RENTAL BONUS - for a limited time only. Two bedroom a- partment available March 1st, new eight-plex apartment building, Silverbirch Road, 8150. includes appliances and utilities. Days 745-1108. Even- ings 744-1033. tf 9 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Phone 742-2438. tf 10A ROOMS FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM for business gentleman, in private home. Phone 745-6395 Waterloo. 6 BATTERIES - Rebuilt car and tractor batteries, $8.00 ex- change. Also battery repairing 742-4716. 200 Lancaster West, Kitchener. l7 The Ontario Automobile Asso- ciation now offers a special in- troductory membership to new members only.Q0 Benefits for less than three cents a day. For free information without obligation Call Joe Schwarz 745-1429. your Waterloo repres- entative. 6 " ARTICLES FOR SALE USED DESKS, TYPEWRITERS, adding and calculating mach- ines, also repairs. Lockhart Office Supply, 659 King West, Kitchener, 742-1582. tf MANUFACTURERS' OUTLET FINDLAY GAS range, in excel- lent condition, almost new, reasonable Phone 742-8175, 6 HAND MADE leather goods, Classes beginning soon at CO. Retail depot now located at 714-716 Belmont West, Kit- chener. In Belmont Plaza. Next to Little Zehrs Market. Shop for the. finest drapery upholstery, yard goods and remnants at greatly reduced prices. Open Monday to Thurs- day. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 5:30 pm. Phone 742- wallets, belts, slippers. Phone 743-6143. 8 For information call the Public Speaking and Golf Education Department 743-5201 Business 743-9091 After Hours 742-3498 Terms Arranged AUTO HOME BUSINESS insurance Agency 279 Weber North. Waterloo PHON E COMING EVENTS th ANNOUNCEMENTS PHONE 744-6364 Servoce us our KNACK W.H. KNACK the YMCA HOME' REPAIRS, remodeling, CIRCULAR SAW sharpening. regular or carbide, knives and scissors. For pick-up Phone home’s Mower and Appliance Service 578-9130 from 4:45 to 6:00 p.m. tf 16 21 JOBS PRIMARILY OF INTEREST TO WOMEN WORD ADS: Minimum rate $1 for " words: q cams for ouch ad» ditiomtt word; 25 cents on". for Box Numbov. CHIMNEYS CLEANED, Snow- Ice off roofs, leaking cellars repaired tree trimming. C. Linseman 578-2270. 6 LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPERS re- JUNIOR GIRLS used bicycle. 24 or 26 inch with small frame. reasonable. Phone 743-7202. 6 1968 DART G.T.S. Hardtop, dark green, white stripe, 340 CI. auto, radio, buckets, consoles excellent condition. $1900. 57tk 4776. 6 Telephone 744-6364 to place Clas- sified Advertisements. Index to Major tuassitications FOUR PIECE walnut finish bed- room suite with box spring and mattress. Phone 578-4505. 6 " PLUMBING and HEATING, New work, repairs, altera- tions. Free estimates. Twin City Plumbing and Heating 7420630. tf Coming Events and Announcements 1 Real Estate Servuces 6A Apartments for Rent 9 Room and Board l 1 Articles for Sale 13 gerwces 19 Help Wanted 20-23 Chuld Care 25 Dressmakmg and Alteratvons 26 Personals 28 Legal Notrces 29 Chum“ Ads. accepted until 3p.m.Tuosday. APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Mobile service plus pick-up and de- livery. Lome's Mower and I Appliance Service. 578-9130. GENERAL ELECTRIC console AM/FM stereo radio - phone graph, Gerrard three-speed changer. contemporary style walnut cabinet. Phone 74S " ARTICLES FOR SALE 19 and renovations. Large or small we do them all. C.P. IMPROVE- MENTS 742-6915. tf quired for families and elderly persons. Call Home Personnel 578-1570. 8 BOOK EXCHANGE 28 Regina St. North Open every day and night 3 for 25e We Buy Comics ARTICLES WANTED CARS FOR SALE . SERVICES POCKET NOVELS Minimum " words $1.00 Each additional word 4' 11 13 19 23 25 26 28 29 That they'll never get rich on a fixed income, yet who are young enought to want to do something about it. Phone Ed Baetz at 744- 5106 Ontario Automobile Associa- tion. 8 For the four-month Septem- ber to December period, pas- senger volume was down com- pared to a year ago (83,705 to 93,186 in 1969); revenue was up ($12,049 compared with $9,819); but costs were up also ($12,568 compared with $11,712. I'M LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW Despite the drastic drop ily passenger volume the deficit for the four-month period is only $519 compared with $1,893 in the same four-month period last year. Bus fare hike cuts deficit but use drops According to Neil Selinger, office services manager at U of W, who supervises the Uni- versity Avenue., bus service operation, the drop in passen- ger volume is partially ac- counted for by the opening of the married student residence this fall. Each new residence on campus reduces the num- ber of people who will use the bus line to get to the univer- sity. 23 AGENTS a. SALES HELP THINK MINK - High commis sion through service and distri- bution. Thorough training, sec- ond day delivery, small in- vestment. Call 742-ON2, Rick, Distributor of Koscot Kosmet- In September, however, bus fares were increased to 25 cents a trip. So far, the new rates have helped to reduce the deficit, but the number of pas- sengers using the bus has tak- enasharp drop. costs pace. WHAT A Wonderful Feeling - to always have money for new clothes, vacations, appliances, furniture. education - etc., etc., etc.', AVON Representatives do you can too! Call 743-0421. tf For several years the uni- versity has paid the Kitchen- er Public Utilities Commis- sion for any losses incurred in running PUC buses from King Street and University Avenue†in Waterloo up to 'the U of W campus. It's been the only way that a bus service could be provided. Last year the service cost the university $9,601. a 50 per- cent increase over the year before. Fares collected totalled $19,165 compared with PUC mileage costs of $28,776. Pas- senger volume was up but Higher bus fares are result- ing in a lower deficit for the University Avenue bus run which is subsidized by the University of Waterloo. But passenger volume is down sharply. increased at a faster CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - " NOON TUESDAY the Ontario Safety League: Watch That Freezy Skid Stuff. 26 DRESSMAKING NORTH WATERLOO - Private day nursery toy children 2% - 5 HOMEMAKERS AVAILABLE to live-in for vacationing parents. Call Home Personnel 578-1570. RELIABLE MOTHER will baby- sit in my home near University and Winston Churchill School. 74296919. 6 EXPERIENCED - DRESSMAK- WILL BABysrr DAYS, in my home, Erb East and Weber area. Phone 744-5483. (ti) ATTENTION MOTHERS - Baby- sitters needed must be free to work outside your homes. Ref- erences. 743-0138. 6 '"wsh"stAtGr-eseeodrsrsees A safety Sign. reported by Government licenced. Fees moderate. Phone 744-2185. 8 ING and alterations will be done at 209 Winfield Avenue, Waterloo. Phone 743-6525. 9 " Son of Seth 9 Point (Bib.) 10 Smooth " Insurrec- ll Chide tionist (coll) " Landing boat " Seine (ab) 20 Compass point 18 Former 22 Newt Spanish 25 Obtained silver coin .28 Owned . 21 HAN-ounce 30 littertwined Hebrew coin 34 European land 23 English _ measure silver coin 35 Samue[3_ _ 24 Scottish cap 85 General tendency um. Hait days or full days. Terrible " Turkish coin 61 Life principle 62 Run 63 Old German silver coin 64 Shy away to g Fishing: poie " Conclude 49 School subject tutor (Bib.) 36 Greekietter 37 Stealthy person 39 Blemish ll, 159mm - 43 Finial a BritishGrins -tung 45 Guido's high 15Tutkic OPE NEARLY NEW STORE 145 Columbia St. W. Watodoo (may cm of Philip I Columbia in l Tues. to Fri. 1:30 pm to tt pm Sat. 10 AM to ti PM CHILD CARE mm. nun-by; Finn-y tt, mu " LEN'S moralist 4 Humiliate . 5 Viscous substance 6 Mercantile event T Human group tr I_Jpper limb " " FT Tr 33 Early Virginia governor 38 Top flier 40 Mimicked 46 Mountain ridge 48 Moslem gold 26 ernch river 27 Adolescent 29 US. coin 31 Small coin I}; Ehitsid (van) 25Catch the All counselling by a registered psychologist. Full test battery giv- en, for information phone Bill Van Gorder DRESSMAKING and Aiteratimtd SEWING, ALTERA'HONS, drap- es. dresses. Phone "b4815. tt 32 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS available, Marshall Street area. Phone 578-5016 after six p.m. tf ACCORDIAN, GUITAR and Chord Organ lessons available. Westmount and Erb area. Phone 578-9042. 21 " DRESSMAKING For Students and Adults, available at the _ .e K-W YMCA Waterloo. Phone 1m. tf VOCATIONAL COUNSELLING SERVICE K-W YMCA 743-5201 PERSONALS Answer ointinent " Box-office abbreviation 60 Faucet 61 Attorney (ah) 55 Degrading li1eraver ending 57 Emigrant 49 Asunder tprefix; 50 Mature 51 Chinese monetary unit 53 quwegian