@mstrong FURNITURE and APPLIANCES One Room or A Ctynplete HOuseful Ritchie Button Co. ttEtgt'sTiTCNtttG Custom COVERED Buttons BELTS & BUCKLES BUNCH HOLES fttt Coats. Dresses. Sweatets MONOGRAMMING 7 Expert Installation CORLON FLOORING I l l Iowa-24y. The all-in-one collar and front panel of this at- tractive style is top- stitched to accent the slimming line. No. 8176 with PHOTO-GUIDE is in Sizes 10% to 24 % (bust 33-47). Size 12%, 35_ bust . . . 2% yar 45-inch. Patterns available insizes shown. - “an TSt In "ltts for each pattern -ittettt6es mun at handling. P.0. Box 340 -station A Toronto, Ontario, Canada Print Mama. Address, style Humor and Size. Send $1.00 for the NEW '71 Fall and Winter Ba- sie FASHION filled with lovely designs and a FREE Pattern Coupon. ’ALAN RIGBV'S FOR RENT "man Stance?) WATERLOO CHR NICLE 50 Ontario South 143-3014 House of Fumituto You†516-5440 Complete Selection at 2 % yaids of By making your gifts, you are not only showing your love for the person receiving it, but also sav- ing money . . . therefore. you will want a copy of GIFTS TO MAKE! It has directions for a Macrame hag. beaded necklace, tote bags, fam- ily slippers and many others as well as those shown on cover. P.S. A lovely gift for a needleworking friend! Price . . . Only Sl.00 a copy! " order. send $1.00. includes postage and handling. wA"T"ETr',t18a%Nmx P.0. Box 340 -- Station A Toronto. Ontario. Canada Hint lane. Address and Hunter. The Fall and Winter "71 40-page ALBUM is 75c. Classified Ads Really Work "'"r'.r:lT8P9PFi"t,1t,s, " . _ T sm- , was , v .rNMml 'ar MIP. ft 'd . _.. -, V "'iurNIt. T C"t' was - vvztéhv ,-- :35, . FT.? v 9'! f' 'si R', " ', TsrN"ilg '"T,r. V a†. %'t, , '.t5 _,'PltrPlrT'.if1 ' cs". 'e 32» , .'?" .' s". q; f 'rr., :v 22"».1117‘3 ". Ai1rir"ilctr2:3rlstit'jtry",,.'. rtrrl'_'l:t1'l,')l't'it'l' Fa-it "Bag" 2-1. a: C". .,'j_:"r "t N . _'" "r'"'",-,,'" '. '3- '". I'. '.' ' 'S it» v“ _ .c "mm I '. very Mom “and M. .m. M. em. E. $0M om- 3 COROLLA 1200 StationWagons '2290 8 COROLLA 1600 StationWagons s2690 Iyiyi0lliittMT0its l-Luxury CROWN Hardtop automat- ic, green with vinyl top. AM, FM stereo radio. power steering and brakes - loaded with extras, 2-COROLLA 1600 Station Wagons with automatic, Red. Blue. 3-COROLLA 1200 Station Wagons 2 blue, 1 Red. BIG SAVINGS , '72 TOYOTA 1i'allgll 2255 Kingsway Road (bmody (he St East) One mule was! of Powwow Shoppmg Centre adjacent to the expressway Opposite WEO Get on the BAND WAGON with a Nn'ate-uetettrdteramt NquSdu-hum "-ieettutueS.rettheCat- Mr. and um. um Him. " John Sum Wat. â€who. on". is thisoo of Mr. and Mn. Wm Schroibot. also of The count. all live in Kit- chum Mansko-Kiiimnik St. Matt's Lutheran Church was the scene at the adding of Patricia Maroon! Mk. and Hutold Francis Kilimnik Saturday evening. Deaths Tho was. of 257 Bowman 5mm. Watonoo. is the dough- tct of tart Munch. Kitchener, Waterrtoo, GRUBER. Helga. 410 Hazel Street. Waterioo. Novembet 7, 32 were. LANGE. Iris Enter. 292 Hem- lock Street. Waterloo. Nov- ember 5. MARTIN. Nellie. 183 Rodney Street. watedoo, Novembet 9.49 years. Pesticide revie w will continue The Canada department of agriculture is expanding its pesticide review pro- gram. The purpose of the program, which is carried out by the control products section under the pest con- trol products act, is to re- evaluate all pesticides in the light of current criteria and data, and to provide for the orderly modification of pesticide uses in Canada. Executive Driven Twenty-one compounds were reviewed in 1970-71; about 20 are scheduled for review in 1972. Births RIEHL. a daughter. Julie Pat- Before the price increase rucia. to Patricia and Gerald Fliehl. 207 Aloxandn. Wa- tertoo, a: St. Mary's Howital. November 8. [mamas "6-tt09t Mariska. with Automatic transmissiort Thetteid.i+mmt-dmqtt- tor of Mr. and Mn. Mon Strand. “Moan-(Won. Hartmqr.istttesooofMr.and Mn. Rona was. Kitchen! The couple will live in Hom- Austin-Hula: Sum Ann Austin and Bum Gonlon mum â€changed vows Saturday at All Saints Angli- can Church. Watodoo. Rev Danni: Haydan officiatmt. The bride's puma are Mr. and Mm. Edward Austin. 192 Forsyth Drive. 1hmtqdoo. The budoomom. of Kitchen» is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Millet. RR t, Linwood. The couple will live in kit- chalet. 749 King St. West kiTCHENER DELIVERY tholfs Pharmacy ,ttdeo-tiarrvoirtttit.. HOFFAT IREE REMOVAL Trimming done, trees and stumps removed. Good service. Free estimates -aarttitmAtarUAn- Moo lo?" 90m -.pm Sat 90m "tsoo 653-5848 576-9500 YOUR BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY WATERLOO Comer of Ed) St East and Weber St North 578-8720 Phone 579-3820 YOU TOO CAN. BENEFIT From . THE CHRONICLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2 MARK ll Frank Else-numb 1 CROWN 768 Union St. East Laeitoqqther---ueu-trtoF. Fro-tatt-t_-ah-foe-rho-b-rho"" PACDNI DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD -Iri'ncr W --worm, our 0â€â€ room ~Iod-n W .---aa. - or cum ---.no- “I --Hqw root. for more information We look on. the COMPLETE JOB for you... MM. cum. plumbing. qiqqttrittat---. _ EVERYTHING! CALL 744-6364 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 pm. Prompt Disposal of Dead or Disabled Cam. and Horses be. No. 299 c 71 Monday - Friday Station Wagons Station Wagon PHONE 576-3479 HOME HOME \ IMPROVEMENTS? AtoZ Sowing you for ovov 20 your: FLEETOE MOTORS LTO. Milk IMWEMEIY SERVICE “I "In. - - by s3090 s4575 SIARKMAN chemists " King St. South Waterloo Crystal - China Ceramics l Radios - Cuckoo Ctdchp 308 King West, Kitchener We Pick-Up and Deiiver Your Prescription FREE For That Unusual Gift Visit The 743-41 1 1 WINDMILI. SHOP Low prices. Mendy and courteous servoce 576-3479