v-v'v " vvw “a. .- "U: . _ 'c"")"' 'd'.' ;,*",',7,' "d' Tr "tt tfh-etCtteoetirpttur-,t'titqnttsertt.t0pr., . . . ' ( Business: After Hours PRIVATE SALE - Building with garage, thirty miles north of Waterloo, excel- lent condition, (32 by 32 feet), taxes $75.00 yearly, presently used as applia- ance store. 743-3145. 45 EXCELLENT OPPORTUN- ITY - Men or women full or part-time. Tum your spare time into cash. Own your own vending mute in your area. No selling, all routes will be established. High quality coin operat- ed vending machines. To qualify, you must be hon- est, have a good car, ref- erences, good credit and be able to spend 7-12 hours weekly. Small down pay- ment will get you started in business, and terms can be arranged. For person- al interview reply, in- clude phone number, to: B.V. Distributors Limit- ed Dept. "C", 85 Eglin- ton Avenue East, Suite 202, Toronto 12, Ontario. RESPECTABLE GIRL re- quires bachelor or bed- sitting room under $75.00 vicinity of Mutual Life building. Call Barb 745- 8376 after five pm 45 10A ROOMS FOR RENT 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE THE KITCHENER - Water- loo Women 's Coalition for Abortion Law Riapeal meets Saturday, Novem- ber 13, Room 151, Human- ities Building, University of Waterloo, 1:30 p.m. All women invited. Tickets to Ottawa demonstration November 20th are now on sale. Call 576-2293 for more information. 45 9A APT WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Apply 158 Erb Street West, Phone 578-9042. 46 Insurance Agency 279 Weber North. Watedoo PHONE t COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Terms Arranged AUTO HOME BUSINESS 578 £048 ----- Service is our KNACK W.H. KNACK Disc-Janka! SERVICE Weddings Banquets Social - Events FOR THE FINEST IN RECORDED STEREO MUSIC PHONE 744-6364 MULTI- MUSIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CALL 743-SO9t 742-3498 tf 45 47 CLEARING ALL fashion- able Barbie doll clothes. Buy now for Christmas and save. Phone 743AS766 MOUTON FUR woat, mat- ching pill box hat, size 16, $15.00. Blue cloth coat. white lamb fur collar and cuffs. size 16, $3.00. Lady's two piece grey striped suit, size ll, $5.00. Step end table $10.00. Phone 699-5952,9:00-4:30. FOR a demonstration with- out obligation on the new Pfaff sewing machines. Call Mrs. Gibson 743-8766. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS - “For prompt delivery - ser- vice Phone 576-6957 before 9 a. m., after 6 p.m. (tf) NEW and USED Office Fur- niture, machines, typewri- ters, adding machines. Re- pairs - Rentals. Lockhart Office Supply, 659 King West. Kitchener. 742-1582. MOFFAT STOVE, two years old, $225. Phone 742-0394. CALL RA. HENDRY for prompt Electrolux ser- vice, authorized dealer with 33 years servicing this community. Phone 745-8119 or 744-6945. (tf) ELECTROLUX - Authorized Dealer. Phone 745 0245. THREE-QUA RTER length TWO SNOW Tires 735-14, mounted on Rambler wheels. Coleman lantern. Underwood typewriter. 745-2107. 45 MANUFACTURERS OUT- LET Company, Retail De- pot - Now located at 714- 716 Belmont West, Kitchen- er. Sale of fabrics, numer- ous bargains from our re- gular stock of drapery, up- holstery, slip cover fab- rics, yard goods and rem- nants at special prices. Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 pm. Friday 9:00 am. - 9:00 p.m. Satur- day 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 7426341. (tf) KELVINATOR REFRIG- ERATOR, two years old, ideal for recreation mom, no freezer, $45.00, Phone FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS Phone 742-2438. tf HOOVER WASHER - Spin dryer, nearly new, will ac- cept $80.00. Nearly new meat grinder also other household items. Phone 742-6165. 45 FIREWQOD - Dry, split, hard maple, delivered and placetu815.00 per single cord. Phone 742-7457. tf " anrdte, FOR SALE muskrat coat, size 10-12 suitable for student. Also squirrel cape. 745-1283. " 45 45 tf This timer will switch any light in your home on at a preset time, but the "off time" will vary about 1/2 hour daily. This will give your home on "at home" appearance. For exact "off QM†inst switch the ran- Tidrri feature off. Priced at a low 312,30 USED TYPEWRITERS - do WHITE AND colored per- sian kittens, eight weeks old. litter trained. Phone 745-9231 evenings. 1969 VAUXHALL, mileage LEAKING HOOPS Repair- ed, roll roofing laid, shing- les, sealed, chimney re- pairs, painting. C. Linse- man 578-2270. 41 17 TRUCKS FOR SALE 14 ARTICLES WANTED 15 PET & SUPPLIES HORSE DESIGN bulky hand 1966 MERCURY half-ton pick-up, long wide box, six cylinder. Licence 38857 B, $750.00. 1968 GMC three-quarter ton, va, ra- dio, four speed trans- mission, new tires, long wide box, Licence 325528, 81550. 1967 Pontiac Paris- ienne, two door hardtop, vinyl roof, FM, power steering and brakes, radio white wall tires, Licence K 833-238. Will trade. Stef- fler Motors Limited. New Dundee, 696-2273 or 696- 2984 after five p_m. " ARTICLES FOR SALE 16 CARS FOR SALE " ' BOOK EXCHANGE 28 Regina North, Waledoo Open 9 orm.-10p.m.- 7 Days not have to be in working order. 742-1582 or 744-9130. (tf) less than 4,000, best offer. Phone 745-7596. 45 knit sweater. matching hood, lady's size 18, 860.00 Two bulky hand knit sweaters size 44hr, used, half price $3.00 each. Lady's hand knit new two piece dress, blue, size to 20, $35.00. Sweaters made to order. Phone 699-5952. SAVE MORE THAN HALF On Paperbacks. Magazines. Comics and Hard Covers. We Buy Comics. with? - PARAGON 24 HOUR RANDOM OFF TIMER Company Limited 219 Hanvuood Avenue Watedoo 745-9421 For Your Vacation Give Your Home Protective Lighting WATERLOO ELECTRONICS SUPPLY SERVICES WELDING DAMMAN MACHINE SHOP APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Mobile service plus pick- up and delivery. Lowe’s Mower and Appliance Ser- vice. 578-9130. tt Residential & Commercial Wiring '774 King West. Kitchener Repairs to all home, auto, portable radios, televisions, tape players and record players. CIRCULAR SAW sharpening regular and carbide, kni- va and scissors. Repre- sentative for Monroe X- " lee Remover. Ice and snow melting pellets that really work, non-polluting, contain no salt. Place your order now to insure delivery before it snows. Phone Lorne’s Mower and Appliance Service 57849130. (if) For Free Estimates " 5 Princess West. Watedoo Open Daily 8:30 - 5:30& 7:00 - 9:00 Saturday 8:30 am. - 5:30 p.m. 28 BOB DEKKER 744-8292 Other Services Include AUTOMOTIVE RADIATOR SERVICE DURACLEAN after hours 579-3060 Gas Tanks and Radiators Repaired Clean your whole house- Carpets. Chairs. Lamp Shades. Chesterfields Phone J.C. Sales & Service Cash and Carry RADIO - TV REPAIRS 91 University Ave. East 576- 1 570 Electvic Motors and Power Tools . Repairs - Sales - Service Wall Washing and 579-6650 SCANDIA ELECTRIC Phone 742-5971 Floor Stripping SERVICES CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - " NOON TUESDAY DOMESTIC CLEANERS re- quired for Beechwood aru ea, top rates. Call Home Personnel 578-1570. tf makers of High Grade Custom Built Furniture Your choice of fabric and style . COMPLETE REUPHOLSTERING SERVICE visit our showroom 3" ' AUREL STREET Waterloo - Phone 742-2623 Professional Driver Train- ing. No extra charge for road test. For more infor- mation call- Bus. 744-7238 Res.743.eig7 22 SITUATIONS VACANT 21 JOBS PRIMARILY OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Steady employment, fringe benefits, good wages and working condition. One block from trolley stop. Hours7:30a.m.t04:00p.m. Apply in Person " SERVICES WANTED BOYS & GIRLS To Deliver Newspapers "Over 40 years Experience" AUDIO TRANSFORMER Company Limited 202 Regina Street North Waterloo Call Mr. Bond 744-4435 38 DEFENSIVE LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORKERS . PIANO TUNING. REGULATING and REPAIRING Call MARVIN MICKUS LUXURY UPHULSTERING 579-4505 as DRIVING ACADEMY GLOBE and MAIL (ti) 50 MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN ( AS SEMI-DRIVERS Train now to drive semi- tractor trailers local and over the road. You can earn high wages ($8,000. to $13,000). after short training. For application and interview write: Sa- fety Department, Trans Canada Transport Train- ing, 207 Queens Quay West Suite 315, Toronto 117, On- tario. or call 416-864-9381. EXCELLENT INCOME, flexible hours, field enter- prises, educational cor- poration, World Book - Childcraft, sales represen- tative needed, no sales experience necessary. Call J. Albrecht 656-2326. Be an Avon Representative. The Christmas earnings can be fabulous, the commis- sion is good, and it is fun. And, you can do it in your spare time. _ Territories available in ar- eas of: --Bristo1, Allen, Erb. --Luean, Bowman, Moore. --gbhn, Park, Esson. Call 743-0421 26 DRESSMAKING & ALTERATIONS 23 34 TRADE SCHOOLS ACCORDIAN, GUITAR and Chord Organ lessons avail- able. Westmount and Erb area. Phone 578-9042. M DRESSMAKING and Alter- ations done. 34 Allen Street East, Waterloo. Phone 743-0463. 40 SPARE CARRIER ---, WANTED Erb Street West and Amos Avenue area. Applicants must be twelve years age, be dependable, liveinthis area. Reply in writing sta i! A 22 SITUATIONS VACANT RTEX HOBBY Products requires men and women for part or full time em- ployment. Small invest- ment, commission. 743- phone number and age t. Carriers' Supervisor, Waterloo Chronicle, Wa- terloo Square, Waterloo Ontario. . Classified Ads Really Work JINGLE ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK AGENTS & SALES HELP MUSICAL INSTRUCTION (44) (45)