasse- CMHA campaign for gifts' underway ,eovestgiftsandtreedeeor. the Ontario handweavers Once again the Canadian Mental Health Aaaociatitm's. annual gift campaign is un- derway. Each year volunteers package more than five hundred gift boxes to be dis- tributed to patients of all faiths in the 10 homes for special care in Waterloo County. Many of these patients have no close contact with family or friends. Because they are people who may otherwise be forgotten at this season of giving we are asking the community to remember these men and . Weavers guild meets RitchieButtonCo. HEMSIITCHIIG Cuto- COVEIIEII Buttons Bins & BUCKlES Bunou “Otis for Colts. 0mm Sweaters BO Ontario South 143.3074 FIREPLACE CANNEL COAL PICK IT " BY THE BUSHEl BASKET AT THE VICTORIA ST. YARDS ’g'ga; Ct". V . _ um - $2.60 Per. Bushol Basket "aedki.ttiiietitV _ 1‘ pace»! may in - ", _1, 13. T l incline 41 "htttHiqitr, -. ., Mnumaau’ iatgttlgVnsar*rirt C"r', gehooiartdthetlltLUgt- ' gtoiinottawaoettttterM to 16. All agreed it had beeetatmmt-ietterestia-t Wt - provoking that. meeting will be the Cid, mas dinner. to be held at Albert Street, Decanher 1. Plain were announced to participate ill/a craft ex- hibition being held at " terloo Lutheran University Deeemtter6to8. women with small gifts. These might include soap. hand lotion. gloves, writing Paper. Pens. stamps, scar- ves, hose. cigarettes. cigars, jewellery, slippers. stuffed animals, ties, socks, shav- ing cream, etc. Cash dona- tions are always welcome " specific wants for indivi- duals are looked after. You could not help but be moved if you could only see the anticipation and excite- ment with which a box is opened. Donations may be sent to Gift Campaign, Waterloo County CMHA, 54 King Street South, Waterloo until November 26 and then to the new Canadian Mental Health headquarters at 179 King Street South, Waterloo. The Kitchener depot is lo- cated in Goudies Depart- ment Store at the switch- board. If contributions should be sent in time for the "wrapping bee" starting on December 6. than! Mos presided at