" Wanton WHO. Tm. M 10.1911 conducted by the Women's Auxiliary from mam lobby 1:30 - 4:009.m. and TOO - 8 30 pm Thursday, May 13th Continuous Tours , ANNOUNCEMENTS A REGULAR MEDICAL check- up will help prevent cancer, according to the - Canadian NASHVILLE - BUS Trip, May 24th weekend. Seats still avail- able. For information can 742- 6657. 17 YWCA SPRING CLASSES CROCHET - KNITTING - be in style for beginners or brush up on details. 6 weeks - $11.00, starting Thursday, May 6th from 8 to 10 p.m. Instructor - Mrs. Schiel. HAIR CARE - Do it your- self care and tips for sum- mer. 4 weeks - $10.00, start- ing Tuesday May 4th from 8 to 10 p.m. Instructor - Martin of Crescendo. MOTOR MECHANICS - Basics of car care and know how. Can you change a tire? 4 weeks - $8.00, starting Tuesday, May 4th from 8 to 10 p.m. Instruc- tor Jerry Esser. Class at Supertest, 427 Belmont Avenue. SUMMER COOKERY - Hot day meals, camping and barbecuing. 4 weeks - $8.00 starting Tuesday, May 4th from 8 to 10 p.m. Instructor - Barbara Campbell. Friday. April 30th IO oo a, m. Tunnel Room - Kitchener YWCA Prince Richard Chapter - IODE. KITCHENER TRIPLEX - Two bedroom apartments, walk out to back yard, landscaped. coin operated laundry facilities, i- deal retirement investment, reasonably priced, Phone 744- 4m. 18 186 King South 744-1711 Cancer Society. Hoty Saviour Church at the _ Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Susaness 743-9091 After Hours. 7423498 Terms Arranged " AUTO HOME BUSINESS Inmranco Agency 279 Weber North, Waterloo PHONE PROPERTY FOR SALE WOMEN'S DAY PHONE 744-6384 Allen St. East. Waterloo Sewlce as our KNACK WATERLOO YWCA W.H. KNACK RUMMAGE SALE RUMMAGE SALE Friday. May 7th 2 30104 00pm Register No wl l7 PRIVATE SALE .. $200. monthly student income, from this 1argemine room. seven year old, split-level with attached garage on quiet crescent in University area. Must sell. owner has left country. Phone 576-6573. 17 40,000 SQUARE Feet, ware- housing or manufacturing. mn- ed light industrial, 2,875 feet beautifully carpeted offices, fronting on two streets. 24 x 90 loading ramp, centrally located only minutes from Conestoga Parkway. Low, low low down payment possible with 7% exist- ing financing, The property must be sold as owners are moving to new and larger plant. MLS - D - 88. Call E. May, representing Dani Real Estate, Realtor at 576-5300. I7 SIX-FLEX. First time offered! Extra large and beautiful, ex- cellent location and financing. fully equipped! Yearly cash surplus $2.123. For complete details call E. May at Dani Real Estate Limited, Realtor, 576- 5300. MLS A-202. l7 to move in. now! 6 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Bow window. stone front, com- pletely decorated, custom built cupboards, roughed-in plumbing for extra washroom in basement. The driveway is paved and the lawn sodded - all ready for you 7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE VENDING IS GOOD BUSINESS! Excellent Spare Tune Income Our Company I: "paid-no and mauve: has or out um dumbuton to mac. New Type mw. outlay mdmo mach-nu on your on. Rom†WI“ be qstahl'mttqt' No Sdlmg Gsatificattoem manned honesty, uncomy, I good cu. unmet. not. to spend all to an hours My. cub tr-trrtqttt of $1,000 _ $3.000 Imminent "cured Rm game you. phone numbov. volume“ and quahficattorts to 9 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 9A APARTMENTS WANTED FOR RENT MONTH'S FREE Rent or TWO BEDROOM Apartment re- quired on first floor, either in duplex or house. two adults. Phone 742-5239. 17 You Must See This Lovely Three Bedroom ial rental bonus. Two bed- room apartment. available now, $150.00 monthly includes appliances and utilities, Lake- shore Village. Days 745-1103 Evenings 744-1033. tf BAI, DISTRIBUTORS Ll MITED BUNGALOW General Contractors Limited Days 745-1108 Evenings 743-0603 ATTACHED GARAGE 2480 Tecumseh Road East WINDSOR 1tt, Ontaoo MA RTI N MAY L down. Call Minimum " words $1.00 Each additional word 4' l7 12 COTTAGES FOR RENT CENTRAL - FURNISHED room with kitchen and livingroom pri- vileges, single girls only. Phone 746-0583. _ l7 BELL ACCORDIAN - Four and five sets of reeds amplified, like new, cost $1800. will sell for $1,000. Phone 578-3005. 18 LlDOVOX (Organ Accordian) complete with amplifier and foot pedal, will sell for $1100., still under warranty. Phone 578-9042. 18 NEW KENT semi-acoustic elec- tric guitar and case. $60.00. Phone 57841350 after five p.m. -- MANUFACTURERS OUTLET Company. Retail Depot - Now located at 714 - 716 Belmont West, Kitchener. Sale of tab.. ries, numerous bargains from our regular stock of drapery, upholstery, slip cover fabrics. yard goods and remnants at special prices. Monday to Thursday 9:00 am. - 6:00 pm. Friday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 pan. Saturday 9:00 am. - 5:30 p.m. 742-6341. (til MANURE - Low priced for quick sale, by bushel or load, well rotted. 578-1154 evenings. l7 FURNISHED ROOMS for male students, cooking facilities. close to universities. Phone CEDARWOOD - KINCARDINE Lake Huron. lake front with sundeck, three bedrooms, fur- nished, oil heater, all conven- iences. 90 miles from Kitchen- er, available. Phone 742-5662. tttA ROOMS FOR RENT Machine, in good condition] Phone 576-0466 after six pan., YOUR PORTRAIT in oils, $35.00. Pen Sketch $10.00 Call Mrs. Burns at 579-3955. 17 HEAVY DUTY Singer Sewing 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTROLUX - Authorized Dealer. Phone T45-0245. NEW and USED Office Fumi- ture, machines, typewriters. adding machines. Repairs - Rentals. lockhart Office Supp- ly, 659 King West, Kitchener. 742-1582. (ti) FOR RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS BATTERIES - Rebuilt car and tractor batteries, 88.00 ex- change. Also battery repairing 742-4716. 200 Lancaster West, Kitchener. l7 BLUE SPRUCE, Scotch, Aust- rian Pine, pyramid cedar, spreading juniper and maples, reasonable prices. 742-5745. THE Phone 742-2438. Coming To You Soon! BOOK BARN 18 18 tf tf 19 tf CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - 12 NOON TUESDAY " ARTICLES WANTED TREES - NORWAY Spruce. your choice, $2.SO each. " feet high, dig your on. Phone 742- 7645. 16 " ARTICLES FOR SALE USED TYPEWRJTERS - Do not have to be in working order. Phone “2-1582. (m " CIRCULAR SAW sharpening, "regular or carbide, knives and scissors.. For pick-up Phone home's Mower and Appliance Service 578-9130 from 4:45 to 6:00 p.m. if SPECIALISTS ON Roof Repairs - leaking roofs, roll roofing laid, shingles sealed, windows caul- ked. 578-2270. 20 LAWN FERTILIZER rolled, cut and edged. Hedges trimmed, flower gardens worked up for planting. Retridential and indus- trial. Phone 744-921l. 15 ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS GENERAL CARPENTRY TUTOR - Literature, Composi- tion, Grammar, History and Social Sciences. Reasonable fees. Phone 742-5575. (18) RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WIRING APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Mobile service plus pick-up and de- livery. Lome's Mower and Appliance Service. 578-9130. HANDYMAN - Complete Home Maintenance, indoorortdoor, notary tiller, lawns, painting, carpentry, plumbing; general spring clean-up, attics, base- ments, garages, all garbage re- moved. Phone 743-75lll. After hours 745-8363. 17 Kitchen Cabinets a Specialty "One call does it all" PLUMBING and HEATING, New wogk. repairs, altera- tions. Free estimates. Twin City Plumbing and Heating 742-0680. tf Complete Lawn Care Mowing, Rolling, Fertilizing 774 King West. Kitchener Electric Motors and Power Tools Repairs - Sales - Service PHONE 743-4829 19 Wandsworth Place Kitchener 743-5186 J. & J. LAWN SERVICE ALLEN WEBER after hours 579-3060 ' SERVICES SCANDIA ELECTRIC 579-6650 Call 17 " MAIN and MARCY '" CHAIN LINK . FENCING Galvanized and Vinyl Coated :tt,t22eaft,'t1t""1 . 'FreeEatima . 'll',",',',",",'; . 658-4424 or 658- 2585 A Machine Shop i licenced and bonded agency for housekeepers. homema- hers, cleaning ladies and baby- sitters. Call 578-1570. 17 Repairs to all Home, Auto, Port- able Radios, TV's, Tape Players and Record Players PHONE 742-5971 RADIO-TV. REPAIRS SALES-SERVICE CASH and CARRY HOME REPAIRS RENOVATIONS HOME PERSONNEL 5 Princess West, Waterloo OpertNity ' sodium-om HOURS FOR Sat, Saturday 8:30a.m. - 5:30 pm. tf PETER PFLUG 576-4856 AUTOMOTIVE RADIATO R SERVICE Gas Tanks and Radiators Repaired. Clean your whole house - Carpets, Chairs. Chesterfields Lamp Shades. Walls Cupboards, Trim Work " reation Rooms Call For Free Estimates 91 University Ave. East 576-1 570 WELDING DAMMAN. Free Estimates BOB DEKKER 744-8292 DURACLEAN SERVICES J.C. Phone