bq ', _ K Sep'",""'," 'r' T _ . '%r"Ner' . T , "r l", Eat Mt . _ " ‘ . . W; . ' " _ 'rr bur " .» "1‘2"“ '", “’1'“. '. 'e"'2 .; - 'te Hr. Ct 3 “as "t .'i'tri," Tt f , when l , :“t‘ "‘"‘"" .w ' . - . FF ' .. T -â€~ . t" r,", Tutr Sr ,1 ' ' #43:. T a l v; er‘k' "H, a". "st"' l _ . 5 _ _ C '5 F . . . v. _ ', " . a u “m UM.†" " _ t - " tf -' an, trc-,' T " - .' . _ Business: After Hours: 50 bh West SMALL SELF-CONTAINED apartment, all modem con- veniences, suitable for one or two persons, central locat- tion. Phone 578-7400 or 744- 6062. (46) CALL RA. HENDRY for prompt Electrolux ser- vice, authorized dealer with 33 years servicing this community, Phone 745-81 19 or 74445945 (if) THE KITCHENER - WA- TERLOO Women's Abortion Law Repeal Coalition are now selling tickets for Ot- tawa demonstration Novem- ber 20th. Unemployed stu- dents and homemakers 8.00; working women $11.00. More information Phone 576-2293. 10A ROOMS FOR RENT 84 Fvodoncll St.. Kitchenet Held by K-W Knows Club, proceeds tor Kinsmen Comm tbr the Retarded, 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE RAWLEI CH PRODUCTS - FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Apply 158 Erb street, 1 COMING EVENTSO ANNOUNCEMENT tt 9 APTS. FOR RENT Insurance Agency 279 Webs! North. Watedoo PHONE For prompt delivery - ser- vice Phone 5764B67 before 9 a. m., after 6 pm (tf) AUTO HOME BUSINESS 57 8-0048 West, “nine 578-9042. 46 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAll RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY. NOV. 19th 10:00 a.m. IUNNEL INN - INCA. Service is our KNACK Aosprces Knox Presbyterian Women 's Association W.H. KNACK DISC-JOCKEY SERVICE Weddings Banquets Social - Events RUMMAGE SALE Friday. Nov. 19th 5:00 - 7:00p.m. PHONE 744-6364 run we FINEST m RECORDED STEREO nus": CALL MULTI- MUSIC Terms Arranged 743-9091 742-3498 Waterloo (46) (46) 47 " ARTICLES EOE SALE NEW and USED Office Fur- niture, machines, typewri- ters, adding machines. Re- pairs - Rentals. Lockhart Office Supply, 659 King West, Kitchener. 742-1582. For the experimenter and hobbyist, 36 different kits from amplifier to burglar alarms, easy to assemble. no technical knowledge needed. All kits feature - modem, professional solid state circutry. Priced from $3.95 to $14.95. Free Cata- logue Available. NEW ELECTROHOME Ste- reo Phonograph, stereo speakers, three-speed BSR changer, walnut finish, re- tail price $89.95 will sell for $65.00. Phone 742-8043. AIR PURIFIERS Relief from symptoms of allergies or asthma or money refund- ed. Elcar Electronics Air Purifier removes odor, pol- len and fine dust also at- tacks bacteria, mold and mildew. Sivad Sales-Service 578-1570. (tf) Service. Dial 745-0245. We answer our phone 24 hours a day. _ (tf) TOYS AND pliant: Articles - Large spun; hornet large doll carriage and crib, all and slide set. Infant's won'- Jer, jolly jumper, gate, GIRL'S WINTER Coat sin 10-12. Boy's gold arordinat- ed slacks and jacket size 12. Tears complete â€wardrobe, size 10 - 12, excellent condi- MISSES' FALL and winter coats size 12 - 16. Plaid Skirt. Boy's skates size 12. All in very good condition. 742- 1339. (46) CHROME KITCHEN suite. table-four chairs, $20.00, very good condition. Phone 745-9737 after five or week- end. (46) blade, size 3%, nearly new. Phone 745-6480. (46) FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS Phone 742-2433. tf BOY’S C.C.M. Skates, steel ELECTROLUX SALES and bommodé. all -reaaoiahie. Phone 7%â€. (46) WATERLOO ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CO. LTD Mystery. Western Romance 3/25C Cormcs 6/2 " Trade 2 for 1 We Trade Records BOOK EXCHANGE 28 Regina North. Walerioo pengarn 103m - 7 Days EICOCRAFT ELECTRONIC KITS 219 Hanwood Avenue 745-9421 Science Fucuon 15c (46) (46) (46) tf minimum " words $1.00 Each ttdditiqtetatttttqted+ SMALL BUSINESSES - Bookkeeping and Accounting service. Reasonable rates. Phone 579-0433 (47) APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Mobile service plus pick- up and delivery. Iatrne's Mower and Appliance Ser- vice. 578-9130. tf USED TYPEWRI'I‘ERS - do CIRCULAR SAW sharpening regular and, carbide, kni- ves and scissors. Repre- sentative for Monroe X- 73 Ice Remover. Ice and snow melting pellets that really work, non-polluting. contain no salt. Place your order now to insure delivery before it snows. Phone Lome‘s Mower and Appliance Service 578-9130. (if) " ARTICLES FOR SALE 16 CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE " " ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Brownie Worm size 7 or 8. Required immed- iately. Phone 744-7780. 1967 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hardtop, vinyl roof, va, power steering and brakes, radio,. white wall tires. Licence K 833-238, $1395.00. 1966 Mercury half- ton pick up. long wide box. six cylinder, licence 38857 B, MANUFACTURERS our. LET Company, Retail De pot - Now located at 714- 116 Belmont West, Kitchen- er. Sale of fabrics, numer- ous bargains from our re gular stock of drapery, up- holstery, slip cover tab- ries, yard pods and rein- quarter ton, va, radio, four speed transmission. new tires, long wide box, licence 32552 B, 41550. Will trade. Steffler Motors Limited, New Dundee. 696-2273 or 696-884 after five p.m. .. MACHINE SHOP MOI-TAT STOVE, two years old, 83. Phone 7m nuts at special prices. Monday to Runway 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Friday 9:00a.m. -9:00 pan. Satur- day 9:00 am. - 5:30 pan. 742-6341. V (t!) not have to be in working order. 742-1582 or 744-9130. (tf) AUTOMOTIVE RADIATOR SERVICE WELDING DAMMAN Gas Tanks and Radiators Repaired St University Ave East 576-1570 SERVICES (46) Residential & Commercial Wiring 774 King West. Kitchener makers of High Grade Custom Built Furniture Your choice of fabric and ster COMPLETE REUPHOLSTERING SERVlCE Professional Driver Train- ing. No extra charge for road test. For more infor- mation call- Bus. 744-7238 Res. 743-6527 DOMESTIC CLEANERS re- quired for Beechwood ar- ea, top rates. Call Home Personnel 578-1570. ti For Free Estimates " SERV|CES RELIABLE HOUSEKEEP- ER for out of town. live-in with good family, weekends off. Must have references. Phone 743-1063. (46) 21 JOBS PRIMARILY OF INTEREST TO WOMEN BOB DEKKER 744-8292 Other Services Include "Over 40 years Experience' after hours 579-3060 DU RACLEAN Clean your whole house- Carpets. Chairs. Lamp Shades. Chesterfield. DEFENSIVE DRIVING ACADEMY and Hum Tools Hood's - Sales - Service LUXURY UPHOLSTERING PIANO TUNING REGULATING and . REPAIRING Call _ MARVIN MICKUS vusn our showroom 34 LAUREL STREET Waterioo Phone 742-2623 579-6650 579-4505 as SCANDIA ELECTRIC Wail Washing and Flow Stripping. Phone CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - " NOON TUESDAY (tf) 50 Stud] employment, fringe block from trolley stop. Hours 7:30a.m. to 4:00pan. ApplyinPerson AUDIO TRANSFORMER Company Limited 202 Regina Street North Waterloo working conditwd. One NEED EXTRA MONEY? Utilize spare time showing gifts and cosmetics by Van- da Beauty Counselor. Com- mission. Training Supplied. No immediate investment. Call Verna McKay 743-2247. (49) NEED A better job for win- ter? If you quality we will train you for area manager, placing you in a full time position. Send brief resume to Box 159 Waterloo Chron- icle. (46) 21 JOBS PRIMARILY OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Meet new friends while you sell products of the world’s largest cosmetic company. Do it in your own spare time. Big earning opportunity. In- vestment is small. 22 SITUATIONS VACANT Traffic noise has been bothering people for a long time. One of the earliest at- tempts to control this form of pollution was recorded in the "Times of London" September 11 1829. says the Ontario safety league. The newspaper reported that police officers seized the horses of a stagecoach be- cause the Lord Mayor com- plained of the disturbance and noise. 23 WA NTED BOYS & GIRLS To Deliver Newspapers GLO B E Call Mr. Bond 744-4435 38 G ET M O R E O UT 0 F Ll F E Be An Avon Representative. Noise pollution LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORKERS CALL 743-0421 AGENTS & SALES HELP and MAIL (46) ACCORDiAN, GUITAR and Chord Organ lessons avail- able. Watmount and Er!) DRESSMAKING and Atter- How long is a meter? It was originally fixed as the ten-millionth part of the dis- tance from the equator to the North Pole, equal to " inches. But it is reported that an international con- ference of scientists has now decided on a more pre- cise definition; they say that the exact length of a meter is 1,650,763.73 times the wavelength of the orange light of isotopic krypton of mass 86 at 760 mm. of pres- sure at' 15 degrees centi- grade. Just in case you won- " DREMKING I ALTERATIONS Defining a mat, Canada. like Britain, is moving towards adoption of the metric system. lit the next decade our high- ways may all be marked in kilometers instead of miles, says the Ontario Safety Phone 744-6364 Phone 7m. 40 Moo in .30."! 500p!!! Sell your no longev needed camping equipment, fumi, ture, appliances or clothing with a fast acting Chvonide Classified Ad teaching ovet 12,300 homes in the Water. loo 'rea. MINIMUM " WORDS CHRONICLE â€NEED EXTRA CASH? Coil 744-6364 now Halon Smitor win be happy to assist you MUSICAL INSTRUCTION , day - $1.00