y MUSICAL INSTRUCTION " CHILD CARE Peter Dyck of 28 Dorset St. has been named permanent re- turning officer for the provin- cial riding of Waterloo North. Mr. Dyck, an insurance agent, is a former treasurer of the Conservative riding association. The returning "otiicer's post was formerly held by Mrs. Isa- bel Cotter of RR 2 Waterloo. I. ammunit- PLANNING A Vacation or an- m a holiday? Catt Ellen’s 7 lot Home Service convenience ACCORDIAN, GUITAR and Chord Oitanjessons available. Westmount and Ert, area. Phone 578-9042. 21 WPQYS'T' weekends only. UNIVERSITY DAY Care Centre Opeai- for children " for summer (maths May - August. Phone 579-5390. 21 1m'AR LESSONS available, Marshall Street area. Phone Returning officer 578w5016 after six p.m. 999k} Pharmacy $1.00 p“er hour, experienced. Phone 1045“ after five pan. "Halo. etteatiaat Mm. For tttether interaction can APPLE BUTTER SWEET CIDER Refill your empty t?prrett now CHOICE APPLES 749 King St. West KITCHENER DELIVERY CALL LET US CLEAN YOUR Worth oi 1AMtqdoot on Hwy. " Across horn “In-doc Com '1.50 PER BUSHEL Stock You†mood-2131 or GOO-2039 Rugs & Furniture WATERLOO CIDER MILL Mon. to Fri, S 1m. - 9 pm Sat. 91m. . 6pm. 742-8488 while suppty lasts 576-9500 HELM YOUR BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY 19 . Waterloo potter will show - at Ontario Science Centre Sponsored jointly by the Cana- dian Guild of Crafts (Ontario) and the Science Centre, the month-long exhibition in the Centre's Great Hall next November has attract- ed the most talented and imagina- tive craftsmen in thehovince. Mrs. Ann Roberts ofa29 Albert St. is among 91 Ontario crafts- men who will participate in the most comprehensive exhibition of crafts ever mounted in On- tario, to be staged for public viewing in November at the On- tario Science Centre in Toronto. Final judging for the exhibition ended last week with 119 pieces of pottery, jewellery, tapestry, wood and glass in the collection. The well-known Canadian archi- tect, Raymond Moriyama, the Science Centre's architect, judged the entries assisted by a panel of technical experts in var- ious craft categories. "We don't object to the beautifi- cation work that Dominion Life has so kindly offered", Mr. Keener explained, "It is the blatant commercialism in a resi- dential area of the city to which we object." Mrs. Roberts' exhibit§ he in the field of ceramics. She is an active member of the local Pot- ters' Workshop. Lee L. Keener, IN Join Blvd. mohesman for the residents, said Daninion Life has already installed the 12-foot illuminat- ed sign in Peter Roos Park on Westinonnt Road facing his property. The city recently granted per- mission to Dominion Life to un- dertake a beautification project in the park, including the con- struction of a lighted fountain. The right to approve any sign erected on the property is still held by Waterloo. The residents say they were not consulted by the city before Dominion Life was authorized to proceed with the project. Crafts in all media have been ac- cepted for entry into the compe- tition. They include textiles such as weaving, hooking, stitch- ery, printed and dyed fabrics; rugs and wall hangings; wood, such as furniture and accessories; ceramics, enamels and glass; SO Westmpunt residents protest insurance sign About! Westggttttantama mi- denu have petitioned memo! Waterloo to deny the Dominica V - may an te city-owned proper on . 9. man tiaing ty. we also pick up th deliver evenings CALL NOW WHY PAY MORE FOR YOUR DRY-CLEANING? ACADIAN CLEANERS t, LAUNDERERS " King St. South Waterloo Crystal - China Ceramics Radios - Cuckoo Clocks For That Unusual Gift Visit The WINDMILI. SHOP tow 743-7357 plastic and metal jewellery, holloware and leather. Fifteen prizes of $100 each for excellence will be presented in November when the winners are announced. Royal Trust has donated $3,000 both for awards and the staging of the exhibition. The Canada Council is also con- tributing toward the show. hibition has been in the making for more than a year and will be the largest show of Ontario crafts ever held. It represents the work of the most professional and talented craftsmen in Ontario. Various craft demonstrations will take place in the Science Centre's Great Hall and in other exhibition areas at the Centre during the show, including spin- ning, pottery, weaving and metal working. Craftsmen will be on hand to explain techniques to visitors to the exhibition. The Canadian Guild of Crafts is a non-profit organization, well- known for its concern with the fostering and development of Canadian crafts. in keeping with good taste, au- thetics or principles of citizen- Mutts. "A simple plaque, such as those identifying the Janaen or Schnei- der fountains in Rockway Gard- ens should be suitable advertis- ing for Dominion Life, we feel." Mr. Keener said the residents cannot understand why the City of Waterloo did not follow the. standard practice of giving neigh- boring property owners an op- portunity to express their opin- ions when the exception to a The final selection last week included works from London, Ottawa and many other parts of Ontario. plated. He said the company could, no doubt, erect a sign on its own property and the neighbors would have no legal or'moral right to object. "In this case, however, it is city-owned land and we do ob- ject .. strenuously. " Meaaldmaid-taiatttteam. mania-we,“ ree-iota-st-ttr-vi-is torettrta"tgthepepteet."Bttt Entitled MAKE (MAK), the ex- Custom Built Homes Your Lot or Ours Phone 579-3820 VOI-GOTT CONSTRUCTION ST. ELEMENTS 699-5761 or 699-5506 Renovations & Alterations free estimates PACDNI DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD Prompt Disposal of Dead or Disabled Cattle and Horses zone by-law -is contem- Lu: No 299C 71 MOFFAT TREE REMOVAL STARKMAN chemists 308 King West. Kitchener t tttt Weber North 578-3320 Watartoo Trimming done, trees and stumps removed. Good service. Free estimates. We Pick-Up and Deliver Your Prescription FREE Low pnces, fnendly and courteous servvce 743-41 1 1 653-5848 ,ierte1tr1re.s_tttteier,rttt," " ieqestAatareeaehth'e-e-t 'Kttttrqe9t 'rfear-aartt'lthrq%rS*- FAST. FREE MUFFLER INSTALLATION Custom Pipe Bonding _ Shocks YOU TOO CAN BENEFIT From THE CHRONICLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY CALL 744-6364 Ib INDUSTRIAL . COMMERCIAL . RESIDENTIAL . MAINTENANCE . 24 HOUR SERVICE BJ. For A Free Eshmate CALL 578-2332 Waterloo City or Rural ELECTRIC